I have no energy or appetite, been awake hours and all I've done is shower. I just kept smoking then laying down again. Now I'm in bed learning hacking. I don't have energy to sit at my desk. What I'd give to feel healthy for a day...
Juggling managing this facility, doing all my schoolwork, being an effective shitposter online, a massive troll in the messaging apps, continually postponing playing video games until everything is totally done, and trying to figure out the best way to achieve my 30 day, 6 month, 2 year and 5 year goals without causing damage to others or myself
and I got this tray of sushi plus more espresso coffee and a paper to finish and start working on a powerpoint so like a lot of shit
POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret
[my presentably immunised ammonification]
stackin wood , smokin weed and hangin out with my borrowed cat, not sure what to call him yet. he has learned to mellow out when i tell him to so thats a good thing cuz i was running out of skin for him to puncture
Originally posted by POLECAT
stackin wood , smokin weed and hangin out with my borrowed cat, not sure what to call him yet. he has learned to mellow out when i tell him to so thats a good thing cuz i was running out of skin for him to puncture
i bet u are stacking wood in your ass, bro
Hows tom the handyman, rickydicky, that other cool old guy you met the other day? YOu getting alot of asshole these days, poley?