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Why I'm attached to NYC

  1. #1
    When I was a pre-teen, after the early 1970s.. San Francisco wasn't much in the mainstream of things. And though i didn't like Drama Class, they tried to push me into acting and or music because of my interest. ( i used to be tested a lot for mental issues as a kid because I couldn't focus on school or school projects)

    In the 1960s and 1970s and even the 1980s and 90s NYC was the center pretty much for films.. usually films about Mafia and such.

    Al Pacino, De Niro, Artist like Rbeta Bakshi and many other actors and artist from that area. NYC was the center of entertainment that died out in the 1990s.

    LA is a over populated like NYC but it's sprawled which makes it more fucked up. I mean, unless you're rich and live on the beach. it's pretty fucked up.

    Lately Hollywood has been centering San Francisco as the land that Monkeys, Mutations, Monsters and Giant Asteroids destroy.

    My Opinion is LA is (and I'm not being arrogant because I'm not a techie) Jealous of San Francisco being a successful competitor to it's rival city L.A. So they always destroy San Francisco in these films. If you're from the Blue Collar of LA this doesn't apply to you. If you're from East LA this definitely doesn't apply to you because you didn't live the "LA Lifestyle" that the elitist brag down there.

    One thing about New SF techies with money is they're more laid back than old blue money millionaires. and being a Millionaire in California is fairly common. SO WHY AM I STILL FUCKING BROKE? because I'm an underachiever and have come to accept that :(

    But San Francisco has culture like NYC. There is an old saying "A moldy loaf of bread has more culture than L.A."

    NYC is real. It's got 4 seasons and will teach you to shut the fuck up about small things. But if I cant be rich in SF how the fuck can I be rich in NYC.. so I have to find a way to make some money before I head out there.

    San Francisco before the big tech hub-bub was a cool little port city with hills and beautiful sites to get drunk or high and drift around in my late teens and early 20s with friends. not causing trouble outside of pestering tourist at times. but tourism was the cause of much of the cities income.. so we tried to treat them with respect as well. now the city wan'ts to shut down the Wharf to the small quaint shops and replace them with start up H.Q.

    I know Yuppies are taking over Brooklyn but Manhattan is still a vibe one must experience f never been there. I would liked to have visited it during the dark dank 60s and 70s but I'm happier they cleaned that red light shit up

    tl:dr I can't shorten my story.. hell I didn't even get started on it
  2. #2

    I wish to never have to go to any of those cities.
  3. #3
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick

    I wish to never have to go to any of those cities.

    lol what cities would you like to go to?
  4. #4

    Vegas, Ketchikan Alaska,... maybe some place like aspen colorado, meh idk.
  5. #5
    fag Houston
    I lived in Pittsburgh for a while and it was so fucking shitty that I said fuck the entire north east and the south east as well just because.
  6. #6
    Originally posted by fag I lived in Pittsburgh for a while and it was so fucking shitty that I said fuck the entire north east and the south east as well just because.

    Too bad, Pittsburgh is cleaning up and is becoming the tech hub of the North east

    Philly and DC and Boston is also on my list to visit perhaps this year or next
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    (dorothy in wizard of oz voice) niggers, and spics, and mudslimes....oh my
  8. #8
    Originally posted by infinityshock (dorothy in wizard of oz voice) niggers, and spics, and mudslimes….oh my

    That's why you hate NYC because of different ethnic culture? You could get your ass beat by a mob of dumb white trash in Florida just as easy as by some thugs of different ethnicity.
  9. #9
    im so fuckin stoned right now
  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 That's why you hate NYC because of different ethnic culture? You could get your ass beat by a mob of dumb white trash in Florida just as easy as by some thugs of different ethnicity.

    name one non-white-majority country where multiculturalism and mass immigration is being shoved down the throats of the indigenous population.

    now stfu nigger.
  11. #11
    Originally posted by infinityshock name one non-white-majority country where multiculturalism and mass immigration is being shoved down the throats of the indigenous population.

    now stfu nigger.

    Either you accept at will or you don't. I think it's great I can go to different restaurants and eat different ethnic foods. Now any new group that moves in and thinks their laws will dominate American laws without trying to assimilate is wrong. I don't like the snowflake attitude that we should assimilate together. I'm not talking about lifestyle but things like Shari law works against American beliefs. so it can never be accepted. and it's bizarre that Liberal women fight for it's existence. but you should be able to become friends with just about anyone.
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