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The Retarded Thread: Click Here for AIDS

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I still have your address. I'd call an Uber to your house, contact them and tell them to break in through the window, and bind your wrists. 911 will already have been called, naturally.

    Then why you haven't sent me something cool like you said you would?
  2. Originally posted by mmQ The property owner? C'mon now. This is about ME. It's a selfish choice. I'll do it My way.

    If ur gonna kill yourself, be considerate at least. Also sign up to be an organ donor pls.
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I still have your address. I'd call an Uber to your house, contact them and tell them to break in through the window, and bind your wrists. 911 will already have been called, naturally.

    I'd call the local cops and say he's armed and taken hostages
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle

  6. Originally posted by saltpewter - - - there are tons of videos of guys slicing their dicks up but i never find good vids of women ripping up their pussies, or if they do its old hookers or their faces or hidden. plus whenever im on these sites there are always things that are way too depraved for me like "maggot infested vagina" porn links were on the site today. i kinda cringefreaked out for half a second and i was lucky enough not to have the image burned into my mind. i only fap to bundy when i'm willing to take the risk of avoiding mentally destructive thumbnails like a bird in the wild avoids a predator.

    what the fuck is wrong with humans
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon If ur gonna kill yourself, be considerate at least. Also sign up to be an organ donor pls.

    I thought a Livestream would be considerate. I AM. An organ donor.
  8. Originally posted by mmQ Then why you haven't sent me something cool like you said you would?

    It's sitting on my laptop that I barely use, and I'm not going to dig through it to send you gifts. That's why I wanted it again. But if it as a matter of life or death, it would take me about 2-3 minutes to find it.
  9. Originally posted by aldra I'd call the local cops and say he's armed and taken hostages

    They're not gonna be in there before an uber driver, I can practically guarantee that. With slit wrists, you're racing against time, 30 seconds can be the difference between life and death.
  10. there are people who have a beehive swarm their dick and sting it while fapping to orgasm

    i cant comprehend it, why would you ever do that, what's wrong with your fucking brain
  11. there was a forum for people putting worms up their pisshole

    this shit gave me ptsd
  12. Shut the fuck up spo
  13. lol
  14. Originally posted by Captain Falcon They're not gonna be in there before an uber driver, I can practically guarantee that. With slit wrists, you're racing against time, 30 seconds can be the difference between life and death.

    Besides, if it's a hostage situation they're gonna siege the house and spend 40 minutes trying to sneak in.
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon They're not gonna be in there before an uber driver, I can practically guarantee that. With slit wrists, you're racing against time, 30 seconds can be the difference between life and death.

    Well guess what. You PROBABKY wouldn't be in TC at the time anyway.

    It would be Panny, trayvon, and HTS watching it. And although 2 f them have my info, it wouldn't matter.

    But heh. This is silly anyway I'm not doing it. Never will. Bit if I DID, that's how. No faggot by myself shit. Id give the community something to remember.
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by mmQ Well guess what. You PROBABKY wouldn't be in TC at the time anyway.

    It would be Panny, trayvon, and HTS watching it. And although 2 f them have my info, it wouldn't matter.

    But heh. This is silly anyway I'm not doing it. Never will. Bit if I DID, that's how. No faggot by myself shit. Id give the community something to remember.

    I'll launch myself into the air with a shit homemade rocket or cannon and come crashing down after like 200m... with a note that says 'I just wanted to be a nigga in space'
  17. I love Demi Moore

  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    face looks like selma hayek
  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Face looks like faggot
  20. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Why does sploo masturbate to triangles?

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

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