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Attention former DHers....

  1. #1
    cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    On DH there was a member who styled itself as 'DigitalDog' at one time. Does anyone remember that internet military site's name was that he developed?
  2. #2
    POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    no, cuz we didnt give a fuck
  3. #3
    jedi_darryl African Astronaut, cup. You're welcome.
  4. #4
    cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
    Dont be mean, please, Poley. I was trying to locate him to ask him a question that he would, more than likely, know the true answer to.
  5. #5
    Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
  6. #6
    cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
  7. #7
    Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
  8. #8
    cupocheer Space Nigga [unwillingly condescend the dp]
  9. #9
    kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by cupocheer Dont be mean, please, Poley. I was trying to locate him to ask him a question that he would, more than likely, know the true answer to.

    What question
  10. #10
    CandyRein Black Hole
    Sounds familiar but …idk
  11. #11
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  12. #12
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Iron Ree BAD BUMP!

    Better bump

  13. #13
    infinityshock Black Hole
  14. #14
    infinityshock Black Hole
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
  16. #16
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
  17. #17
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Originally posted by CandyRein Sounds familiar but …idk

  18. #18
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]

    I am a retired army ranger (service over 21 years on active duty,
    and 7 years contract for dod), currently living in north eastern Oklahoma.
    I am divorced (5-x) and have 3 step-daughters now grown and 1 biological
    daughter now grown.I live alone and my hobbies are dancing, camping (remote)
    repelling,parachuting (although have not jumped in 2 years).
    I monkey around on the computer and some say I am quite adept in digital security.
    I manage, run, and own two of my own domains, and am webmaster and chief programmer
    on a number of gov. sites.I am administrator for a few msn sites,
    and write tech help for a number of well known tech sites..
    Although programming and digital security are my forte..
    My real expertise seems to lie within Forensic Data Acquisition.
    I' m just finishing a project for the government involving the use of mir
    and voice activation in patrol cars and military attack vehicles
    (so the operators can concentrate on driving and not monkey with switches,
    controls, radio, lites , weapons, etc. In high speed pursuits and such).
    The voice activation coding will be out shortly, and will be shared same as gps systems.
    (and no, do not even ask for mir, irs, or anything pertaining to those systems)
    I was instrumental in security encryption with military gps before it was utilized
    by the general public. My name is listed in the secured manuals,
    and I still assist when needed.
    Not much of a party guy, tend to stay away from people and prefer the computer to most humans.
    Looking for a female I can trust and share life together.
    Must be her own person, have some brains, loyal, honest, and able/willing
    to put up with the idiosyncrasies of a viet nam (combat) veteran.
    My top four movies are "the big chill", dirty dancing, "stand by me", and "ghost".
    My music is classic rock
    (I'd rather spend a nite in jail then be forced to endure rap, hip hop, or c. & w.!!)
    with my all time favorite groups being "the rolling stones" and "the four seasons".
    My three all time songs are "unchained melody", "stand by me", and "Fortunate Son".
    My tastes run to assertive/aggressive women.
    I have not dated but twice in the last five years
    (mainly my choice, to lazy to go out!),
    I am disease free, and in good health.
    Although I do not consider myself anything special to look at, I do not scare small children.
    I am a one woman man, and same I expect.
    (although I am retired, I continue to "do" as an excuse to get up in the morning.)
    Those whom "can"..... they DO...
    those whom cannot, will not, or have not.....
    They have "excuses" and "reasons"...
    We all have what we deserve... and deserve what we have..
    No more.. NO LESS.......
    One may ascertain my validity by visiting either of
    my domains located at: and at -
    I am as stated and all can be verified.
    Cannot think of much more to add at this time,
    any questions, feel free to contact me.
    Photos are recent and more available upon request.
    ---> Please note that I am NOT a "party guy"
    and I do NOT want a "party girl"...
    --> if you are listed as such, or have a bunch of " FAVORITES "
    showing how many guys you can acquire..
    ---> I aint one of em..!!
    Flaunting "GIFTS" or listing of guys telling and spouting off about
    "just how nice you are"... or men "gushing" cause you are sooo great..
    PLEASE ... DO NOT contact me -your communiques will NOT be accepted..
    I will make my own decisions on you, your accomplishments,
    who and what you are - I do not "choose friends, pals, dates, women, etc.,
    utilizing the criteria of what other guys say ---
    --- would you date me if a
    bunch of other women "claimed" me as some type of conquest..??
    I think not.. And if you're such a catch..
    why didn't "those guys" snatch you up..??
    And if you need "other" males to affirm your worth..
    You DON'T need me..
    Save us both time and embarrassment by passing me by...
    I already said about all I have to say here, about me
    as above.. and if you are reading this far..
    and are not one of my ex-wives, or the cops..
    then.. maybe YOU are going to be MY new girlfriend..!!
    If you feel I've not told the whole truth..
    you are CORRECT.. I am NOT as stated.. I lied..
    I am more -- MUCH MORE - you have no idea..
    If you're my kind of woman, you already know it,
    and this-- just CONFIRMS it..!
    Digital Dog
  19. #19
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    PINNA, Frank, Pinna,1043 Brenda Lane, Grove, OK 74344 - (918) 787-8759 - [C 67/68] Retired Army Ranger ( B Co. 75th)

    From: SoldierByte 9/18/15 3:47 PM
    To: All (1 of 1)

    Independent, Intelligent, Strong,

    and downright decent Woman wanted . . .
    Please help me.....!!
    I will pay all expenses..
    I need someone to accompany me..
    (ethnicity not important, preferably a human )
    to take a trip with me back in time..
    This is NOT a joke...
    Contact me immediately..
    You will get paid once we get back..
    You must provide and bring your own weapons,
    I cannot guarantee your safety as
    I have only done this once before...
    If we get along good together
    I will consider marrying you

    ( with proper pre-nup contract of course)
    Women with all their toes will be considered first..

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