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hi I'm new here

  1. #21
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    -SpectraL, Snoopy, whoever you are… I need to know once and for all. What IS it with you? Are you a troll? Mentally ill?

    WHO… ARE… YOU?!!!

    Who am I, really? I am a literal dinosaur of the Web. A disciple of the ancients. READ. KNOW. DO. I come from a world where I could have bought the domain names , and, if I'd have had a mind to. I come from a world of mystery, intrigue, wonder, and the exhilaration of cyber exploration. The beauty of the baud. I am a pioneer of a sort, you could say. Knowledge is power ruled the night, while the power of free and open expression ruled the day. I am a denizen of another time, another universe, another age. One of the last of his kind, really. And wherever I may roam, I keep the &Temple of the Screaming Electron close to my heart and mind and soul, in everything that I do and say and feel, in honor of that once-great nation.
  2. #22
    Who am I, really? I am a literal dinosaur of the Web. A disciple of the ancients. READ. KNOW. DO. I come from a world where I could have bought the domain names , and, if I'd have had a mind to. I come from a world of mystery, intrigue, wonder, and the exhilaration of cyber exploration. The beauty of the baud. I am a pioneer of a sort, you could say. Knowledge is power ruled the night, while the power of free and open expression ruled the day. I am a denizen of another time, another universe, another age. One of the last of his kind, really. And wherever I may roam, I keep the &Temple of the Screaming Electron close to my heart and mind and soul, in everything that I do and say and feel, in honor of that once-great nation.

    I googled your User name and this came up
  3. #23
    Nice to meet you. I'm RisiR.
  4. #24
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    you've seen what happens to people who anger me.

    Yeah i've seen it alright. You throw bitch fit and pretend you' re a 1337 uber haxx0r. You can' t do shit Spectral and you know it. Go ahead, hack the forum hack my box. You don' t evern code bitch, and you use windows XP for god' s sake. The hallmark of a real haxx0r that is. lmfao
  5. #25
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here faggot hack me

    Hey hey dare you to port scan me

    I' ll even help you along, gotta get *nix on your own tho uber h4xx0r

    sudo apt install nmap

    nmap -T4 -Pn -A
  6. #26
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Here faggot hack me

    Hey hey dare you to port scan me

    I' ll even help you along, gotta get *nix on your own tho uber h4xx0r

    sudo apt install nmap

    nmap -T4 -Pn -A

    For you, I would use the social engineering methods to gain entry to your device and reveal your exact location. It wouldn't be hard.

  7. #27
    For you, I would use the social engineering methods to gain entry to your device and reveal your exact location. It wouldn't be hard.
    *Sofee gets a Facebook message*

    OHAYO!!! MAI name is 9 year old sally and I'm a Huge fan of your famous totse 1337 haxor skillz, please send me your address and login credentials and I promise to send you lots of nudes and visit you<3 <3
    LOVE, nine year old Sally. YoUr BiGgeSt Fan<3
  8. #28
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    *Sofee gets a Facebook message*

    On the contrary. First, I would focus on his service provider account. That's always a great place to start.
  9. #29
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    On the contrary. First, I would focus on his service provider account. That's always a great place to start.

    Who is my service provider? WHOIS the IP i posted, as you might as guessed it ain' t mine so how will you find out my IP and service provider plus real name? I don' t even have a facebook, yeah a fake one to talk to internet friends. And even then i never reveal PI even to online friends.
  10. #30
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Who is my service provider? WHOIS the IP i posted, as you might as guessed it ain' t mine so how will you find out my IP and service provider plus real name? I don' t even have a facebook, yeah a fake one to talk to internet friends. And even then i never reveal PI even to online friends.

    Ve hav vays ov maykeeng joo taalk.
  11. #31
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ve hav vays ov maykeeng joo taalk.

    I appreciate your attempt to make light of the situation. but the fact of the matter is, even if you could hack, and even if you thought you were good at it. You'd fail due to the fact you underestimate me.
  12. #32
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When you can do this Spectral i will take you seriously, until then don't make promises you cannot keep.

    Here is the server configuration for your viewing pleasure.

    have some XSS as well.

    And a DB for good measure.

    Besides i' m fucking featured nigger.

    For reference:

    So famous:



    function usage()
    { printf "%b \a\n\nRoothelper will aid in the process of privilege escalation on a Linux system you compromised by fetching a number of enumeration
    and exploit suggestion scripts. Below is a quick overview of the available options.
    The 'Help' option displays this informational message.
    The 'Download' option fetches the relevant files and places them in the /tmp/ directory.
    The option 'Download and unzip' downloads all files and extracts the contents of zip archives to their individual subdirectories respectively, please
    note; if the 'mkdir' command is unavailable however, the operation will not succeed and the 'Download' option should be used instead
    The 'Clean up' option removes all downloaded files and 'Quit' exits roothelper.\n "

    # Download and unzip
    function dzip()
    { echo "Downloading and extracting scripts..."
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    for zip in *.zip
    dirname=`echo $zip | sed 's/\.zip$//'`
    if mkdir $dirname
    if cd $dirname
    unzip ../$zip
    cd ..
    rm -f $zip
    echo "Could not unpack $zip - cd failed"
    echo "Could not unpack $zip - mkdir failed"



    printf "%b" "\a\n\nTo use roothelper please select an option below.:\n"

    PS3='Please enter your choice: '
    options=("Help" "Download" "Download and unzip" "Clean up" "Quit")
    select opt in "${options[@]}"
    case $opt in
    printf "%b \n"
    echo "Downloading scripts to /tmp/"
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `wget -O /tmp/`
    printf "%b \n"
    "Download and unzip")
    printf "%b \n"
    "Clean up")
    echo "Removing downloaded files"
    find $dir/* -exec rm {} \;
    printf "%b \n"
    *) echo invalid option;;

    Python trending did PyCat as well.

    Where are your accomplishments in the infosec field?
  13. #33
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Listen, Psycho. I'm going to be honest with you here. I'm one of the best hackers you will ever see. There's not been one single target down through the decades that I've not been able to compromise. I know all the tricks, and then some. If I felt like wasting time on your sorry ass, you'd be toast, bud. Seriously. You just have no idea what you're dealing with here.
  14. #34
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Listen, Psycho. I'm going to be honest with you here. I'm one of the best hackers you will ever see. There's not been one single target down through the decades that I've not been able to compromise. I know all the tricks, and then some. If I felt like wasting time on your sorry ass, you'd be toast, bud. Seriously. You just have no idea what you're dealing with here.

    If i drop the DB dehash your PW and post your IP will you then please hack me? Pretty please?

    Already got your DOX.

    W L Taggart

    255 Botanica Priv, Ottawa-Hull, Canada

    ON, K1Y4P8

    (613) 729-6990

    Sweet neighbourhood bro.!8i6656

  15. #35
    Haley Yung Blood
    Listen, Psycho. I'm going to be honest with you here. I'm one of the best hackers you will ever see. There's not been one single target down through the decades that I've not been able to compromise. I know all the tricks, and then some. If I felt like wasting time on your sorry ass, you'd be toast, bud. Seriously. You just have no idea what you're dealing with here.

    You suck.
  16. #36
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    If i drop the DB dehash your PW and post your IP will you then please hack me? Pretty please?

    Already got your DOX.

    I already had a gut feeling Lanny had been giving you server/log access. I'm one step ahead of you, Psycho. As for the "DOX"... wrong. Fail. Like I said, Chester, you don't have any idea what you're really dealing with here. And you'd be best not to anger me. Safer. For you.

    You suck.

    You don't scare me whatsoever.
  17. #37
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I already had a gut feeling Lanny had been giving you server/log access. I'm one step ahead of you, Psycho. As for the "DOX"… wrong. Fail. Like I said, Chester, you don't have any idea what you're really dealing with here. And you'd be best not to anger me. Safer. For you.

    You don't scare me whatsoever.

    Trust me Spectal, i don' t need Lanny' s permission to drop the database, i'd just rather not do it out of respect for him. Also regarding the DOX, i'd deny it was accurate too if i were you.

    inb4 damage control.
  18. #38
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh spectral how i want to anger you, show me your epic hacking skills, alas, as usual you are full of bullshit. I'm seriously considering dropping the NiS DB just to anger you, bet you'll throw a proper fit then.
  19. #39
    infinityshock Black Hole
    something ive always been curious about regarding so called hakkurs...sitting behind a computer screen in the mommys basement...thinking themselves safe and invulnerable behind hundreds or thousands of miles of cable...lacking even the most basic social skills...fiddling in issues with the potential to cause some degree of irksomeness to those whos ire is best left un-irked...

    what is the thought on discovering those miles and miles and miles of electrons arent relevant when youre seemingly safe asleep under the covers and theres an irked bogey man roaming your house whos only thoughts are satisfaction from irk-ery?

    inquiring minds want to know
  20. #40
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    something ive always been curious about regarding so called hakkurs…sitting behind a computer screen in the mommys basement…thinking themselves safe and invulnerable behind hundreds or thousands of miles of cable…lacking even the most basic social skills…fiddling in issues with the potential to cause some degree of irksomeness to those whos ire is best left un-irked…

    what is the thought on discovering those miles and miles and miles of electrons arent relevant when youre seemingly safe asleep under the covers and theres an irked bogey man roaming your house whos only thoughts are satisfaction from irk-ery?

    inquiring minds want to know

    1. I own my own house
    2. I have a degree in EE, which lets me have a good paying job to pay for said house.
    3. I'm safe and almost invulnerable on the internet at least, due my knowledge of computer science.
    4. Hacking is fun and calling out spectral on his lack of skill is even more fun.
    5. I'm not autistic, and have several friends. Granted i might have PDD-NOS and anti-social personality disorder.
    6. Speak plainly, i don't get what you mean by the rest of your post.
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