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The Recovery Thread (The Other TRT)

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Some people are too boring and predictable to respond to

    some people dont have the mental capacity, literacy capability, or testicular fortitude to reply to posts that would result in their fragile feelings getting hurt. they prefer maintaining the status quo of everyone knowing theyre an estrogen-infested unter-bitch
  2. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    i hope we dre4am some more
  3. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by infinityshock some people dont have the mental capacity, literacy capability, or testicular fortitude to reply to posts that would result in their fragile feelings getting hurt. they prefer maintaining the status quo of everyone knowing theyre an estrogen-infested unter-bitch

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Some people are too boring and predictable to respond to
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker i dont have the mental capacity, literacy capability, or testicular fortitude to reply to posts that would result in my fragile feelings getting hurt. i prefer maintaining the status quo of everyone knowing i an estrogen-infested unter-bitch

    also i rent out my asshole to the lowest bidder to do whatever they want to it

    some people dont have the mental capacity, literacy capability, or testicular fortitude to reply to posts that would result in their fragile feelings getting hurt. they prefer maintaining the status quo of everyone knowing theyre an estrogen-infested unter-bitch
  5. EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    i literally think you mean literary there instead of literacy
  6. liter ally
  7. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by infinityshock some people dont have the mental capacity, literacy capability, or testicular fortitude to reply to posts that would result in their fragile feelings getting hurt. they prefer maintaining the status quo of everyone knowing theyre an estrogen-infested unter-bitch

  8. Originally posted by mashlehash i hope we dre4am some more

    Thatd be nice. I rarely dream anymore since i started using drugs in my teens
  9. Nummins Yung Blood
    12 days no booze. Its been up and down thing the last year but certainly have come a long way to how much I was drinking for those blurry lost years
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've been seriously considering trying to quit smoking and vaping. Every time I light a cigarette I can almost feel it shortening my life. I can't imagine what 30 years of heavy smoking has done. I quit fentanyl pretty much cold turkey, been dope sick so many times but I feel like the cigarettes are going to be the most difficult to give up. It's still just a thought but I guess that's a small step in the right direction.
  11. Nummins Yung Blood
    like in what about bob? the movie.. Baby steps ^
  12. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've never seen that but yeah. Right now it's just a thought, I'm not really ready to commit yet. I feel like it's going to be the hardest drug to quit. It wouldn't be so bad if there was some kind of benefit like got you high or was medicinal but it's pure addiction and death.
  13. Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    excellent this is exactly what I need right now, time to get weird @__@
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Anytime is a good time to get weird, I don't know how to not be weird
  15. Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]
    getting real weird quitting this krat0m, weird maniacal laughing to myself in the woods

    my neighbors must think I am a madwoman
  16. Originally posted by Nummins 12 days no booze. Its been up and down thing the last year but certainly have come a long way to how much I was drinking for those blurry lost years

    You're doing good, you don't need it.
  17. Nummins Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Junior Jacon Jeese Jurger You're doing good, you don't need it.

    Yea I know I don't but ol habits die hard as they say. I'm not going to drink tonight but deep down I know the ol bottle will be a calling me at some point and I just might wanna get a lil reaquainted with her one.. or two.. more times lol. Just feels good right now not in a hurry touching it
  18. Originally posted by Nummins Yea I know I don't but ol habits die hard as they say. I'm not going to drink tonight but deep down I know the ol bottle will be a calling me at some point and I just might wanna get a lil reaquainted with her one.. or two.. more times lol. Just feels good right now not in a hurry touching it

    As a former alcoholic I know that feeling. Alchol was the worst substace I've ever used in my life. You want to meet a demon? Give me a fifth of vodka. I had no self control and I eventually learned from my mistakes. Drink responsibility if you want to and don't let it ruin your life like what I went through. I have been to hell and back.
  19. I havent drank in a couple weeks but its mostly bc i feel like shit and i dont want to. Otherwise ive been pretty lazy recovery wise. I hit like one meeting a month. I just eatn play video games n pay bills and work and generally be a boring piece of shit
  20. i could be worse, but im not doing great. Recovery is kind of a holistic thing, and ive kind of just been wallowing. i didnt drink today but i did take a mexican xanax bc the panic attacks ive been having are absolutely brutal. I drive drunk as fuck more often than i should. Moreso after i found out my gf is pregnant and she wants to keep the baby. Id already felt like i was drowning and this just kind of pushed me deeper. Said i needed a little space to breathe for a bit, and that we should focus on being friends and partners and we ended up breaking up. I thought id feel relieved after 2.5 years of a very emotionally demanding relationship but i dont. In tje places i dont feel numb, I feel empty. I feel bad that im unwilling or unable to give her what she wants. I feel bad that something that should be so happy is turning into such a messy shit show. I feel bad that she probably feels scared and alone. And that we’re in this position because i couldnt bring myself to set clear boundaries earlier on in our relationship. Got a good job and then lost it because i couldnt properly juggle 2 jobs and id committed to wait out the first one.

    They just lowered my credit limit on one of the CCs i never used from $35,000 to 6k so thats going to fuck my credit score a bit.

    Idk. Im fucking tired. Like soul tired. But im so anxious i cant even sleep. Alcohol sucks. And then i have terrible fucking dreams.

    “Everything is always going to be fine, even when it isnt”- is what i keep telling myself. Life’s slow grinding away smooths out all the sharp edges eventually. But feeling like an observer in your own life just really sucks. I dont know why it feels this way.

    Anyway. Its fine.
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