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Fake communist tacho is right

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Pete Green wow this sounds believable.

    proved it months
    Originally posted by Ghast 'Tachosomoza: A 40 year old paraplegic with one eye who works as a high school janitor. Mods Bad Ideas.'

    I have no idea who this black red guard guy is, or the dude on dr phil, but this guy did not post on your weird forum. Why are you people cyberstalking some random black guy that WAS on dr. phil and may or may not be a communist, I can't even tell if that's the same dude, and the ages and accounts make no sense.

    how come I've never seen a single post or quote from this dude ever but he has 100k followers on twitter, nah something is fucky. Is 'tacho' like an inside joke like you were stalking someone kinda like wariat or kafkunty or myself or Bill Krozby OH MY GOD



  2. #22
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm Okay and?

    Got damaged it damn
  3. #23
    Pete Green African Astronaut
    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm proved it months


    Is this tacho?

    being weird and spinning behavior?

    You posted back in 2001 on totse so I knew you were at least late 30s if you were a teen back then

    Or there was another Tacho but I'm sure it's the same you
  4. #24
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
  5. #25
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    The founding fathers were staunchly against forming political parties because they knew it'd be the shit show that it is
  6. #26
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    the whigs
    the bull moose party

    people that nobody will remember in 100 years
  7. #27
    Originally posted by Rape Monster The founding fathers were staunchly against forming political parties because they knew it'd be the shit show that it is

    how about tea party
  8. #28
    Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how about tea party

    How about lemon party with your Asian grandfather
  9. #29
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  10. #30
    Originally posted by Rape Monster How about lemon party with your Asian grandfather

    I'll be there.
  11. #31
    totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. #32
    buying gaymes isnt very communistic.
  13. #33
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

  14. #34
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  15. #35
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood also the correct term is "glow in the dark cia nigger"


    thats the joke you clearly dont understand it at all and get your ideology from 4chan, I get mine from the spirit realm
    and leftist twitter for some reason

    they're not so bad…. sometimes

    Other times ..

    the real heroes of capitalism worked for free

  16. #36
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    oh shit doesn't this guy live in that protest state
  17. #37
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  18. #38
    Tacho literally sits at his battlestation going on about how Europe should be destroyed a because his ancestors need vindication and the only good people are black.

    He was raised jedi, his daddy was a violent thug who beat his jedi mom, and he lives in a white neighbourhood and bangs fat old white women who he uses as sugar mommies.

    With his intelligence and black skin he could have sucked up to the corporate machine and become a high level executive, like Obama.

    Instead he became an embittered Maoist troll.

    The power of resentment to destroy lives.
  19. #39
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Tacho literally sits at his battlestation going on about how Europe should be destroyed a because his ancestors need vindication and the only good people are black.

    So what? That doesn't discredit anything he says. He doesn't support the COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA and instead believes in grassroots movements and murdering politicians with incendiary devices. Is he really wrong?

    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood

    Don't join political parties unless you are gay

    Do research and preferably build your own organization from the grassroots with real people. Forge ties with other people who think and move like you do. Many anarchists and Maoists have been doing this. The best work nowadays is being done in the anti-cop movement, grassroots union work, and tenant work. Do something like @CommunityMvt

    Join a Party or any organization! If you aren’t organized you can’t criticize!”

    lol what party? There is no fucking Party. The last Party in this country that I would even remotely consider joining would be the Black Panthers, and they had issues too. There’s a bunch of 50 and 60 year old book and protest clubs

    literally this. THe communist is right, fuck the communist party just throw a molotov

    He's a lot more "real" than Hasan Piker and people like that who are fake communists that WOULD vote for the Communist party of America
  20. #40
    Originally posted by Iron Ree He's a lot more "real" than Hasan Piker and people like that who are fake communists that WOULD vote for the Communist party of America

    They both are genocidally anti-white, but at least Tacho isn't a neo-liberal.

    Hasan Piker is Turkish but basically apes being a mainstream liberal jedi, Tacho is more a trotskyist jedi.

    Tacho is probably a little more intelligent than Piker too. Piker only wins on work ethic.
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