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  1. infinityshock Black Hole

  2. infinityshock Black Hole

  3. infinityshock Black Hole

  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by infinityshock

    Nigger rapist and murderer of a 5 year old…
  5. Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    User Controls

    Latest Threads
    Inbox has "lannys bar" and people post youtube videos and offtopic or w.e in it are the lowest of the low in terms of "content" any "discussion forum" can get

    well we have about 12 of those "bar threads" in constant rotation for years hitting hundreds of pages. The trt gets locked at 420, random thoughts SHOULD be locked at 666 pages.

    But for everything else the limit seems to be THE HEAT DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE when the only thing left is robot personality cores arguing generating more and more WORDS and CHARs for teh self taught man


    7 8 9 .10 wait do spaces count FUCK

    pls lock that one fred thanks

    2023-07-12 at 9:03 PM UTC
    Report #42
    That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm
    Tuskegee Airman

    Originally posted by A
    NIS is 9.5million characters over 100,000 threads.

    I would estimate around 25% at least is spam with probably 15% overlap of quotes, if you saved it all with timestamps +usernames and stuff it could go over 10m

    The Quaran is only around half a million so we have definitely covered everything at least once I think. Thoughts? Is this database blessed and holy?????? You are posting in the temple, it's hard to write a bible that is a hub of knowledge and the only source of many lost secrets of the universe

    yeah yeah its all spam but you really think out of 9.5 million characters there is 0 value in that? it's basically longer than every holy book combined at this point and I don't feel like we have even really done anything

    Who was snoopy?

    Why did they write so much about religion?

    2023-07-13 at 7:54 AM UTC
    Report #43
    Tuskegee Airman
    2023-07-13 at 8:50 AM UTC
    Report #44
    Black Hole
    cool photo candyrein im glad the tornado didn't get you. :)
    2023-07-13 at 10:44 AM UTC
    Report #45
    Tuskegee Airman
    the hot air balloon didn't take it as well as she did. It's unfortunate she was inside

    Originally posted by CandyRein




    the shadow squad laser beamed that hoe
    2023-07-14 at 4:14 AM UTC
    Report #46
    Tuskegee Airman
    Pressed off the mfin BB's
    2023-07-14 at 4:21 PM UTC
    Report #47
    Tuskegee Airman

    Originally posted by CandyRein
    Ghost youā€™re a piece of chit ..lie about me all you want it doesnā€™t change your truth

    Straight faggot wishing death on me making up liesā€¦

    Iā€™m taking care of dying people while holding my phone for light while youā€™re smoking a crack pipeā€¦

    Iā€™d hate me too loser šŸ’–



    2023-07-14 at 11:55 PM UTC
    Report #48
    Tuskegee Airman
    2023-07-15 at 1:20 AM UTC
    Report #49
    Tuskegee Airman
    da white boy BBS summer of slime
    2023-07-15 at 1:56 AM UTC
    Report #50
    Tuskegee Airman

    :' : .: 88.:Shadow88LegioN |8
    : :.:DGD::NUTTERS:ON . ':
    .' '' :.......: : :
    .' BOTTOM '''''.
    ' | .-------- `
    | |
    | |
    | |
    __ | |
    ``-----' '

    fugging ascii tools n shit
    2023-07-16 at 5:31 AM UTC
    Report #51
    Bombay Trap Star
    *hufffz a kilogram of gorilla šŸ¦ glue*
    2023-07-16 at 6:24 AM UTC
    Report #52
    Bombay Trap Star
    2023-07-17 at 10:16 AM UTC
    Report #53
    Bombay Trap Star
    @@ Signs of the Zodiac @@ 11/96 (c)jgs

    .-. .-.
    (_ \ / _) Aries- The Ram

    . .
    '.___.' Taurus- The Bull
    .' `.
    : :
    : :

    | | Gemini- The Twins
    | |
    ' '

    / _`. Cancer- The Crab
    (_) ( )
    '. /

    ( ) Leo- The Lion
    (_) /

    ' `:--.--.
    | | |_ Virgo- The Virgin
    | | | )
    | | |/

    ___.' '.___ Libra- The Balance

    ' `:--.--.
    | | | Scorpius- The Scorpion
    | | |
    | | | ..,

    .': Sagittarius- The Archer

    \ /_) Capricorn- The Goat
    \ /`.
    \ / ;
    \/ __.'

    .-"-._.-"-._.- Aquarius- The Water Bearer

    `-. .-' Pisces- The Fishes
    : :
    : :
    .-' `-.
    Post last edited by Bombay Trap Star on 2023-07-17 at 10:36 AM UTC
    2023-07-18 at 3:49 AM UTC
    Report #54
    Bombay Trap Star


    Originally posted by curlyKellen
    I thought I was gonna burn some ganja with you and kafka and we was going to jam out in the projects. Fuckin, we got this Tv here to watch the game. Fuckin, we can sit here.. Smoke weed, fuckin, walk down to the bodegaā€¦ Fuckin, we can play doctor, Fuckinā€¦ All type of shit, Man. You girls are gorgeous. I also got a deck of cardsā€¦ Fuckin, shit is fun. But do not cheat, and fuckin, we'll drinkā€¦ Fuckin, what else. We can just practice being apex humans. Fuckin, I don't care. I just want to stimulate my mind. All die shit. I got the gear, fuckinā€¦ Maybe we get enough money, we'll buy some cable, hook it up.. Fuckin we ea work on your hair, fuckin, ie give ea a massage, fuckin kafka will be in the bedroom having some alone time. G-d dnnn, sneak midnight gas sessions in the car.. all ie shit, '. Weea get to the gym.. Weea work out, fuckinā€¦ We can pilfer the goodwillā€¦ Fuckin. This city shit is crazyā€¦ Fuckin, I don't care. Only as long as you promise to love Kafka as much as I love youā€¦ Fuckin, I don't care. Weei go get some sushi in my drop top chicken boxā€¦ Fuckin.. Trying to think. It'd be real cool to play ball at the park, but we gotta be cool. None of that shit goin long, we gotta take care of each other. Fuckin we could just take it at a leisurly pace, play it cool. No fires, no buzzed driving (no drunk driving either ffs), no hurting people. If we see fona, we'll smoke a bowl with himā€¦ Fuckin Picktown is pretty legit. Just keep yourself appropriate in front of children, and be safe around heavy equipment. Don't litter. Be nice, and eat all your food. Don't make yourself sick, take your medicine, and don't steal. We don't, won't, shouldn't have to anymore. We'll keep bud in the picture, or atleast we'll stay smoking..

    Fuckin, I don't know. We can dance and shit, practice our beliefs, and fuckin do some vc with some peopleā€¦ I don't care, we'll be ok, we got eyes, we can see to take care of each other. We can fuckin, hit the mall, get some scruff, fuckin, get to the moviesā€¦ Go look at books, all this shit lil shotty. Fuckin, we can do some recorded hunting down home. Fuckin, I don't care, we'll have fun.

    All that shit I said I wanted to do in those pm I sent you in 2019, we'll do. Fuckin, I don't know. Maybe we can go do some doordashingā€¦ Fuckin, auuu what elseā€¦ I don't know. We can go downtown and read Mein Kampf, lolā€¦ Uh, we can go to the statehouse, and advocate, all this shit. The world is not small. Fuckin the art Museum, car show. I won't take you guys to Arnold, since sexapalooza is in town. That's a really serious event, and guys don't like people fuckin trying to meander, no.. You gotta have pump when you see Arnold, and I don't know you two fuckin "bang" like that.. The library in town is really nice, we can get feature presentation films from out library. Uh, what elseā€¦ We could get a hookah.. Fuckin, drink some robotussin, (meh). I don't know candyā€¦ My friend gets out of the house here soon. He got two girls. Fuckin, he and I were the twin tower receivers in high schoolā€¦ Except we never got to play much, it was always pretty much a ground and pound game every friday. Fuckin, get you a little cash or sumn. Fuckinā€¦ We can go chill with auntie, she's always nice and appreciates company. But we'll have to do it right, cause she's like on the fringe, becauseā€¦ Fuckin. She's just that way, Di',i' , ou know candy.. She can get pretty livid. We can go to the pool in the summer. We might want to wait til it warms up thoughā€¦ Golf? Golf, golfā€¦ I don't know. I bet Mike Crites take us to play if we ask him to. It'd be real cool. He's pretty composed man. Thanksgiving? It'll probably be just us, because fuckin, I can't treat anybody nice in my family, and fuckin, I'm trying superlatively hard to function like a grown man. Staying engaged, getting bills paidā€¦ Fuckinā€¦

    I can stream my phone to the tv, so we can fuck with some proprieatary softwareā€¦ Uh, fuckin. There's another mattress if you-we-me-us are tired and want a breakā€¦.

    Fuckin.. The park is cool, but we'll only go there if I'm not feeling like shit. Mom's house? I don't know. Maybe christmas, or if she starts smoking weed. We can get some boards I guess, but I don't know, with all this traffic out here. You can hit up church across the street. Fuckin, I'll work on the carā€¦ Fuckin, it's all up for grabs. We can drink some liquor.. Fuckinā€¦ I don't care, whateverā€¦ Maybe one day we'll take a field trip on the bus, frickenā€¦ Go play ball at the gym. Ball's in your courtā€¦ Don't get me started with the pool hall.

    Fuckin, catch me in that hardware store, and let me show you what I do.

    Fuckin, we can go to the craft store and get some stuff to make clothes.

    Fuckin, I'll fuck shit up with a bread board, fuckin hit up Microcenter,


    Uh, I don't know, we can take some classes at the college, all type of shit..

    ice skating? I don't know.

    I don't really slang dope, but if I got some niggas who trying to pass it on, fuckin, I'll sell that. But I ain't fin be movin pounds. We can hit up waterbeds. Fuckin, all die, shit. Fuckin.. maybe one day we'll take a trip out of town, hit up the newark Y. Keith will come chill with us, but I don't know how committed he is to shuckin, but fuckinā€¦ He always smokes. If he comes, you can fuck with him, because he just fucks like that.

    L-town? The only time we go there is to watch some ball. Fuckin, I'll get in trouble eventually if I start cruising L-town, because it's just it's own place. We can go to Alley park though. fuckin, uhā€¦ What elseā€¦ Fuckin, we can go up north, but we gotta fuckin be cool to my bro, because he just seems to always be in trouble, unfortunaetely. Uh, shit, what was I about to sayā€¦ I'm about to be thirty. Fuckin, if we ever make it to the college, we can stop by, screw around, say hi and what not shit. just go to have small talk. Church? Fuckin, I love church, but I don't mess around. When it's time to pray, I crucify my sin.. Shit, what elseā€¦ North Market's coolā€¦ The club? do not fuck around, because those niggas in the back fuckin break faces. We go, fuckinā€¦ Mingle, shit, it's pretty chill, but you have to act like you're supposed to go/be there. My dog, Scott, I don't know he goes anymore, he has kids. Raves, and shit? I never been to those, butā€¦ Fuckin, I'll take ya'll to countryfest ya want to go. Fuckin. uh, lol. Uh, my cousin, you got to be good to her, fuckinā€¦ I weirded her out, because I was just in general stupor, ofā€¦ How long I been single, lolā€¦ And fn, lol I just lost my limit, lol. Lol, if you want, I know where we can do some really cool sled ridingā€¦ Let's see, what else. You can smoke in the bathroom on the shitterā€¦ Fuckin, au, what elseā€¦ One day I'll get some zodiac books or some shit and we can go to barnes and noble and fuckinā€¦ We can look at some fuckin girl books. Fuckin. We'll have to fuckin get some regular books, or get to the library and fuckin get some reading material for quiet time. And yea, we can read the Encyclopedia.

    Fuckin, weea, have to do some shit, fuckinā€¦ I don't know, maybe we'll get some jello shots in and huddle up, or maybe, we'll just sit in the bedroom passing the duche. Fuckinā€¦ I don't know, I don't know what to tell you tara. We can go to amish countryā€¦ We can go to, fuckinā€¦ I don't know. Fuckin, I don't know, but I do want to be occupied. Fuckin, we'll have to get on meet up and do some shit. I'd roller skate, but I'm not about to get caught up in that againā€¦ Fuckin, uhā€¦ hmm, what else. Uhhh, oh, auā€¦ Fuckin, there's this really cool store by the auto center that has like.. All this, fuckin shitā€¦ It's like stuff that you have to have for things you want to do for things you don't have to. And shit like you never saw before you know has a purpose, that you don't know what it is, but know exactly what it does. So, uhh, yea. The movies by me are up, fucking they're always professionally presented.

    The bed bath and beyond, did get fuckin gankedā€¦ Soā€¦ Fuckinā€¦

    The fleet store is pretty cool, but we have to respect establishment. They work really hard. Fuckin, uhā€¦ I don't know, what else. liquor storeā€¦ Town closes at ten. Fuckinā€¦ Don't buy coke, don't smoke meth in the house. When probation comes, be cool, be honest and just say tell, say were just trying to be independent. Fricken, uhh. I don't know if pool table's are back open yet, but fuckin that shit's always fun. uh, fā€“nā€¦ Uh let's seeā€¦ Bowling alley, fuckinā€¦ That shit, I never been to. Uhh, you can go to Mass down the road, if that's your thing. Uh, fuckin, what else. Maybe in time, we'll make it to the lake to fish, lolā€¦ Uh, what else.. OH, we can hit up the beach, that place is pretty chill, funnn, it's where all the poor people go to evolve, lol. Uh, what else. The Zoo! the zoo is nice. Fuckinā€¦ Fuckinā€¦ I don't know. Fuckin, we can sit here and chill, light up some candles. I got some smart bulbs, soā€¦ Fuckin.. I don't know. My room isn't really made for group pleasure on the computer, so if I'm in here, on facebook, just chill, and fuckinā€¦ I'm probably just talking to CJ.

    Sunday Morning, Kafka is going to have to make pancakes for us.

    Do the dishes, Keep your clothes agreeable. Fuckin. Don't get me kicked out. Fuckin, uh, what elseā€¦ The couch, is nice. Please don't tear it up. I worked really hard to get that fucker in here, and gave up a lot of time and energy. Fuckinā€¦ Summertime? We smokin. Don't smoke at the pool. Maybe if we can keep our shit together, we can someā€¦ Fuckin, uh margharitas and shit.

    I'm six feet tall, nobody messes with meā€¦ Fuckin, this is our livesā€¦ Fuckin.. I know some famous people, man. Don't ruin it. And the only person we give the house word toā€¦ Is Cj, because he fuckin, is a thorough ass nigga.

    Fuckin, if it's time to get to the food pantry, get your rear in the car, and get some darn groceries and carry them in.

    I don't like to waste food, even if I have to. So eat all your food. Uhh, we'll have fun. Umm, fuckinā€¦ We'll make it to topgolf.. Uhhā€¦ I don't know. Fuckin..

    In or out, don't stand in the doorway,


    Fuckin, just let me make my donations, please. I have to be stimulated-occupied.

    Freakin be nice to Bill, Just be up front with him.. Don't tell him were smoking weed and getting drunk, him ie ia say, say we'reā€¦ Fuckin, don't say anything, just let him be a man, let me be the boy, ok. Frickenā€¦ Court. Don't mess with nobody, fuckin, obey the guards, don't sauce up, Cause, this is fairfield county, and I don't know whoa but this place, even being a northern County, these boys are hard. Show respect, and don't try and play it like I'm fin shit on these people, please don't. These people mean a lot to me. I may want to do some work here in the room after a while, so pleaseā€¦ We'll get to the gym, and you can sit in the sauna. Fn, uh, manā€¦ Fn, if we ever run into bubba, Freakin, be nice to him. He's living his best life, and there's nothing wrong with that. He really has a lot of demons, and if it's time to give him a ride to the drive through, relax, we'll head to town, and we'll chill, and he usually gives us smoke. Marcos? I don't know where he is, he very well may still be in the joint. Homie been in the fuckin prison. Fuckinā€¦ High School reunion, meh, that's for people with kids. Uhh, facebook? Fuckin, if and when you get on, don't get on there posting us here at the house like fried drunkā€¦ Fuckinā€¦ I don't know. You want to get on the sub program? be my guest, but fuckin


    but fuckin, we're family. Uhh, shhheeeei

    Fuckin, just fuckinā€¦ Maybe we'll go see my cousin, down on the farm. Maybe we'll go do some work, chill with her, in her schitzo house, lol, lol, uh, uh, ha ha ha, lol, hahaha. Maybe we take care, she'll let us hunt, or put up a tent, something like that. Uh, be nice to grandma. Fricken, I don't know how that's gonna work. She might not be too keen on a couple swingers snooking her place up. I don't know. It's really peaceful down there, Maybe she'll get a couch we can sit on. Fuckin, sheiā€¦ Fuckin.. I don't really play video games, but maybe we'll get to play runescape. Uhh, fuckinā€¦ I don't know. Uh, shooooo, what else. Don't let strangers in the houseā€¦ Fuckin, don't let people steal from the houseā€¦ Uh, shower everyday. Keep your teeth nice. No crazy hair cuts, and, fucking re-inforce positively.. Don't blow up, ok.. Fuckin, there's three of us and we all know how to communicate. Fuckin, *heh* ok. And please try to process this, this is real, this is real life, and I've been through this before. So, these aren't complex rules. We're going to have fun and we're going to keep the heat onā€¦ *Yawn*

    this is not a fetish/flop house. This is three niggas trying to
  6. infinityshock Black Hole

    Nigger rapist and murderer of a 5 year old...
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
  9. CandyRein Black Hole
  10. CandyRein Black Hole


    Happy Hump day bishes ;)
  11. infinityshock Black Hole

    Nigger rapist and murderer of a 5 year old...
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
  15. infinityshock Black Hole

    Dat right dere beez offsir miles Bryant.

    He beez affirmative akshun diversity hire

    Gnome sane

    Dat beez whyz ya donts let niggers playz wit the white man magic
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
  17. infinityshock Black Hole

  18. infinityshock Black Hole
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
  20. CandyRein Black Hole
    You clocked in a little late this morning bookie ..donā€™t you let that chit happen againā€¦or itā€™s up azz ā€¦.

    You hear me ?
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