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your opinion of the monkey gang wars?

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  2. #2
    infinityshock Black Hole
    jesus fuck those slant-eyes are stupid. slingshots. fucking retards. fucking vermin. may as well give them free college degrees and hire them into diversity,equity,and inclusion jobs.

    the population exceeds acceptable levels. culling is required

    partition the shithole into areas that want the mini-niggers and areas that dont want the mini-niggers.

    in the area that doesnt want the mini-nigers, it will be forbidden to feed them or interact with them in any way that doesnt cause them pain. the retard cops will be equipped with clubs and air-rifles firing at least .22 pellets. any mini-niggers venturing into the forbidden areas will be visibly beaten to death to discourage other mini-niggers from venturing into the area. if a mini-nigger climbs or manages to elude the retard cops the .22 air-rifle will be used to cull the beasts

    the area that wants the mini-niggers will have a sales tax added to fund the control of the vermin in the area that doesnt want them
  3. #3
    Iron Ree African Astronaut [my flyspeck near-blind refund]
    u ghate niger
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