If you don't know what a rape whistle is, they're a small whistle usually on a keychain or otherwise easily accessible spot. When a person is stranded in the wild or being raped they are generally advised to blow into the whistle repeatedly to gain the attention of others. The ease at which this can be done makes it possible to do it for long periods of time (for instance when hiking in the woods) and extremely loudly by even the smallest lungs.
So this guy feeling that rape was a fucked up problem in our society makes a rape whistle. A noble thing trying to stop one of the most sexually destructive acts that can befall anyone both historically and in modern times.
However, lets say that society shifts in a direction where there is less rape. This means that less people will fear rape so less people will go out of their way to purchase one of his rape whistles. As a rape whistle manufacturer this is extremely bad for business.
So the man who started out creating rape whistles to comb at rape is now in a dubious position where he benefits from increased rapes.
So while he started out wanting to end the horror of rape for all, due to his substantial propietery holdings in the area of rape whistles he's left yearning for the number of rapes to continue.
Thus by setting out to end something he now feels it's his duty to his family's business and economic success to go out and rape.
Let us reflect on the rape whistle conundrum and how it can be applied to many other aspects of life.
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
Imagine you're getting raped and you got a whistle in your mouth and you keep making this whistling noise as the fuckers pounding you, that'd be so fucked up and horrible.
He could start selling an attention whistle, it gets peoples attention to call 911 after you blow a big hole in the rapist chest with your 357 mag hollowpoint.
Originally posted by jerryb
He could start selling an attention whistle, it gets peoples attention to call 911 after you blow a big hole in the rapist chest with your 357 mag hollowpoint.
Originally posted by jerryb
Jesus dude everything isn't meant to be precise on a shit eating forum. I can bet I've put more holes in various living things than you.