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very mild schizophrenia

  1. #1
    is there such a thing?
  2. #2
    fag Houston
  3. #3
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Yes, in the medical literature we generally use the term "denial" however.
  4. #4
    fag Houston
    lanny the doctor, he can tell if you have colon cancer with his dick
  5. #5
    Originally posted by Lanny Yes, in the medical literature we generally use the term "denial" however.

    well i'm not Bill Krozby gangst@Lking or totse2001 MKULTRA or obbe/§m£ÂgØL tier enlighten brainfry but i interpret things as having special meanings and i'm paranoid as fuck
  6. #6
    infinityshock Black Hole
    schitzo is another catch-all term for behavior that the witch doctors and shamans have no idea about the causes of, much less the treatment for.
  7. #7
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Haha, that's worse than aspergers! You could be in the premorbid stage, before it fully manifests. Your drug use and past behavior definitely put you at increased risk, particularly the syncans (Look up papers on the destructive neurological effect and the increase in rates of mental illness and mental health episodes (psychosis)). You're definitely in the age range for when this begins to fully appear.

    It definitely wouldn't surprise me if you were at greatly increased risk, had a genetic predisposition, all along.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-06-26T04:32:50.827284+00:00
  8. #8
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by infinityshock schitzo is another catch-all term for behavior that the witch doctors and shamans have no idea about the causes of, much less the treatment for.

    Has it ever been suggested to you you may have it? I agree with you, people are absolute idiots with their assumptions, thinking they know and understand you well enough to make that decision.
  9. #9
    I believe they call it "schizoaffective disorder"
  10. #10
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    extra spicy schizophrenia
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #11
    Originally posted by Malice Haha, that's worse than aspergers! You could be in the premorbid stage, before it fully manifests. Your drug use and past behavior definitely put you at increased risk, particularly the syncans (Look up papers on the destructive neurological effect and the increase in rates of mental illness and mental health episodes (psychosis)). You're definitely in the age range for when this begins to fully appear.

    It definitely wouldn't surprise me if you were at greatly increased risk, had a genetic predisposition, all along.

    Post last edited by Malice at 2017-06-26T04:32:50.827284+00:00

    i've been worried about developing full blown psychosis since like 14 but it never happened, despite taking 4000000 LxD's but when i get high it exacerbates it badly. i've had negative symptoms since 13 and positive symptoms since like 6. it seems like im stuck in a state that isnt quite schiz but isnt normal either.

    also its not worse than aids because i could still get laid. you never can, ever, without paying.
  12. #12
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh please, as if it's difficult and this is the one thing that makes life worth living, your life superior. How pathetic.

    How many times have I said that I'm borderline asexual, have been against all social relationships for 14 years, am borderline asocial (IRL), rejected every single girl/woman that showed interest in me etc.?
  13. #13
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Malice Has it ever been suggested to you you may have it? I agree with you, people are absolute idiots with their assumptions, thinking they know and understand you well enough to make that decision.

    Well that's true, you've certainly not shied away from making diagnostic observations on many of the userbase, and others have as well. Though we don't all know what we're like "IRL" there is still always something to be said based on posting style, especially when we've observed each other for years, and some of you for over a decade. Sure the internet is a place of release, to even be something you're not, but as always, even being who you're not is still being who you are. Posting styles are always a reflection of how a person truly is, of their personality, of their chemistry. It's very evident to see who around here is defensive, offensive, passive, aggressive, or any combination therein, who is apathetic and who is emotional, who are thinkers and who are mindless fucks.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by Malice your life superior

    well what do you have going for you? the only possible redeeming quality you have is intelligence, and i'm smarter than you. here are things you are that i'm not: friendless, parentless, autistic, a virgin, severely depressed, ugly, lacking personality
  15. #15
    i think infinityshock just needs to die
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I believe they call it "schizoaffective disorder"

    schizoaffective is bipolar + schiz with the cycles interacting
  17. #17
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by sploo schizoaffective is bipolar + schiz with the cycles interacting

    not true. there are different variations of the cycle. I've worked in the field. you haven't.
  18. #18
    well they distinguish it from a dual diagnosis of bipolar and schizophrenia, but if the cycles dont interact at all then they're two separate disorders, not schizoaffective. you may have worked in the field but your retardation negates that.
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