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Agenda 2021 - 2030

  1. #1

    I know, I know ... David Icke ... but everything he's describing in this video is true.
    Please watch this and take it to heart, then start doing something about it!
    I'm doing my part by spreading the message.
  2. #2
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    the thing with david icke is a lot of what he says is spot on truth. but then he goes banging on about shapeshifting inter-dimentional liserd people and so everyone realizes he's nuts. so of course they then assume anything he says is nuts. i think icke is in the employment of the elite to use reverse psychology on the population so that everyone just relates what is really going on with a bat-shit crazed conspiracy-theorist lunatic on acid.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    He could be controlled opposition but hopefully he's just misunderstood.

    shape-shifting = the technology will exist. This could be elites using foglets or projection technology to take on the appearance of an anthropomorphic creature to just play around and fuck with people.
    Reptilian = David explains this in one of his videos on his yt channel. Basically he's not talking about actual reptilian creatures, rather he says humanity (more like the elites) have succumbed to beastial reptilian thinking.
    Hollywood jedi elite only care about their carnal desires, rather than the big picture and what is best for humanity as a whole.
    Take pedogate for example, these people are actually ABUSING children in the most carnal and evil way.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Thug-Street I know you ain't serious but if you seek truth start here.

    Hmm, what is this globalist UN propaganda bs?
  5. #5
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by NARCassist the thing with david icke is a lot of what he says is spot on truth. but then he goes banging on about shapeshifting inter-dimentional liserd people and so everyone realizes he's nuts. so of course they then assume anything he says is nuts. i think icke is in the employment of the elite to use reverse psychology on the population so that everyone just relates what is really going on with a bat-shit crazed conspiracy-theorist lunatic on acid.


    I guess kinda like alex jones.
  6. #6
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I guess kinda like alex jones.

    yes another example, exactly the same thing, just making people believe the truth is really just nutty conspiracy theory nonsense. its actually a very clever and devious trick they've employed.

  7. #7
    speaking of

    Alex Jonestein uploaded this video recently

    Yes, the guy who never points his finger at israel or zionism is making a video about how goofy nazism is!
    This guy is married to a jedi btw, has jedikids.
    This guy would sell you, your country and people out to however throws him enough shekels.

    I stopped watching infowars when I realized they aren't patriotic at all, just an israeli run controlled opposition front designed to turn anything against their cause into a joke.
  8. #8
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume speaking of

    Alex Jonestein uploaded this video recently

    Yes, the guy who never points his finger at israel or zionism is making a video about how goofy nazism is!
    This guy is married to a jedi btw, has jedikids.
    This guy would sell you, your country and people out to however throws him enough shekels.

    I stopped watching infowars when I realized they aren't patriotic at all, just an israeli run controlled opposition front designed to turn anything against their cause into a joke.

    pretty sure his wife isn't jedi man.

    But yeah I started watching alex jones about 15 years ago but gave up on it and didn't watch it for years, especially because the low production and him constantly "crying" but I will watch a video of his every now and then now. He's more on the political side of things rather than the satanic boogie man side of things than he used to be. But he still is intense no doubt.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-06-25T00:19:38.631839+00:00
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Thug-Street Hah white people… Yall cant ignore reality all you want and be racist rednecks or you can look towards people like George Bush / Donald Trump / Bilderberg globalists.

    It's not just the jedis its a lot of players.

    Agenda 2030.

    Alex jones is a shill.

    why would they want to get rid of irrigation, livestock and farmlands though?
  10. #10
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume

    I know, I know … David Icke … but everything he's describing in this video is true.
    Please watch this and take it to heart, then start doing something about it!
    I'm doing my part by spreading the message.

    2021-2030 I believe were the Soylent Green Files that Sol gave to the committee in Soylent Green
  11. #11
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    was nice chatting guys but i'm getting out of this fred now before spectral gets here. i suggest y'all do the same. see ya.

  12. #12
    mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    What if I'm tired of my skin, and want to take yours?
  13. #13
    Originally posted by mashlehash What if I'm tired of my skin, and want to take yours?

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty sure his wife isn't jedi man.

    But yeah I started watching alex jones about 15 years ago but gave up on it and didn't watch it for years, especially because the low production and him constantly "crying" but I will watch a video of his every now and then now. He's more on the political side of things rather than the satanic boogie man side of things than he used to be. But he still is intense no doubt.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-06-25T00:19:38.631839+00:00

    1 His wife left him
    2 why should I hate jedis (at least the real ones)
    3 Alex is a CIA asset
    4 What he sells is probably poison.. he's aiding in the murder of 85% of the population
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby why would they want to get rid of irrigation, livestock and farmlands though?

    only that which isn't under strict control.
  16. #16
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby pretty sure his wife isn't jedi man.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-06-25T00:19:38.631839+00:00

    His wife is jedi. Ashkanazi. Unless you meant Adolf Hitlers wife Eva, She was related to the Rothchilds. So there is jedi lineage in her blood. But most of us In the USA have jedi Lineage somewhere. Someone married a jedi. Practicing or not.

    I spoke to Alex Jones wife on the phone and Jason Burma as well. I was almost on Alex Show but because my kids were young, My wife said no. Since I told her everything up front. When they called back, I had to tell them My wife told me she didn't want me to talk. Didn't matter really , I spoke over the years. and it seems Alex just takes information from different people and claim it's his "Inside FBI Source" .. he steals people's thunder. not that I want recognition because I wish I never saw what I did or figure out what I could. But this guy has to sell his products for a living and acts like he's the first on the block to find shit out. He's talking about Bohemian Grove like it's a big secret and no one in the country knows about it and I'm thinking to myself, Half the families out in the bay area have always known about it.

    I'm also curious how he got a camera in back in 2000 . those things weren't small. I saw the camera he was going to bring in (if you watch the entire document). That place is swarming with not just security but Secret Service as well. Tax payers flipping the bill for that.

    I just went up to Rio Monte a few months ago, Maybe I'll show the video I have. it's the town that Bohemian Grove is next to. very heavily wooded. It has a cool little beach on a river with old German/Bavarian looking hotels and cabins all around.

    Lots of hippies too. they're always protesting whenever there is a gathering, which aren't every year but bi-annual I believe.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by MCC You guys are all such heat scores.

    You threatening me?
  18. #18
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 His wife is jedi. Ashkanazi.

    his wife is a nazi ??
  19. #19
    Originally posted by benny vader his wife is a nazi ??

    It's pronounce Ahj Kei Naz the i is silent
  20. #20
    benny vader YELLOW GHOST
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 It's pronounce Ahj Kei Naz the i is silent

    oh noe, i been pronouncing nazi wrong all these times.

    i'ma neo-naz.
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