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ban thenumber13

  1. #1
    This nigga has openly admitted to being for punishment of people who use marijuana and other drugs, is a racist, and is all around an authoritarian. This shit is not in the spirit of totse's dedication to free thought and speech. To clarify, because I know there are those who are unwilling or incapable of acknowledging the distinction, he is free to believe and espouse whatever beliefs he wants, I just don't think he belongs here since he supports the kind of ideas that are anti-free thought/speech. I mean I've seen the guy say he would have no problem with snitching on people, if only to ruin their fun. Wtf? We might as well let LEO openly operate on the forum. Does this website have anything at all to do with the ideals of totse? I think it should, at least a little bit. It's kind of retarded and pointless if we just become another place for old men to bitch about how the world has done them wrong.
  2. #2
    just number13 oops
  3. #3
    Originally posted by Z-K II I dont get it

    i laid it all out right there nigga
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Z-K II i dont think you did mate

    This nigga has openly admitted to being for punishment of people who use marijuana and other drugs, is a racist, and is all around an authoritarian. This shit is not in the spirit of totse's dedication to free thought and speech. To clarify, because I know there are those who are unwilling or incapable of acknowledging the distinction, he is free to believe and espouse whatever beliefs he wants, I just don't think he belongs here since he supports the kind of ideas that are anti-free thought/speech. I mean I've seen the guy say he would have no problem with snitching on people, if only to ruin their fun. Wtf? We might as well let LEO openly operate on the forum. Does this website have anything at all to do with the ideals of totse? I think it should, at least a little bit. It's kind of retarded and pointless if we just become another place for old men to bitch about how the world has done them wrong.
  5. #5
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by greenplastic This nigga has openly admitted to being for punishment of people who use marijuana and other drugs, is a racist, and is all around an authoritarian. This shit is not in the spirit of totse's dedication to free thought and speech. To clarify, because I know there are those who are unwilling or incapable of acknowledging the distinction, he is free to believe and espouse whatever beliefs he wants, I just don't think he belongs here since he supports the kind of ideas that are anti-free thought/speech. I mean I've seen the guy say he would have no problem with snitching on people, if only to ruin their fun. Wtf? We might as well let LEO openly operate on the forum. Does this website have anything at all to do with the ideals of totse? I think it should, at least a little bit. It's kind of retarded and pointless if we just become another place for old men to bitch about how the world has done them wrong.

    Get the fuck off of my lawn.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by mmQ Get the fuck off of my lawn.

    fuck that, i was born to stand on lawns
  7. #7
    Originally posted by Z-K II Thats not your real motivation is it?

    There is a secret agenda you arent telling us about

    yes my motivation is to RATTEX all the RATS
  8. #8
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by greenplastic fuck that, i was born to stand on lawns

    Not mine. Get off or pay the price.
  9. #9
    Originally posted by mmQ Not mine. Get off or pay the price.


    how does that sound?
  10. #10
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    OK. You asked for it.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by mmQ OK. You asked for it.

    old men dont know about this life
  12. #12

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick


    this is evidence of the decline of quality that has come with the grumpy old men mentality

    using "triggered" is so lazy and boring and stopped being meaningful like a couple years ago really
  14. #14
    firefox says this site isn't regged with ICANN or whatever

    it's warning me

    how did you get this beast of a BBS to work without regi a domain?
  15. #15
    PS if lanny decides to take this down.. I will put up a UBB board on

    just give me a day .. I think you have to tweak some server settings
  16. #16
    OK nothing to do with what I said but Ima make a UBB board anyways
  17. #17
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 firefox says this site isn't regged with ICANN or whatever

    it's warning me

    how did you get this beast of a BBS to work without regi a domain?

    you just type it in the bar at the top of your browser and hit enter
  18. #18

    Originally posted by greenplastic this is evidence of the decline of quality that has come with the grumpy old men mentality

    using "triggered" is so lazy and boring and stopped being meaningful like a couple years ago really

  19. #19
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick



    if i may ask how did you originally find zoklet/totse?
  20. #20
    Originally posted by greenplastic This nigga has openly admitted to being for punishment of people who use marijuana and other drugs, is a racist, and is all around an authoritarian.

    Hey, me too! :D

    (Well, minus the last one which is probably just your shitty perception anyway.)
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