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Your wrong on justifying faceook and instagram Bradley

  1. #61
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    michael myers this is good? betetr than in chech or hungary or russia wher eone can join porn or many even undergaed prostitutes exist?
  2. #62
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry

    Young men are increasingly lonely. They have difficulty establishing social relationships and entering into relationships. As a result, their frustration and even anger towards women is growing, which far-right political groups are trying to exploit. - This is a very serious problem that, unfortunately, is still very little talked about. And it will grow. It is like a time bomb that will eventually explode if we do not start a debate on how to defuse it - warns philosopher Dr. Katarzyna Kasia.

    Men who do not have a permanent partner often feel very lonely. It is completely different in the case of women, who usually have more extensive networks of acquaintances and friends, which protects them against the feeling of loneliness. Women in our culture are taught to function in support groups with their mothers and grandmothers, for whom they were often indispensable when they needed help while pregnant and taking care of their children - she explains.

    - Young men in Poland today have fewer and fewer places where they could make friends. After World War II, there were many different types of organizations, associations and trade unions in workplaces where they could build them. Their entire social life often revolved around their workplace, but capitalism now increases competition between them, making it difficult to build bonds. Today, some men establish social ties in sports clubs, non-governmental organizations or foundations, but these places are reserved only for those with the greatest cultural and economic capital. Apart from difficulties in making friends, finding a girlfriend is becoming an increasingly serious obstacle for men. So they are in a really very difficult situation - adds the sociologist.

    Bullshit. Only the untermensche have difficulty finding partners or succeeding at 'networking.'

    That idiot 'sociologist' you're referencing is trying to incite the beta males and has no clue what he's talking about and most likely hasn't gotten laid since he fell out of his mother's asshole. Much like yourself.
  3. #63
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry michael myers this is good? betetr than in chech or hungary or russia wher eone can join porn or many even undergaed prostitutes exist?

    You're an idiot and need to suck my cock
  4. #64
    Bradley Florida Man
    I wish I could get laid but it's hard when you're on house arrest. Apparently that Cuban guy who cuts hair for a living isn't gay, I just saw him get dropped off by his girlfriend or tranny girlfriend and he's been gone the whole weekend, so I guess he wasn'jt gay when I asked him to eat my sausage yesterday
  5. #65
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    finney youre a fucking retard; read againw aht he wrote what poland or where i have to be at or where i was deported to is like. just for smiling or saying hello you can be int rouble or even have a case read what the ucker on polishforums wrote again and slowly. it isnt just me like iw as saying iw as alkmost harassed or had to raphael luciano a dad for offering ane enrgy drink. this guy wrote same shit this is the garbager place i had to be deported to.
  6. #66
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    rememebr bradley u were surprised how cna someone in the ghetto get at me for syaing hi or you are pretty and can i get you an enegry dirnk? read what this guy wrote if u dont believe such a garbage country exists on this palnet wth such lowlife people.
  7. #67
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry finney youre a fucking retard; read againw aht he wrote what poland or where i have to be at or where i was deported to is like. just for smiling or saying hello you can be int rouble or even have a case read what the ucker on polishforums wrote again and slowly. it isnt just me like iw as saying iw as alkmost harassed or had to raphael luciano a dad for offering ane enrgy drink. this guy wrote same shit this is the garbager place i had to be deported to.

    You're an idiot and know nothing about women which is why you prey on little girls

    Serious much angst and suicidal tendencies along with desire to self-harm would my posting pics of my geriatric self with teenage (over 18) females cause you...
  8. #68
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry rememebr bradley u were surprised how cna someone in the ghetto get at me for syaing hi or you are pretty and can i get you an enegry dirnk? read what this guy wrote if u dont believe such a garbage country exists on this palnet wth such lowlife people.

    I'll get you an energy drink.

    Tell me if it tastes like roofies...
  9. #69
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    i like how aldra keeps saying its just me well aldra wehat do u have to say about me finding and quoting someone in poland who is polish saying pretty much the exact same fucking thing?
  10. #70
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry i like how aldra keeps saying its just me well aldra wehat do u have to say about me finding and quoting someone in poland who is polish saying pretty much the exact same fucking thing?

    I want to fuck you and make you the mother of my children
  11. #71
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Warcry rememebr bradley u were surprised how cna someone in the ghetto get at me for syaing hi or you are pretty and can i get you an enegry dirnk? read what this guy wrote if u dont believe such a garbage country exists on this palnet wth such lowlife people.

    ya I remember! that's crazy that that happened where the father tried to fight u just cuz u offered to buy his teen daughter an energy drink

    I remember
  12. #72
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley ya I remember! that's crazy that that happened where the father tried to fight u just cuz u offered to buy his teen daughter an energy drink

    I remember

    Parental instinct.

    If it weren't for cops to protect him, the father would have vivisected the nonce and left the offal for the sewer rats to feast upon.
  13. #73
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    actually he would lose and end up raphael lucianod.
  14. #74
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    only difference is i had amc eon me and he probably had a knfie being the ghetto so it would get ugly. but i waited for him to throw a strike or the firs rtpunch he never did.
  15. #75
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    and it has nothing to do with instinct like the guy u quoted wrote how they are here. it has to do with me calling her bluff the liuttle fuck pollack tried to threaten me with daddy right away and it wasnt his instinct but me calling ehr bluff that got him riled whatever she told him or lies she fed him to try coming at me but backing out.
  16. #76
    Warcry Certified lover boy
    i simply told the pollakc fem fuck go ahead clal ur daddy at me when she tried to get me to act scared or something.
  17. #77
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry actually he would lose and end up raphael lucianod.

    Not a chance. He already demonstrated his socioeconomic superiority to you by managing to produce an offspring. The best you can do is surreptitiously photograph young girls and nonce on children
  18. #78
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry only difference is i had amc eon me and he probably had a knfie being the ghetto so it would get ugly. but i waited for him to throw a strike or the firs rtpunch he never did.

    You would have wound up getting raped and left bleeding from your asshole in an alley somewhere for the nigger homeless to find and abuse.
  19. #79
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry i simply told the pollakc fem fuck go ahead clal ur daddy at me when she tried to get me to act scared or something.

    You are scared. If you weren't scared you'd let me stick my dick in you while you called me daddy and begged me to spank you harder
  20. #80
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry and it has nothing to do with instinct like the guy u quoted wrote how they are here. it has to do with me calling her bluff the liuttle fuck pollack tried to threaten me with daddy right away and it wasnt his instinct but me calling ehr bluff that got him riled whatever she told him or lies she fed him to try coming at me but backing out.

    He would have cum all over you. When I get hold of you it's a certainty I'm not pulling out.
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