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Star Trek whats ur thoughts on wht this guy says?

  1. #1
    Warcry Space Nigga

    at roughly 3:10 in he tlaks about approaching ng girls on the street which iw what ive been doing in poland in lodz the last tow and a hafl eyars with literlaly zero success in the last year. and how it works in the west or is seen as a good thing.
  2. #2
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry

    at roughly 3:10 in he tlaks about approaching ng girls on the street which iw what ive been doing in poland in lodz the last tow and a hafl eyars with literlaly zero success in the last year. and how it works in the west or is seen as a good thing.

    What's your thoughts on sticking my dick into your asshole and pretending your prostate is a pinata.
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