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I used to get enjoyment out of harassing women on the internet.

  1. #1
    I like to say how ugly they are, but get really specific about it. You know, really hurt them. I do this on various forums and shit.

    Anyway, I realized I hadn't done it in a while, so I did it again today. But then I started getting messages from the girls asking why they were so ugly... and... ugh... just... it was really depressing. They were really effected by my remarks.

    I don't see them as whores anymore. These are real people. They have feelings. They have a background. They're fucking people, just like me. I'M a people.

    I didn't reply to their PM's. I wasn't gonna say "haha just kidding, you're hot" because they get enough of that. Fuck them in that regard. But I also didn't push it like I used to, and reiterate why they were so ugly. They'll forget all about my comments when they're getting fucked in the ass after the club next weekend, but still... harassing women just ain't that fun anymore.

    Now harassing Raspberry Jam on the other hand, let's just say he's[FONT=arial] in more trouble than a junebug in molasses. And it's pretty thick molasses too.[/FONT]
  2. #2
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^can we see a picture of you?
  3. #3
    ^can we see a picture of you?

    Absolutely not. My ego's too fragile. I'm desperately clinging on to the hope that I'm normal looking/somewhat attractive and not ugly.
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    there are no women on the internet. only men and men pretending to be women. that being just admitted to enjoying sexually harassing men. but that's okay...I enjoy doing it too. you have a purty mouth, boy.
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Absolutely not. My ego's too fragile. I'm desperately clinging on to the hope that I'm normal looking/somewhat attractive and not ugly.

    pics or you're a fat hideous mongoloid with psoriasis and a bad case of halitosis and a wang that would make a church mouse cringe at its inadequacy
  6. #6
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Absolutely not. My ego's too fragile. I'm desperately clinging on to the hope that I'm normal looking/somewhat attractive and not ugly.

  7. #7

    I'm a realist. If I found out I was ugly, I'd probably kill myself.
  8. #8
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm a realist. If I found out I was ugly, I'd probably kill myself.

    it's not a secret...everyone else already knows and wonders why you haven't deepthroated that shotgun you're so fond of fellating.
  9. #9
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I get enjoyment out of talking under age girls out of their clothes on the internet. It's easier than you think
  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    I get enjoyment out of talking under age girls out of their clothes on the internet. It's easier than you think

    that is disgusting
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    that is disgusting

    So are your comments about anally raping people, in particular men, every other post. But i don't judge.
  12. #12
    Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    But why are they so affected (See Sophie? I set a rule and near instantly, although the association with this website is bound to have helped, it was followed with perfect consistency. I'm surprised, habits aren't supposed to be changed so quickly. It's like I'm closer to a machine.)?

    Women are...very disappointing and tragic creatures.

    By the way, did you ever read this book?

    Years ago on Zoklet you requested books, essentially on the biological reality of race and gender, the differences of key importance. This was one of them, really the best book on gender, and you responded very positively. I warn you though, if you truly grasp it and can grasp the implications, considering your nature, it may alter a large aspect of how you perceive the world and color it a very ugly tone. We're still biological creatures and the overwhelming majority would be happier and function better with a mate at their side. Unless you plan to become a Buddhist monk, or something akin to it, and have the propensity for it.
  13. #13
    GoIIum Houston
    But why are they so affected (See Sophie? I set a rule and near instantly, although the association with this website is bound to have helped, it was followed with perfect consistency. I'm surprised, habits aren't supposed to be changed so quickly. It's like I'm closer to a machine.)?

    Women are…very disappointing and tragic creatures.

    Agreed. I think me and you should get to know each other, Malice. Ever since I've known you on zoklet, I always had this secret crush on you. Do you like me?
  14. #14
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    But why are they so affected (See Sophie? I set a rule and near instantly, although the association with this website is bound to have helped, it was followed with perfect consistency. I'm surprised, habits aren't supposed to be changed so quickly. It's like I'm closer to a machine.)?

    So now that i am made sufficiently aware of your progress in the English language what kind of response do you expect of me?

    Women are…very disappointing and tragic creatures.

    Not the women/girls i choose to associate with. That being said i do not associate with too many females and the ones i do are either smart or attractive enough to numb my brain sufficiently to any feminine whimsicalities.

    By the way, did you ever read this book?

    Years ago on Zoklet you requested books, essentially on the biological reality of race and gender, the differences of key importance. This was one of them, really the best book on gender, and you responded very positively. I warn you though, if you truly grasp it and can grasp the implications, considering your nature, it may alter a large aspect of how you perceive the world and color it a very ugly tone. We're still biological creatures and the overwhelming majority would be happier and function better with a mate at their side. Unless you plan to become a Buddhist monk, or something akin to it, and have the propensity for it.

    Can't say that i recall requesting anything like that, but i do have a propensity for being a pretentious faggot if anything. Anyway, if what you say is true i'm not sure if i'd like to read it.
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