2024-06-16 at 3:34 PM UTC
Folks someone tried to describe me as courageous the other day when I explained why I have to wear glasses and what happened to me like a year and a half ago.
COURAGEOUS NIGGA? All I did was not die and cling to life.
So I kinda dind't really take that to heart to be honest, but then this guy in a wheelchair and some guy with downsyndrome were giving Ted talks (I didn't watch) and they were described as 13 COURAGEOUS speakers. I don't understand? They're just defective people, what part of that involves courage? One guy had to be pushed onto stage because his power chair doesn't go up tall ramps unassisted? How is that brave?
So then I saw this fat person in a swimming suit trying to look sexy (They didn't (to me, I'm sure other people are into that) ) and people were like "Girl you're soooo brave."
Like I don't get where this brave, courageous, etc is such an applied adjective to people being overweight, people being mentally and physically retarded and irking by on the pity of those around them, or not wanting to die when injured. How the fuck does that make anyone courageous?
discuss. Maybe I just don't understand it like I need to.
2024-06-17 at 2:20 PM UTC
I’m courageous because I cut myself, not because I was born with some shit that cripples me
2024-06-17 at 3:56 PM UTC
It's all bullshit, same with cancer patients..."Brave little Emily smiles courageously despite having leukemia" etc.
There's nothing brave or courageous about dealing with something you have no control over.
Bravery/Courage is when you have a choice to fight or run...and even though you're scared and you will be in danger you stay and fight.
Some fat fuck swimming 2 laps in a pool or a cancer patient dancing on tiktok doesn't qualify.
2024-06-17 at 5:07 PM UTC
The woke folk think it's STUNNING AND BRAVE when a dude puts on a dress and uses the ladies restroom.
2024-06-19 at 1:58 PM UTC
imagine taking that photo instead of helping lol
2024-06-19 at 4:29 PM UTC
I'd be helping the cart...after taking the photo.
"You can't park there mate!"
2024-07-09 at 11:21 PM UTC
I'm feeling very courageous.