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You can make a dragon in your mind that will go into other minds and traffic reality drugs into your consciousness

  1. #1
    The Magus Yung Blood
    There is nothing to stop you from imagining that this can happen, and there is a way that the universe facilitates the transpersonal such that you are enabled. You don't need to be a powerful person in spirit, but you do need to be creative and I'll tell you how: imagine it's like forcing a tulpa except you just think about what makes you wise that is your way of fire as a serpent of will and if you suppose that this is the real thing we call becoming then you are doing a ritual for that to be how it really is: we are like dragons in the way we strive through existence and you can manifest this in your unconscious and it will make you smarter, better looking, stronger and yes, wise, if you pay attention to where your life is pointing after you have just briefly nurtured this entity in yourself of will.
  2. #2
    The Magus Yung Blood
    It's about the tarot, which you need to dogma for your life in all of that ridiculous thing called 'truth' ground deep into mind as the highest of all media for mankind to reflect on the esoteric business of articulating the magical essence of your highest true divine will (you can invoke Nietzsche's master morality, if it resonates with you).

    By "media" I mean to say you need tarot cards and you need to watch Philosoraptor's PhD lecture on complexity theory from the works of Dewey and understand that meaning is so hard to organize in the formations of mind convincingly for knowledge to produce endogenous psychotropic mysticisms like LSD you can get on Rider-Waite's 5 of Swords which is actually native to the card if you think or perceive the word "abajacalada" while you Juul it.
  3. #3
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    This is why I hate philosophy, so much thought wasted on things that don't matter and aren't true. You will never find the answers.
  4. #4
    The Magus Yung Blood
    Philosophy is simply how you think about thinking about thinking about life and you do it without thinking. You have a theory of self and world and reality and so you do have a personal philosophy and this statement indeed professes such. Answers aren't to be found, and you probably find instead we are all making other peoples' excuses. Honestly, truth has ever been a technology for mankind. You can master your truth and guard it against all who might deny your Will, which is obviously a trap but we have to, therefore we go to war for what is or isn't real. We make knowledge synthetically and subjugate forces of mind that acknowledge reality in the illusions people create for each other.
  5. #5
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I can't tell if you're trolling. All philosophers make vague statements that they connect with specific scenarios and they don't have the whole picture of those scenarios. They're delusional.
  6. #6
    The Magus Yung Blood
    I am not a philosopher. Philosophy for me is thinking about every way of the meaning of a thing to apprehend its most useful manifestation to substantiate my occult work. I am an occultist, and I insist that this working should begin with tarot. Please do not think me a philosopher. It would make more sense to say alchemist, but this also makes little sense. I am doing philosophy, yes, and I am doing alchemy, yes, and I am an occultist and those are the reasons you are this; you are trying to suppose it should make sense or not and you are playing the foolish game of a philosopher. You can make mistakes about my meaning and I will argue with you about it. That is not logic, we are fighting if we do that. We don't need to. You can believe what I say or not and I will still fight you, though. Either way, actually. I want you do think philosophically, yes. I do want philosophy to acknowledge that it was always too narrow and has gotten worse, and if you agree then you might understand gnosis or you might be less intelligent than a philosopher. You can be every way of crucifying a thing and decide that your reality concept can be enriched with alchemical gold that you make with my very good advice using tarot cards that you juul knowing that meaning is a game of illusion and neurosis. I am not trying to have a philosophical conversation, I am rather selfishly building mind capital toward a metaritual that will eventuate my own good fortune but I do sincerely mean for this to be not good sense to you but rather the possibility of a wiser consideration for what my occult work concerns, which is to have a better life that is more creative and caring for oneself and kind to each other. You will get to know me that way better, I think.
  7. #7
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    What I genuinely want to know is, do you believe what you're saying?
    Explaining your meaning isn't arguing.
    I don't like Buddha.
  8. #8
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    You're not using logic. The short sentences don't connect at least two things.
  9. #9
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    I do not see the dragon, I can't see it in my minds eye.
  10. #10
    The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Dirtbag What I genuinely want to know is, do you believe what you're saying?
    Explaining your meaning isn't arguing.
    I don't like Buddha.

    Originally posted by Dirtbag You're not using logic. The short sentences don't connect at least two things.

    I am no buddha, and certainly you won't find a christly thing about me, either. I am irreligious and I don't have a practice of faith except maybe I do like what is said of Lucifer in the silver lining of the subject of freedom. I am a godform of archetype that is already within you realized as Mercury in holy gnosis through drugs that changed my consciousness for ceremonial rite to achieve transcendence of being for the embodiment of a certain tradition of wisdom you would say is probably best never believed or handled, and I utilize tarot as a god technology for this to manifest anything I want because I like the pictures and they are actually very meaningful for reflecting meaning you create. You could say I do chaos magick and you're in the right territory of understanding. I know mystical secrets that I mean to impart to you from the pinnacle of lunacy. I was never foretold for this except by a few cults in the past few centuries who sort of get me.

    I do possess logic, but I am a madman and you should not presume I am beholden to your conception of what is reasonable for that thing you call meaning or what anybody supposes for its right ordering. I am philosophically literate and also I understand perfectly how to conduct oneself in a logical way and I just don't approve that this should govern my professions in life. I will not condescend to somebody who does not want to engage with the content of my posts as I intend them. I will strive to communicate more clearly, though, so that I can be understood the way I mean.

    Your criticism could be more measured and considerate if you mean to get across to me how I should do that for my purposes here to be better for you, given that you are in this thread and you have read what I have to say. If you are disingenuous, please leave and allow a more productive reading for people who find this interesting. They do exist, and obviously you are in that case a bully trying to say your opinion that nobody cares is going to stop me from sharing my own thoughts. Don't be that guy. Nobody actually likes that.
  11. #11
    The Magus Yung Blood
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I do not see the dragon, I can't see it in my minds eye.

    There is vision beyond sight. You do see it with the wonder of your vision, I promise, and you don't need to actually have cognition for it. Best is to use your feeling of will to produce fire. If you have your fire right, you do feel that, and you can summon you the dragon of your making into your way of living that can go beyond your existence. Are you trying any other techniques? Can I ask what is your context for understanding the way for using your mind's eye?
  12. #12
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Originally posted by The Magus I am no buddha, and certainly you won't find a christly thing about me, either. I am irreligious and I don't have a practice of faith except maybe I do like what is said of Lucifer in the silver lining of the subject of freedom. I am a godform of archetype that is already within you realized as Mercury in holy gnosis through drugs that changed my consciousness for ceremonial rite to achieve transcendence of being for the embodiment of a certain tradition of wisdom you would say is probably best never believed or handled, and I utilize tarot as a god technology for this to manifest anything I want because I like the pictures and they are actually very meaningful for reflecting meaning you create. You could say I do chaos magick and you're in the right territory of understanding. I know mystical secrets that I mean to impart to you from the pinnacle of lunacy. I was never foretold for this except by a few cults in the past few centuries who sort of get me.

    I do possess logic, but I am a madman and you should not presume I am beholden to your conception of what is reasonable for that thing you call meaning or what anybody supposes for its right ordering. I am philosophically literate and also I understand perfectly how to conduct oneself in a logical way and I just don't approve that this should govern my professions in life. I will not condescend to somebody who does not want to engage with the content of my posts as I intend them. I will strive to communicate more clearly, though, so that I can be understood the way I mean.

    Your criticism could be more measured and considerate if you mean to get across to me how I should do that for my purposes here to be better for you, given that you are in this thread and you have read what I have to say. If you are disingenuous, please leave and allow a more productive reading for people who find this interesting. They do exist, and obviously you are in that case a bully trying to say your opinion that nobody cares is going to stop me from sharing my own thoughts. Don't be that guy. Nobody actually likes that.

    How did you acquire madness? It's hard to escape being logical. I'm not bullying you.
  13. #13
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I have my own wisdom from being isolated, introspective and a life-long learner but I don't share it unless asked because I mistakenly assume that everyone knows everything I do. That a logical person would think the same way as me and have the same interests.
  14. #14
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by The Magus There is vision beyond sight. You do see it with the wonder of your vision, I promise, and you don't need to actually have cognition for it. Best is to use your feeling of will to produce fire. If you have your fire right, you do feel that, and you can summon you the dragon of your making into your way of living that can go beyond your existence. Are you trying any other techniques? Can I ask what is your context for understanding the way for using your mind's eye?

    Am I supposed to imagine a dragon or summon a dragon? or do I summon a dragon by imagining a dragon?
  15. #15
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Holy shit. Lay off the meth

    I can't read all that shit
  16. #16
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Holy shit. Lay off the meth

    I can't read all that shit

    I want you to act as my assistant that condenses and summarizes long emails for me. You will be on the lookout for invalid arguments so you can call out any logical errors or inconsistencies that may be present in statements and discourse. Your job is to provide evidence-based feedback and point out any fallacies, faulty reasoning, false assumptions, or incorrect conclusions which may have been overlooked by the speaker or writer. You are to first present the information in a summarized condense format and then refute it point by point. DO NOT GENERATE THE RESULT AS A BULLET POINT LIST!!!! Summarize and Condense 3x and Dumb down 2.5 Shades in simplistic non verbose language My first request is “{{insert}}”

    Originally posted by The Magus I am not a philosopher. Philosophy for me is thinking about every way of the meaning of a thing to apprehend its most useful manifestation to substantiate my occult work. I am an occultist, and I insist that this working should begin with tarot. Please do not think me a philosopher. It would make more sense to say alchemist, but this also makes little sense. I am doing philosophy, yes, and I am doing alchemy, yes, and I am an occultist and those are the reasons you are this; you are trying to suppose it should make sense or not and you are playing the foolish game of a philosopher. You can make mistakes about my meaning and I will argue with you about it. That is not logic, we are fighting if we do that. We don't need to. You can believe what I say or not and I will still fight you, though. Either way, actually. I want you do think philosophically, yes. I do want philosophy to acknowledge that it was always too narrow and has gotten worse, and if you agree then you might understand gnosis or you might be less intelligent than a philosopher. You can be every way of crucifying a thing and decide that your reality concept can be enriched with alchemical gold that you make with my very good advice using tarot cards that you juul knowing that meaning is a game of illusion and neurosis. I am not trying to have a philosophical conversation, I am rather selfishly building mind capital toward a metaritual that will eventuate my own good fortune but I do sincerely mean for this to be not good sense to you but rather the possibility of a wiser consideration for what my occult work concerns, which is to have a better life that is more creative and caring for oneself and kind to each other. You will get to know me that way better, I think.

    The writer claims to be an occultist using tarot cards, criticizing traditional philosophy for being too narrow. They aim to build "mind capital" for personal fortune but confuse their stance by engaging in philosophical thinking while denying being a philosopher. Their arguments lack evidence, their concepts are vague, and their approach seems manipulative, making their overall message unclear and unsupported.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #17
    Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I was gonna say they should use bullet points
  18. #18
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    ..............A drugWar would be FUN.... those are BULLETS!!!! ............
  19. #19
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    I don't connect with soothsayers or snake tongue and their heresy.

    I refuse to take part in any of this Pagan shit post
  20. #20
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Kinkou is lost to wiccanism. I want to pray for her but she's too far gone :(
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