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Guys I honestly feel like Mike Tyson

  1. #41
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry none of you know either or have explanations tho why some guy like that dude with tiffnay tyalor is able to do it but someone like me cant. no reaosnr eally just life?

    You're an idiot
  2. #42
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Solstice The most beautiful things you make in life comes out of your ass and into the toilet. In regards to how shitty and ugly your work is I would usually say "don't quit your day job" but you probably haven't had a day job in your life.

    not even worth replying to as you are just a nobody wiht no taste or qualificaitons to jduge anything first off and seocnd off id much rather do or make what i do than the gay lgtb and wannabe picasso black lvies matter or diversity crpa everyone els emakes or retarded looking copies of gaming style artwork with some dud eon a thrown or tatoo art. but hey lowlives love it like you so it has its market.
  3. #43
    Warcry Space Nigga
    at leas tmy shit is unqiue and brings new ideas forward like combining photogrpahy with grpahical assets or oil apstels with digital art. mnoone else really does this.
  4. #44
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Bradley gay porn auto corrects to gay porn lol

    that's because OP looks at old man ass
  5. #45
    Originally posted by Warcry not even worth replying to as you are just a nobody wiht no taste or qualificaitons to jduge anything first off and seocnd off id much rather do or make what i do than the gay lgtb and wannabe picasso black lvies matter or diversity crpa everyone els emakes or retarded looking copies of gaming style artwork with some dud eon a thrown or tatoo art. but hey lowlives love it like you so it has its market.

    Everyone is qualified to judge you; you are among the lowest scum of society. You contribute nothing of worth to anyone or anything and just drain resources and spread negative energy. You are talentless and delusional, no one wants to pay for your "art" or services. You'd be better off shoveling shit and garbage off the street for the city.
  6. #46
    Warcry Space Nigga
    again you are a lowlife nothing a durg addict who is trash in society you have no even tast ein any sort of art music or anything.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #47
    Warcry Space Nigga
    you work in some garbage sandwitch shop and your life is boring and the only slavation you have is getting high once in a while.
  8. #48
    Originally posted by Warcry you work in some garbage sandwitch shop and your life is boring and the only slavation you have is getting high once in a while.

    I manage an entire kitchen in a full service bar and restaurant for more money than you have ever made in your life and I get high every day, not just once in a while. Try again you triggered retard.
  9. #49
    I won't lie though life is definitely boring as fuck and I hate it
  10. #50
    Warcry Space Nigga
    again i dont care about moeny or making moeny i jsut want under 18 females to suck my dick and rim me thats the only thing that would really make me happy.
  11. #51
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    Originally posted by Warcry again you are a lowlife nothing a durg addict who is trash in society you have no even tast ein any sort of art music or anything.

    And you aren't?
  12. #52
    Warcry Space Nigga
    your statement was i do nothing my statement was i do a lot more than most people including you or anyone on this website and it is to produce unique visual content that will be ther eonce everyone is dead here will lvie on while nothing you do will live on just a memory of some guy who worked ina. restaurant and got high.
  13. #53
    Warcry Space Nigga
    all the money in the worl dmeans shit when i have no dostep or way to find the type sof femlaes im attracted to whetehr for moeny or free nor energy to look for them. its like a rich incel whats the point of the money if ur an incel?
  14. #54
    Warcry Space Nigga
    also you are. ahypocryte claling me shit and all that when you yourself baned or wish to bang a 14 yr old named clitoris lol.
  15. #55
    Warcry Space Nigga
    and no you are not qualified to judge why dont you judge that corporate graphic esign they make with balck people azians and diversity and stupid elongated shapes then.
  16. #56
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Or why don’t you judge and look what qualifies for mobile game art Work or design these days. Or even any sort of game art outside top studios and taken how garbage it is compared to my work and fake or just without any soul do it.
  17. #57
    Warcry Space Nigga
    By fake I mean generic.
  18. #58
    Warcry Space Nigga
    Sorry bro but money means shit to me it slegacy that matters in not gonna sell out and start putting black people ib my work and doing humans to represent concepts like a piece of software whist because that’s what some lames want in suits.
  19. #59
    Warcry Space Nigga
    For instance during the last company I worked for they hired some dude to add humans like blacks lol into an abstract concept like comparing Microsoft word the software to something. Sorry bro you couldn’t pay me enough I wouldn’t do that.
  20. #60
    Warcry Space Nigga
    I understand if the concept is collaboration or working with people but you don’t need to add humans or blacks into such concepts like microgravity word be Fogiel docs lol.
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