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  1. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny You said "Im not a Christians"

    you lie a lot

    Now you're just making shit up.
  2. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Now you're just making shit up.

    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I never claimed to be a Christian. I've always been totally open about how evil I am.

    Source page
  3. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Source page

    Words are important, pal. Saying I never claimed to be a Christian is not the same as me saying I'm not a Christian.
  4. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Words are important, pal. Saying I never claimed to be a Christian is not the same as me saying I'm not a Christian.

    So what if Jesus was a parachute and you were about to jump out of a plane? It doesn’t take a lot of courage to skydive from an airplane…it just takes one step. The step between leaving the airplane and leaping into the clear blue sky is the essential step to skydiving. You’ve got to be a little bit crazy to skydive in the first place, but jumping from a moving airplane while in flight and landing safely on the ground may be one of the greatest thrills I’ve ever experienced in my life.

    You have to understand how to fly with a parachute before you jump out of an airplane. Of course, you must know how to control your body in the air before planning your first jump. There are a lot of other things that need to be factored into skydiving if you’re going to land on the ground safely… but understanding these things completely doesn’t help you make the first jump from a moving airplane.

    I can’t tell you the number of people I’ve seen stand on the ramp of an airplane in flight, look over the edge with total terror in their eyes, and decide not to make the jump. These folks understood everything they needed to know before their first skydive, but knowledge alone couldn’t get them over the edge of the airplane. Something else was holding them back.

    I’m using the imagery of skydiving to set up what it looks like to be a Christian who’s willing to follow Jesus wherever he leads. I’m convinced Jesus doesn’t call his people to live a tame, safe faith. Following Jesus and holding nothing back will be both an exhilarating and terrifying thrill ride. It might get a little bit scary when Jesus is completely calling the shots in your life – but it’s also thrilling.

    Here are three things that usually hold a Christian back from displaying a courageous faith. Chances are, one or more of these things might be holding you back from doing something “crazy” for Jesus:
    A place

    Let’s face it, some people just get comfortable where they are in life. Some people get so comfortable with their standard of living, they are not willing to give that up when Jesus is clearly leading them to do something different with their lives. There’s a guy just like this in Luke 18:18-23 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] .

    This guy is referred to as a rich man, or a rich young ruler because he has a lot of possessions and a lot going for him. Let’s give this guy a little credit; it appears from the story he is genuinely interested in what it’s going to cost him to follow Jesus. However, when he hears the costs, he’s not willing to pay the price to follow Jesus. He was unwilling to give up his standard of living and step off the edge of the airplane and follow Jesus wherever it took him. His place or possessions in life held him back from skydiving for Jesus.
    A perspective

    Sometimes it’s your perspective in life that’s holding you back from going all in for Jesus. As a pastor, I’ve seen this most often when God is calling a person to do something that clashes with hopes for the future. In other words, you have a plan for the future. Your plan is working to perfection. Everything is falling into place the way you wanted it to. You’re heading exactly where you want to go, and then God throws you a curveball!

    Many people are going to miss that curveball. Many Christians are going to refuse to take the last step of faith because they already know this is not the direction they want to see their life go. In other words, they get into a tug-of-war between their dreams for the future and God’s plans for their future. This happens in Matthew 8:18-22 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] . The guy in this story really wants to follow Jesus. By the way, the Bible describes him, this guy seems to be pretty sincere, until Jesus explains what this future might look like for him. When he starts to see the cost of following Jesus, he starts to look for excuses. That’s when he decides to remind Jesus he just had a death in the family, and he’s got a lot of stuff at home he still needs to take care of before he is willing to step off of the ramp of the airplane. It’s fascinating to me that Jesus doesn’t cut this guy any slack! In fact, he throws it back into this man’s lap. In essence, Jesus is saying, “After stepping off the ramp of the airplane, there’s no turning back! Let someone else bury your dead father while you fly through the clear blue sky with me.”
    A person

    Your place in life and your perspective on life can easily hold you back from going over the edge with Jesus. But did you know a person can hold you back from going over the edge with Jesus as well? Sometimes people are more committed to a friend or a family member than they are to Jesus. Their relationship with another person holds them back from being courageous and stepping off of the edge for Jesus.

    Jesus deals directly with this in Luke 14:25-27 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] . In these verses, Jesus refuses to allow another person to come between you and him. In fact, Jesus says if you are allowing somebody else to be more important to you than Jesus, you’re not worthy to call yourself a disciple. These are hard words for all of us who love somebody else deeply.

    I don’t think Jesus is asking you to personally hate everyone you’ve ever met. Rather, I think he’s challenging you to put him first and everyone else in your life second. Perhaps that never becomes more difficult than in a Christian marriage, because, within the confines of marriage, you have to honor your spouse and follow Jesus at the same time. These two things can be very challenging, but they are not mutually exclusive. It is possible, but difficult to put Jesus first and honor your spouse at the same time. Let’s face it, single people have an advantage on married couples when it comes to following Jesus. The relationship responsibilities on a single person are much easier than the relationship responsibilities on a married Christian.

    For those of you with a safe, boring faith, what’s holding you back right now? What’s preventing you from going all in for Jesus wherever that leads you? Are you standing on the edge of life, looking down at the earth from the ramp of the airplane, terrified about taking the next step? If so, close your eyes and take the leap! If you will take the next step and display courageous faith, Jesus will meet you there. If you will take that step of faith, I promise you the ride will be anything but boring!
  5. It shouldn't even be about Jesus, it should be about yourself and doing what's right and what's needed. Putting all your focus and energy into someone else, no matter who it is, is a copout for personal responsibility.
  6. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Words are important, pal. Saying I never claimed to be a Christian is not the same as me saying I'm not a Christian.

  7. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It shouldn't even be about Jesus, it should be about yourself and doing what's right and what's needed. Putting all your focus and energy into someone else, no matter who it is, is a copout for personal responsibility.

    Hell is paved with good intentions, Buddy. You're the one who quoted Rev 3:15-3:16

    I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

  8. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny ITS THE VERY FUCKING SAME THING YOU PSYCHO FUCK

    No, it's not the same. You claimed I said I wasn't a Christian, which is false. I never said I was a Christian, and I never said I'm not a Christian.
  9. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    I'm Watching "Mother" with Jennifer Lawrence and that dude from No Country for Old Men (Javier Bardem)


    What the actual fuck

  10. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Hell is paved with good intentions, Buddy. You're the one who quoted Rev 3:15-3:16

    I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.


    You don't know my temperature, so don't pretend you do.
  11. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  12. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  13. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ You don't know my temperature, so don't pretend you do.

    It's like having a fucking Thermal camera pointed at you at all times. You're temps are all over the place. like a poorly insulated room during a the hottest summer or coldest winter while the heater or A/C is running and stopping.

    But you're not Hot or Cold. You're unpredictable. so yeah. "Don't judge me" because no one knows which one you're going to pretend to be next.

    that's the same as his reference to warm
  14. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny I'm Watching "Mother" with Jennifer Lawrence and that dude from No Country for Old Men (Javier Bardem)


    What the actual fuck

    I paused this movie. It has these unwanted guest that show up. First a Doctor who tells them the neighbors said they (the couple) ran a Bed and Breakfast but they said "No we just own the house" and the husband invites him in. then his wife shows up. then the wife is a fucking crazy nosey Karen and then they break a special glass thing owned by the House's Husband. then the fucking couple's crazy sons show up fighting over a will the father (who is dying) is leaving one son more than the other unless they both get along. then one goes Cain on his brother (like Cain on Abel) and then they rush the one son bleeding out of his head profusely to the hospital.

    and the House' owners wife played by Jennifer Hot ass Lawrense is just freaking out. Saying very little. Just Traumatised by the shit unfolding minute after minute. but it's a surreal vibe like the movie Rosemary's Baby when the Neighbors keep popping over and being all up in her business and close to the creepy ending part.

    I'm only half way into the film (or just less than half)

    The point of this all is I asked myself "Who the fuck acts this waY' only to remember back to my childhood and a Lot of crazy people are unstable like this. Take Bradley for instance. He's very unstable and should be on Geodon mixed with 10cc of Thorazine. fucking wacky fucking fuck that he is. Him and DTE
  15. ner vegas Space Nigga
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    lol that one's pretty good
  16. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ner vegas lol that one's pretty good

    Orthodox? Blow away evil
  17. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Hey Scron

    Our Protestant Church had a great Cathedral and beautiful Stain Glass Windows depicting the story of Christ and Noah and Moses.

    not all Protestant Churches exist in a Strip mall. the Unitarian Church across from ours was a beautiful design and the other churches in the Protestant faiths also were very beautiful churches in my hometown.

    they all aren't just 4 box walls.
  18. ner vegas Space Nigga
  19. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny It's like having a fucking Thermal camera pointed at you at all times. You're temps are all over the place. like a poorly insulated room during a the hottest summer or coldest winter while the heater or A/C is running and stopping.

    But you're not Hot or Cold. You're unpredictable. so yeah. "Don't judge me" because no one knows which one you're going to pretend to be next.

    that's the same as his reference to warm

    Now you're comparing me to an air conditioner. That's just great.
  20. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Hey Scron

    Our Protestant Church had a great Cathedral and beautiful Stain Glass Windows depicting the story of Christ and Noah and Moses.

    not all Protestant Churches exist in a Strip mall. the Unitarian Church across from ours was a beautiful design and the other churches in the Protestant faiths also were very beautiful churches in my hometown.

    they all aren't just 4 box walls.

    That's the exception, not the rule. That being said I don't think you need to be any specific denomination to "do church right" and I think pizza hut AI church is perfectly valid but obviously everyone can't have a wooden icon sealed in topaz glass that endlessly streams tears of Myrrh
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