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empathy video test

  1. #21
    i didnt have a reaction


    no i didnt


    but i really didnt


    lol ok, why are you so incessant? because some animal out of the billions in the world had a bad snack? kill yourself
  2. #22
    I didn't say you had a reaction. I simply don't think your lack of one is caused by a psychological/neurological disorder.
  3. #23
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yeah... I have to agree with Dargo here. Nobody posts a video of a dog getting fucked up (I'm assuming that's what happens) and says, hmm, I wonder if others will think this is fine and feel nothing watching it. That doesn't even make sense.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by mmQ Yeah… I have to agree with Dargo here. Nobody posts a video of a dog getting fucked up (I'm assuming that's what happens) and says, hmm, I wonder if others will think this is fine and feel nothing watching it. That doesn't even make sense.

    well it didnt bother me so why would i assume its going to send everyone into butthurtland? the comments on the video were all people getting asshurt so i thought "the people on nigspace are bretty edgy, i should post this here as a judge of character"
  5. #25
    You weren't judging character, per the thread title you were specifically attempting to determine levels of empathy.
  6. #26
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Well, do you have your answer in any case?
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Dargo You weren't judging character, per the thread title you were specifically attempting to determine levels of empathy.

    isn't that a judge of character?
  8. #28
    Originally posted by mmQ Well, do you have your answer in any case?

    no, needs more replies from different posters.
  9. #29
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    For some weird reason, most of us feel some emotional response to watching a dog being tortured. There you go.
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