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A Short Analysis Of Social Cohesion In The USA
2024-10-20 at 1:30 PM UTC
Originally posted by 🦄🌈 MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING - vaxxed and octoboosted 💉 (we beat covid!) 👬💕👭🍀 (🍩✊) White elites think they will remain in charge forever - basically they have internalised the idea that whites/jedis are inherently superior, and therefore don't need to worry.
This thought process hasn't worked out well historically, but white history is full of examples of where some faggots decide they can dominate, conquer, exploit or rule over larger groups of people just because they have better table manners.
Saying "whites think" followed by anything is as racist as saying "blacks think" followed by anything. So I stopped reading after that. -
2024-10-20 at 2:09 PM UTC
2024-10-20 at 2:14 PM UTCSpeedy Parker by the way is one of the ghouls who supported the war in Iraq.
Because jedis told him white soldiers would wipe the floor with Arabs. How'd that "cakewalk" go? -
2024-10-20 at 2:21 PM UTCSpeedy, I think you’re confusing linguistic diversity with cultural fragmentation. China might have over 300 languages spoken, but Mandarin is spoken across the entire country—people are raised speaking it, it’s the language of education, business, and government. Guangdong and Beijing are worlds apart geographically, but the language and culture they consume have been standardized by the state. The push for cultural and linguistic unity has been central to China’s strategy for decades, and any ethnic or regional differences are carefully managed. You can’t compare this to the West's fragmentation issues.
2024-10-20 at 11:38 PM UTC
2024-10-20 at 11:42 PM UTC
Originally posted by trippymindfuk We're Muricans though we share a national identity, born and bred consumers ran by a government that is a corporation thinly veiled as an actual government.
Sometimes I feel like we are a social experiment instead of a country but I will say I do love it here, there's much worse shit holes we can be living in.
any country that doesnt have its own native language is not a real country, much less a national identity.
its just a colony.
"america" is just trans-english.