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Nearly half of journalists covering climate crisis globally received threats for their work

  1. #21
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Obbe They just need to figure out how to profit from doing so.

    Yep, that's exactly why, no viable economic alternatives(for them), especially on beer and champagne. They want to call it a climate crisis, but they don't want to lose billions in profits in the process, so they shut the fuck up about that. They put out a small media piece comparing one can of soda to a persons entire yearly carbon footprint and say fuck all about how many billions of cans and bottles of carbonated drinks are sold daily to the entire human population.

    And what the fuck about that "What’s more, the CO2 pumped into carbonated drinks is usually a by-product from power plants – meaning it would have been released into the atmosphere anyway" line? So they just admit that CO2 from burning fossil fuels can be captured before it enters the atmosphere? So why should burning fossil fuels even be an issue? Slipped right up there huh?

    See why we don't buy this obvious bullshit?

  2. #22
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Dziennikarze są podludźmi.
  3. #23
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Narc See why we don't buy this obvious bullshit?

    I see that is because you believe the world is ran by conspiracy rather than a bunch of ham fisted clowns.
  4. #24
    Originally posted by Narc And what the fuck about that "What’s more, the CO2 pumped into carbonated drinks is usually a by-product from power plants – meaning it would have been released into the atmosphere anyway" line? So they just admit that CO2 from burning fossil fuels can be captured before it enters the atmosphere?

    It's expensive, cos even if you capture very pure exhaust gases you still need to enhancement all the nitrogen and water vapour out of it, which means you need to freeze the air to do partial distilation on it, enhancementing the gasses out by their boiling points.

    It still makes more sense than atmospheric carbon capture though.
  5. #25
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Obbe I see that is because you believe the world is ran by conspiracy rather than a bunch of ham fisted clowns.

    Conspiracy facts yeah

  6. #26
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Narc Conspiracy facts yeah


    Fact: the climate is changing.
  7. #27
    Charles Ex Machina Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Obbe Fact: the climate is changing.

    but its not due to human activities
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Obbe Fact: the climate is changing.

    Fact: The climate IS dynamic...duh.
  9. #29
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina but its not due to human activities

    Dokładnie! Korelacja nie oznacza przyczynowości dla nikogo poza teoretykami spiskowymi.
  10. #30
    jerryb African Astronaut
    Hope the climate stays static until this evening so I can finish mowing my yard. Dat global warming is to much in the middle of the day.
  11. #31
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina but its not due to human activities

  12. #32
    That's the way people should feel about frauds and liars.
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Elbow Dokładnie! Korelacja nie oznacza przyczynowości dla nikogo poza teoretykami spiskowymi.

    Correlation usually implies causation.
  14. #34
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Correlation usually implies causation.

    Jestem całkiem pewny, że to, co sugerujesz, jest matematycznie niemożliwe. Przecież dla każdego efektu z jedną przyczyną może istnieć nieskończona liczba korelatów, które nie mają związku z efektem.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #35
    Elbow African Astronaut
    To właściwie o wiele częściej korelacja nie implikuje przyczynowości. Pomyśl krytycznie przez chwilę, a zobaczysz, że mam rację!
  16. #36
    Fucking polish posters
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #37
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Fucking polish posters

    Powinieneś do nas dołączyć, Star Trek. Zostań jednym z nas.
  18. #38
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Correlation usually implies causation.


    93% of serial killers drink coffee...
  19. #39
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Obbe Fact: the climate is changing.

    No shit Sherlock, where you been for the last 4 billion years?

  20. #40
    Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Earth's climate has been stable for the past 12,000 years. This stability has been crucial for the development of modern civilization. A stable climate enabled humans to pursue agriculture, domesticate animals, settle down and develop culture.
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