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You can make a dragon in your mind that will go into other minds and traffic reality drugs into your consciousness

  1. #21
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    call me a liar
  2. #22
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    i'lll stick a dragon dilo in ur ass you arnox dragon fagit
  3. #23
    Kingoftoes Tuskegee Airman
    What's a reality drug?

    Is it shrooms?
  4. #24
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes What's a reality drug?

    Is it shrooms?

    I would say meth personally, I find it to be a very spiritual drug. If you can keep your shit there is no feeling greater than opening 20 tabs, reading them all quickly, formulating ideas and then applying those ideas and growing exponentially. The hours really fly by

    I feel as if i've honed thousands of hours doing things like writing or solving problems

    You quickly realize the skills you need to survive and be alive are very basic. The skills to thrive and surpass the bounds of humanity are definitely more at reach while on amphetamines. A lot of people that get lost in the sauce I think just focus on the basics, survival, and getting high. But I think a balance of both is somethingERROR*$(&V_BRAIN.DAMAGE%%%%%ツ%%%%%%%%%
  5. #25
    Elbow African Astronaut
    What if I make Border Patrol and DEA agents to police my mind and also to send them out to find and kill all the drug dealing dragons?
  6. #26
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    gaslighting through hivemind
  7. #27
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    dragon drilldo
  8. #28
    Morshoo Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Dirtbag This is why I hate philosophy, so much thought wasted on things that don't matter and aren't true. You will never find the answers.

    every single advancement in culture, mathematics, technology, society, everything began as mere musings in
    one’s mind. in order to change the world you must contemplate the world. a theoretical framework must be devised before it can be tested. it is convenient that you can reap the benefits of all of history’s great thinkers without expending the same mental effort.
  9. #29
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
  10. #30
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny THREAD LOCKED FOR TOS VIOLATION

    how did you make the text red like that
  11. #31
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood how did you make the text red like that


    you're just being goofy but
  12. #32
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    the problem is when you code in red or any color and you Uncode it with the slash it doesn't seem to go back to its original color if you change the UI. so I use it only on the last line(s) and just leave out the closing "/ bracket
  13. #33
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  14. #34
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Alicewhite
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Antiquewhite
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Aqua
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Aquamarine
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Azure
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Beige
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Bisque
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Blanchedalmond
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Blue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Blueviolet
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Brown
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Burlywood
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Cadetblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Chartreuse
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Chocolate
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Coral
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Cornflowerblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Cornsilk
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Crimson
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Cyan
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkcyan
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkgoldenrod
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkgray
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkgreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkkhaki
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkmagenta
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkolivegreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkorange
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkorchid
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkred
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darksalmon
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkseagreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkslateblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkslategray
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkturquoise
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Darkviolet
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Deeppink
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Deepskyblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Dimgray
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Dodgerblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Firebrick
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Floralwhite
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Forestgreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Fuchsia
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Gainsboro
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Ghostwhite
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Gold
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Goldenrod
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Gray
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Green
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Greenyellow
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Honeydew
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Hotpink
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Indianred
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Indigo
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Ivory
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Khaki
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lavender
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lavenderblush
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lawngreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lemonchiffon
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightcoral
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightcyan
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightgoldenrodyellow
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightgreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightgrey
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightpink
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightsalmon
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightseagreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightskyblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightslategray
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Lightsteelblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Linen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Magenta
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Maroon
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Mediumaquamarine
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Mediumblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Mediumorchid
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Mediumpurple
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Mediumseagreen
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Mediumslateblue
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Mediumspringgreen
  15. #35
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    fucking show off.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #36
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    This one is pretty
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Chartreuse
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #37
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  18. #38
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    off topic

    Tom Cruise is a Dangerous Friend to have. He nearly murked someone with Hypoxia

    funny as shit though.
  19. #39
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    #(I$#()$*#()$#*( Burlywood

    Looks like the black ink running out when you print
  20. #40
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    dragon dill dew
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