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This is crazy how that I think about it

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  2. #2
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    I was just thinking about killing myself and this thread changed my mind, thanks wariat. Nobody can honestly look at themselves and think they're too degenerate to live while you're still kicking, and I think that's beautiful.
  3. #3
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  4. #4
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  5. #5
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  6. #6
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  7. #7
    become a drug dealer yourself so that you have somethimg to offer these kids.
  8. #8
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry This is the first city and place in my life I lived at where I actually saw kids on two diff occasions in six years I’ve lived here high literally high and another one a. 13 yew told on a tram stop drunk at night on a weekend either laying there or sitting and moving about (forgot as this wa sober a year ago). I got no blowjob nor even asked none of those times but I also didn’t have the balls to imie thought of it to report it. It’s like nothing resulted from those incidences. What would you guys have done? I simply pondered wondering what I should do or what the best course of action would be resulting in me not doing anything. Do I hit them up asking for a blowjob or tell on em to the municipal cops or threaten to? Do I just call on them and point to where they are? Robi follow them and confront them and tell them who gave or sold them drugs and what did they have to do for them or beat this person up? What do I do what do I do too many options man.

    I’ve never lived in such a ghetto area before any of you guys? This makes me actually ponder things and think who the fuck would give them shit for free unless they sucked dick for it or have dealer parents or something?

    youre an idiot
  9. #9
    leave the poor kid alone

  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry nah i wouldnt like maniopulate them and say hey im gonna tlel on ur parents or theyr egonna have issue sif i call the cops now so change my mind go ahead offer something im waiting. but you damm sure know many dudes would. and have. including probably some on this site. i was thinking more like hey u need anything and i can get you more just offer me something or what cna u do for me in return. but i still woudlnt do that i mean i was just thinking man thats all just a fantasy or pondering nothing i actually did. but i mean meikai if theyre in the game theyre already getting high you know theyre probably doing that i mean if it isnt me it would be someone else if you think about it no? who would jus tgive them shit for free? anyway i wouldnt do it simply becaus e I woudlnt know how to ask secondly id be too shy to thirdly id feel weird to fourthly it wouldnt feel right and im parnaoid of the law what if they only do it wiht one source and ebcause im not their source theyre gonna take my pic and act vicitms all of a suddne depsite doing it wiht their one source or dealer down the street? again emika who the fcuk woud;l just give them shit for free? i probably should do something though if i see this again like not be afraid ot get close confront them voerocme my fears and tlel them whos odl or gve it to them and fiht this person or turn him in no?

    Originally posted by Warcry its weird because in one of the cases I was sitting on this bench and drinking a beer or energy drink near fountains when it was hot like last summer and these tow girls were like hella intoxicate dor high im thinking high swinging sort of thie rbdoie slaughing nosntop and approaching other kids or teens in the area saking for something but not a single time they approached me so in poland like i said they may do everything or be as fucked up as in russia but wont do shit with anyone they dont know or trust (unlike say russia) and this is a huge difference for guys like me who know no one or are introverts. anyway, after a while they leave after aksing ppl enarby mostly younger people for something I assumed drugs or money for something and i sort of left later as i happened to be done with ym energyd rink or beer anyway but they either were so parnaoid or i give off such a bad aura way from far away as they walekd away and avoided tlakign to me in the small apr area one of them kept turning and sort of making eye cpontact with me but not really smiling so either like making sure i dont get close to them or curious in me like wanting me but i felt its probably the former not the latter. my plan was jsut to see if its really true or my intuition theyre actually high at that age. or maybe they thought i was a cop or gonna turn them in who know si kept wlaking straight as i was gonna go there anyway this other place nearby i just stopped for a drink first. but if I was gonna do a good thing like get them help or turn that deraler or dude who gets sexual favors from them in how would i have done it? catch up to themd epsite them obviously or one of them feeling my aura or turning at me wihtout me even like egtting vlose like feleing me from way far away or how?

    Originally posted by Warcry like what if i want to change my thinking or ideas and in such situations in the future help them and put an end to it how do i even do it or how would you? i mean i guess its possible they get it from school kids or ppl their age who steal it from say their delaer parents and jsut sell it and they stela money out of their parents wallets who knows.

    like how do i turn it into a good deed these bad thoughts meikai what do i do in such situations to amke it up for the world for my thoguhts?

    youre an idiot
  11. #11
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  12. #12
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  13. #13
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  14. #14
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Warcry i do leave them alone im just asking what should i do to help them or get the people giving or sleling them drugs?

    That is NOT what you were asking.

    Originally posted by Warcry This is the first city and place in my life I lived at where I actually saw kids on two diff occasions in six years I’ve lived here high literally high and another one a. 13 yew told on a tram stop drunk at night on a weekend either laying there or sitting and moving about (forgot as this wa sober a year ago). I got no blowjob nor even asked none of those times but I also didn’t have the balls to imie thought of it to report it. It’s like nothing resulted from those incidences. What would you guys have done? I simply pondered wondering what I should do or what the best course of action would be resulting in me not doing anything. Do I hit them up asking for a blowjob or tell on em to the municipal cops or threaten to? Do I just call on them and point to where they are? Robi follow them and confront them and tell them who gave or sold them drugs and what did they have to do for them or beat this person up? What do I do what do I do too many options man.

    I’ve never lived in such a ghetto area before any of you guys? This makes me actually ponder things and think who the fuck would give them shit for free unless they sucked dick for it or have dealer parents or something?
  15. #15
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  16. #16
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  17. #17
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Thirteen isn't even legal in Poland you fucking NONCE.

    Originally posted by Warcry i wasnt aksing this i was saying what was going on in ymhead or what i was pondering not actualyl asking this or advice or anything. plus thje quesiton was facecvious you know that word facecious?

    I know you're not supposed to make fun of people who are ESL because they speak another language but I'm pretty sure you can barely speak Polish so...

  18. #18
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  19. #19
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
  20. #20
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
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