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Imagine you're a suicide bomber and you're driving to an Army Checkpoint in Afghanistan circa 2016

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    You know you must do what is commanded and you know what your reward will be. As you get the patrolman approaches the car, you fiddle with the garage door open hidden under your man dress.

    Allahu Akbar you recite to yourself. Muhammed something something holy prophet, allahu Akbar *BOOM*

    And as you level Henry, Paul and yourself in a massive explosion you are greeted by God and he says

    I have a virgin for you, my son, a holy virgin who has kept the edicts and the laws I have perscribed for the people. And you're so excited to see your first of many wives to come.

    "Hey do you like scary movies? I really like your robes. They are very clean and nice. You seem really nice. My name is Michael Meyers."
  2. #2
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    What do you call a Dutch Muslim pothead?

  3. #3
    Some dumb lady in the CIA actually let a suicide bomber onto a base without checking them because he said he was defecting and he killed like a dozen agents. Lmao.
  4. #4
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fawkes Some dumb lady in the CIA actually let a suicide bomber onto a base without checking them because he said he was defecting and he killed like a dozen agents. Lmao.

    Not as impressive as the mohammedian who snuck in a bomb up his asshole then sploded himself in front of a saudi prince.

    I saw condolences to whoever gets that cleanup job. It was a major shit show.
  5. #5
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by infinityshock Not as impressive as the mohammedian who snuck in a bomb up his asshole then sploded himself in front of a saudi prince.

    I saw pictures…my condolences to whoever gets that cleanup job. It was a major shit show.

  6. #6
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley link?

    I don't know if the pictures are still available online...I searched for them awhile ago and they were nowhere to be found. One picture showed the dead haji from the lower ribcage and up. The rest of him was all over the walls. Surprisingly most of the damage was from his guts painting the place
  7. #7
    Bradley Florida Man
    Yeah once something is online it's always online
  8. #8
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Yeah once something is online it's always online

    Except they repress the search results

    20 years ago typing 'nigger' into google returned a plethora of results. Now it just returns some kike-ified faggotry and niggerdom.
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