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Captured a UFO on camera.

  1. #21
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Hey Wozny. I haven't seen that movie, pretty sure no one has.

    That's your fucking loss now isn't it.

    Its a british made movie with the comedy sense of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost

    you're just a young greenhorn wet behind the ears in life but the face of an 60 year old balding
  2. #22
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Now with all of the so called Government Exposing UPA's as possible out of world entities

    They haven't said this...more misinformation.
  3. #23
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  4. #24
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson They haven't said this…more misinformation.

    Government as in Employees of. Congress, Military

    Never heard of the Disclosure Project of 2001? its only lack of information but it's on the cusp of change
  5. #25
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
  6. #26
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Government as in Employees of. Congress, Military

    Never heard of the Disclosure Project of 2001? its only lack of information but it's on the cusp of change

    That's not the government, it's a few nutty gov (mostly EX) employees speculating.

    As always ZERO proof, just people talking and speculating....might as well be Wariat and Bradley bullshitting about dick sizes.
  7. #27
    Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I think it's pretty arrogant of us to assume we're the ONLY intelligent life in the cosmos.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Grimace I think it's pretty arrogant of us to assume we're the ONLY intelligent life in the cosmos.

    The possible existence of other life in the universe is a completely different topic to UFO coming here to fuck around in front of a cow and then leaving...
  9. #29
    Charles Ex Machina African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grimace I think it's pretty arrogant of us to assume we're the ONLY intelligent life in the cosmos.

    its like on par with thinking your site is the best designed website on the internet.

    and going around critisizing other websites' design.

    as arrogamt as dat.
  10. #30
    It's arrogant to assume other species would even view us as intelligent life and interesting enough to study vs viewing us as boring and one step up from a slug.
  11. #31
    Kingoftoes Houston
    Originally posted by Buddha You can't find evidence of UFOs outside the domain of human wonder for the universe, which can be transpersonal. Rizzo is an example of somebody who is capable of this, and so is Ate. I'm not sure if we would agree that it should be understood in terms of humanity doing war crimes against the shittiest possible moral stance on Newton with the worst intentions for morphology but an alien ship is really just a big thing for making sure a group or population of how people could have been might survive travel in realms of meaning to get somewhere else for us to understand the world in another way; and although there are good people you might call wise who try to oversee this instead of the gods we want there is the sad truth that humanity will decide that every hardship should occur to minorities in migration. They are us returning to become more complex in becoming more people for tomorrow's tomorrow to have greater war to ritualize the individual for work and this is of course exploited to the point that slavery still exists in the world.

    Holy shit it's the fucking Buddha™️
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