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Guys I honestly feel like Mike Tyson

  1. #61
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry also you are. ahypocryte claling me shit and all that when you yourself baned or wish to bang a 14 yr old named clitoris lol.

    I've been fucking a 19 y/o since she was 18. That must really boil your britches
  2. #62
    Warcry Certified lover boy
  3. #63
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry

    You're an idiot
  4. #64
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    my point was that me and tyson share a lot of history and trials and tirbulations and have a lot in common.
  5. #65
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    Also is much eseje eve a bum but a bum who produces beautiful things for people in future even generations to find and discovered than someone like that Dawid dude who sleeps one endom couches and sure fucks lots of chicks and is a drug dealer or lives off drug sales probably like you too. Sir will did rugs but I wouldn’t live off that stuff or even consider such dirty money real or better than anyone or a bum.
  6. #66
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    The only people who are qualified ro judge visual works re those who actually produced something themselves or at least have the densification for it like through taking some art history classes at the very least to be able to compare something to another. None of which defines you.
  7. #67
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry my point was that me and tyson share a lot of history and trials and tirbulations and have a lot in common.

  8. #68
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    You don’t have any sensibility sbohr you for art or for life nor emotion for it both me and Mike Tyson do were artists of life and have emotion.
  9. #69
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    What’s the point of money if your lonely in the end like me and Tyson anyway?
  10. #70
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry all the money in the worl dmeans shit when i have no dostep or way to find the type sof femlaes im attracted to whetehr for moeny or free nor energy to look for them. its like a rich incel whats the point of the money if ur an incel?
    ass licking is free love maaaaaaan lets manufacture a global amount of LSD and give it out freely and we will all sing songs and lick ass together in lyseramide bliss OOOOOOOOO
    Originally posted by Ghost

    "Permit me an underground drug lab and the control of a dozen buxom blonde undergraduates willing to be transformed into monkeys, and I care not who writes the laws!"
  11. #71
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    plus solstice or fox you sound like a shallow simple person. money doenst deifne happiness or a person i would rathe rnot be lonely and have a 13 yr old without sex(or anything inappropriate besides snuglging to a movie or walking around holding hands) or 15-16 yr old with it her ein poland to snuggle and watch mvoies with and have someoen to lsiten to give advice to and a daughter i never had than all the moeny in the world.
  12. #72
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    only simply people think money means anythjing or buys happiness like those retarde dinstagram models who live pointless lives for the pelasure of others.
  13. #73
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    Again at least I create beautiful things and make people feel this is something no money can do and secondly also have a pretty face unlike those female instagram models or porn stars who only have a pretty face or body to offer the world I got the whole package the whole enchilada.
  14. #74
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    And even if my work sucked or as the terms you use considering you at eno one qualified to judge nor have made anything yourself at least it still will make people feel a particular way inside and think.
  15. #75
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry plus solstice or fox you sound like a shallow simple person. money doenst deifne happiness or a person i would rathe rnot be lonely and have a 13 yr old without sex(or anything inappropriate besides snuglging to a movie or walking around holding hands) or 15-16 yr old with it her ein poland to snuggle and watch mvoies with and have someoen to lsiten to give advice to and a daughter i never had than all the moeny in the world.

  16. #76
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry And even if my work sucked or as the terms you use considering you at eno one qualified to judge nor have made anything yourself at least it still will make people feel a particular way inside and think.

    your art makes me want to KILL MYSELF IN FACT I MIGHT DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!
  17. #77
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    At least I’m not this guy or west Watson who gives a fuck about his money?

  18. #78
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry You don’t have any sensibility sbohr you for art or for life nor emotion for it both me and Mike Tyson do were artists of life and have emotion.

    You're an idiot
  19. #79
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    He says it right here just because Wes Watson is willing to lie to people scam people spit on em get on steroids and take their Kirby doesn’t mean it’s. A good thing just like how all these other dudes can get young girls doing game or lying or not backing down from a rejection or being treated bad while I take it to heart doesn’t mean they’re better than me or than I even wanna be them I mean who cares if I can’t get young girls or sex or even a daughter figure I never had:

  20. #80
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    also to add I cnanot force them to hire me. I also refuse to be like wes watosn or most of these people here or Polish work culture and lie on ym resume claim i have some master degrees or phds because they are so obsessed with titles. i always had no issue in usa even with a record. like i said i have no control where i was born and the fact just to do contract work or get most white colalr jobs now adays you need to do professional invocie sin europe and open a one man business. everything is unamerican about europe and i cant force them to simply let people sign 1080ez fiorms like us or just pay their own taxes if theyr eobsessed with eu beauracrasy and shit jsut to get. ajob,.
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