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Jesus Christ

  1. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley I just buy 5 shaving razors for 2$ and a small 4ounce thing of pressurized Barbasol menthol shaving cream and that lasts me about a year.

    Don't buy Temu razors

    fucking hell. I bled for 3 hours after nicking myself. scrape!

    Harry's brand is good but not as good as Gillette
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Ya u 2

    Yeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck youYeah nigga he said fuck you
  3. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I hope they keep their dog indoors, could get used to the peaceful nights.
  4. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I hope they keep their dog indoors, could get used to the peaceful nights.

    You wanna get naked with me and dance to old Disco songs, Kafka?
  5. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Kafka do you ever laugh?

    I bet you don't much

  6. ner vegas African Astronaut
    > witz
  7. Originally posted by Lanny Lanny why did you bring Jesus' name into this?

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Originally posted by ner vegas > witz

    He's the Son of Sam killer. Used to hunt white girls. 100% racial. He wrote a book when he went to prison, so they had to change the law so that murderers weren't able to benefit financially from their crimes.
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    I think everyone knows that

  10. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    I still haven't heard their dog. It seems extreme not to let it out during the day as well. Be stranger if they gave it away.
  11. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Sure they not away or summing?

  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I think the dog is dead.
  13. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    You think it was barking coz it could smell Daft Kafka's scent and could tell from that that she's an emotionless Narcissist with psychopathic tendencies and is often called "SuperFridge" by the lads on her estate?

  14. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Key Discussion Points

    Incident with a Dog: The discussion opens with users venting frustration about a dog and its owners, suggesting responses that range from playing inaudible sounds to create a distraction to more harmful suggestions.
    Shaving Products: Users Bradley and Lanny Lanny transition the conversation to shaving products, specifically razors and shaving cream. Bradley shares his bad experience with Temu razors and recommends Harry's brand to Lanny Lanny.
    Running Joke: The phrase "Yeah nigga he said fuck you" appears repeatedly, serving as a running joke or commentary throughout the discussion.
    Indoor Dogs: User Dirtbag introduces a new topic about keeping dogs indoors for the sake of peace, to which Lanny Lanny responds humorously and flirtatiously.
    Humorous Interactions: NARCassist engages with Kafka, questioning their sense of humor, while users Broseph Stalin and ner vegas make brief, unrelated posts.

    Questions to enhance potential further discussion and remain tropical:

    What are some effective, non-harmful ways to address issues with a neighbor's pet?
    Have any users experienced similar situations, and how did they resolve them?
    What are the legal implications of taking matters into your own hands when dealing with a neighbor's disruptive pet?
    What are the benefits of keeping dogs indoors?
    What challenges might arise from having indoor pets?
    How do you keep your pets entertained and exercised if they are primarily indoors?
    Have you noticed any behavioral differences between indoor and outdoor pets?
    How do you typically respond to humorous or sarcastic comments in online discussions?
    What role does humor play in fostering community bonds on this forum?
    Have you ever been misunderstood or offended by a humorous comment online? How did you handle it?
    Can humor sometimes hinder serious discussions? How do you balance the two?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Lanny Lanny African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Broseph Stalin

    Fuck off you commie pinko fuck
  16. Dirtbag African Astronaut
    Their dog is alive but they're keeping it in at night and are keeping it in their front garden during the day now. I feel like I'm being rewarded for bad behaviour because I couldn't stand that dog barking at night and hope things stay this way. I think it's funny they're scared I'm going to kill their dog when I didn't actually say anything.
  17. Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    how did u tell them ur gonna kill their dog without ebing explicit in it if somehting happens to ur cat?
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Have you ever been misunderstood or offended by a humorous comment online? How did you handle it?

    damn, am I going to have to get you niggers trauma counseling now? I mean Kafka could clearly use help developing techniques to deal with people having a sense of humor, she clearly doesn't know how to deal with it now
  19. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    To address humorous interactions in online forums, we suggest creating a dedicated thread titled "Humor and Communication: Navigating Laughter and Understanding in Our Forum." This thread will explore humor dynamics, share experiences, and understand its role in the community. Encourage users to share how they respond to humorous or sarcastic comments, highlight humor's positive role in community bonds, and discuss misunderstandings or offenses caused by humor. Establish clear guidelines for respectful humor, provide educational resources, and offer support to users affected by humor-related conflicts. Moderators should actively participate and regularly update guidelines based on feedback to foster a more inclusive and enjoyable environment.

    Since Dirtbag has already created a "Wall of Shame" thread, it's important to recognize its double-edged nature. While it highlights negative behaviors, it can also create a negative atmosphere and potentially shame individuals. In contrast, a humor-focused discussion thread can achieve similar goals by promoting positive interactions and learning. This "glass half full" approach encourages personal growth and community bonding, creating a supportive space where members understand the impact of their actions without feeling attacked. By highlighting humor's positive aspects, we can guide members toward better behavior in a constructive manner and foster a more enjoyable forum.
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