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Just curious

  1. #61
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr You were forced to wear petticoats? Have any photos? ^^ really, in the 90’s. I couldn’t image…

  2. #62
    Kafka sweaty
    My dress was cute here. She also made us wear socks with sandals so I won't share any more...

  3. #63
    Kafka sweaty
    There's one I won't share where she made me wear an actual doll's clothes, like with the bonnet and everything.
  4. #64
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  5. #65
    Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka My dress was cute here. She also made us wear socks with sandals so I won't share any more…

    I don’t see you wearing any petticoats in your pictures. 🤷‍♀️

    I used to dress my girls in such dresses called, “baby-doll dresses” with Peter Pan collars… and this was in 1997 or so.
    I loved them in them, and thought they were adorable. 😍

    I guess, luckily, my girls were never “traumatized” by my having them do so. 😊

    Far from it… all seem to be pretty well rounded/stable individuals in spite of my horrible attire decisions. Lol👍

    The daughter on the right, here, is the one in the photo above. ❤️

  6. #66
    Kafka sweaty
    There is one under that green dress, you can see the outline and it wouldn't have that volume otherwise. Why would my mum take a photo of me in my undergarments?
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