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Woodstock was Racist

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny You barely saw any black or Hispanics there, not performing on stage.

    They should of dropped a MOAB on them dirty Hippy racist fucks

    Um what about Jimi Hendrix, he was there.
  2. #22
    Bradley Florida Man
    56 years ago isn't that long of a time. Spectral had just finished studying his letters at that time.
  3. #23
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Um what about Jimi Hendrix, he was there.

  4. #24
    Don't you remember? America, along with the rest of the west, used to be white. Before the big brown baby boom and associated mass immigration.
  5. #25
    White people are so evil everyone wants to be around us.
  6. #26
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    White people do feel entitled. I'v dealt with that my entire life and always wondered what makes anyone entitled to shit just because they were born in a family with wealth or some kind of ethnic pride. but now I'm noticing black people have it and others. but its' very strong in the white race.

    people should learn to be blessed with what they have. its not guaranteed.
  7. #27
    Entitled to what?
  8. #28
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    lol everyone who doesn't live in Canada is so brainwashed by media and race politics and #woke take the red pill and wake up sheeple!!!
  9. #29
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Entitled to what?

    As if they yell for changes in their favor. clique mentality too. expecting shit. always manipulating what is said in a way they agree but that one thing they point out that you're wrong and spin it so it should be in a way that favors their best interest regardless of how insane and illogical or contradictive it may be.

    maybe that is just human nature but it seems more white people (mainly white women) are the most self centered and shallow. but Im seeing this in the black race now you didn't see with the older black people or when blacks were young 40 years back. I don't live in Ireland I live in California so maybe its more of the states. but I would think it's a universal thing. a cultural thing.

    I also came to learn that White Women on the west US coast were brought out for the Gold Rush and most were Prositutes who wanted to retire whoring and were the only women willing to take chances since most prostitutes were chance takers. its like a mental disease that pushes certain women that direction. so they came out, and their "Strong woman values" of being self reliant is why for generations afterwards their offsprings were so LEfty Lefty. their grandmothers were WHORES and that was taught to them from childhood. more risk takers than the Midwestern laid back Christian Folk.

    makes sense. this is why Liberalism and Woman of Empowerment and Anti Christian Values is so strong on the west coast. thankfully My mother came from the Midwest but I often think my Sisters friends pushed those ideas into her head.
  10. #30
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny Audience

    You don't think Jimiboy watched the other performers or had black family friends there watching him?
  11. #31
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You don't think Jimiboy watched the other performers or had black family friends there watching him?

    The overwealming majority in the audience are a bunch of white hippies. like 99% or more. not enough people of color
  12. #32
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny The overwealming majority in the audience are a bunch of white hippies. like 99% or more. not enough people of color

    Well duh...even now only 13% of the population are black...

    Plus it would be cultural appropriation for blacks to like white music...go to a 1970s black jazz club and see how many whities are there. BROTHER EWWW
  13. #33
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    its like 99.45 whitey
  14. #34
    Originally posted by Lanny Lanny its like 99.45 whitey

    Have you been to a 1970s underground jazz was 100% nog.
  15. #35
    Bradley Florida Man
    I hate when Wozny writes long ass posts and it's just retarded bullshit, I do read the first like three sentences and the last sentence but it just seems like a bunch of old man wanker bullshit.
  16. #36
    Bradley Florida Man
    Not high quality content like a hot and fresh loaf of Breadley.
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Have you been to a 1970s underground jazz club…it was 100% nog.

    Only white people feel the need to apologise for being a group.

    Which is what this is. Out of control neuroticism prompted by white guilt and white ethnomasochist memery.

    White people did something, and OP is freaking out about it in religious guilt in fear that his group actually went and did something by itself at some stage nearly 100 years ago.

    Besides, Woodstock was jedi as fuck.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #38
    Bradley Florida Man
    I like being White.
  19. #39
    Fonaplats victim of incest [daylong jump-start that nome]
    Arhg the old is old arhg.
    It's okay back then because that was then.
    Maybe you should be now if you wanna piss on my grandpa.
  20. #40
    Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Have you been to a 1970s underground jazz club…it was 100% nog.

    Not True, many Bohemian Hipsters and Beats from the 50s to the 70s were multi colored croweds
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