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Guys I honestly feel like Mike Tyson

  1. #81
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    if youve been unemployed for like a year im sure ud give up as well. at least like i say i continue to create beautiful thigns for future generaitons and make ppl feel.
  2. #82
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    maybe when my mom gets me out of here as she may buy property ins outh europe ill have the will to try again but i dont see the point of getting some degrees in graphci design when i already have a portfoilio and years of experienc ebeing self taught.
  3. #83
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    in poland just to get most white collar work off linkedin at least you need to do this and its a huge headache and a risk to cost you mor emoney in the long run you would be giving the polish govenrment than you even amke just to get a fucking job:
  4. #84
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    everytime you see an ad on linkedin in poland about company looking for a b2b person whetehr write rgraphic desinge ror anyone they want this so they dont have to pay health insurance and other shit. same thing with contractor using the wor din poland contractor.
  5. #85
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    like i said poland is nothing like america or trump ebing able to scam his way to top and not pay taxes its super beaurocratical like eu beurocrasy plsu obsession about making people pay taxes and knowing everything about everyone its very unamerican actually.
  6. #86
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry He says it right here just because Wes Watson is willing to lie to people scam people spit on em get on steroids and take their Kirby doesn’t mean it’s. A good thing just like how all these other dudes can get young girls doing game or lying or not backing down from a rejection or being treated bad while I take it to heart doesn’t mean they’re better than me or than I even wanna be them I mean who cares if I can’t get young girls or sex or even a daughter figure I never had:

  7. #87
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    lol at the voice or the narrator in the video above scron watch it at one minut ein wher ehe says and htye got osme money as welllllllllllll lol.
  8. #88
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    do you think scron this guy gets paid to anrrate videos like this and hes successful in his own right?
  9. #89
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry do you think scron this guy gets paid to anrrate videos like this and hes successful in his own right?

    You're an idiot
  10. #90
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    Solstice why dont u learn from wes watson and change ur life? pay him the cash bro u r the type of guy i see who needs it. pay him the ten rgand and let him change u into a man.
  11. #91
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry He says it right here just because Wes Watson is willing to lie to people scam people spit on em get on steroids and take their Kirby doesn’t mean it’s. A good thing just like how all these other dudes can get young girls doing game or lying or not backing down from a rejection or being treated bad while I take it to heart doesn’t mean they’re better than me or than I even wanna be them I mean who cares if I can’t get young girls or sex or even a daughter figure I never had:

    These self help prison people are always getting into such petty gay drama because the only morals these people have is "WELL I GOT OUT OF PRISON AND STOPPED DOING DRUGS"

    well I do drugs all the time and never went to prison and I think all these people are losers and retards with nothing to teach me. DONT DO CRIME AND END UP LIKE ME... or just don't get caught, dumbfuck
  12. #92
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry Solstice why dont u learn from wes watson and change ur life? pay him the cash bro u r the type of guy i see who needs it. pay him the ten rgand and let him change u into a man.

    wes watson did not change his life he's always been a meat headed drama whore but instead of mens asses now he's a self help guru in a society that is incapable of helping itself and dying a slow death but JUST BE YOURSELF PUMP THOSE IRONS yeah okay wes watson you can't do cocaine without destroying your life and losing everything so you are nothing but a slave, you aren't free.

    If you want to see a prison youtuber that changed their life and isn't invovled in prison youtube or the gay drama anymore
  13. #93
    Bradley Florida Man
    probably would help if you had some skills other than being a grown ass dependent that got deported for attempted child molestation, just saying.
  14. #94
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    i sure have more skilsl than u at least.
  15. #95
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    i speak tow languages fluently what do you speak besides ghetto talk?
  16. #96
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    i acutally have a fucking abchelors degree while u cant even finish ana ssociates at like over 30 yrs old lol.
  17. #97
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    ive had more skills than you like 13 years ago and sitll going when i got my bachelors degree or maybe 14 yr snow lol. while u cant even get associates nowl.
  18. #98
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    its hilarious hown someone like you living ind aycare for men on probation almost in prison who should be in prison at leat accoridng to the state of miami who gave you one alst chance lol thinks he got more skilsl thans omeone who graduated form college 14 yeqrs ago and worked across the baord in diff emdia or companies and even got self taught in art and gay porn to create a whole new style no one else does and uniqueness on top of the already excellent skill he posessed in hsi craft comapred ot his peers. wow.
  19. #99
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    i may not have done it in a legitimate fully way because iw as taking possibly sid emoeny from marketing depts or cmopanies or quasi ethical meanings but i fucking amde three thousand dolalrs for doing a single thing once in watrsaw and i bet not a single fucking eprosn her eincluding you can say you amde three thosuand dollars for an hours of work outside sleling drugs or your ass to the faggits you do.
  20. Warcry Certified lover boy
    Ye so probably could have done way more by now but at least I developed my skills and talents as an artist so yea me and Mike Tyson again share a lot of history and past trials and tribulations.
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