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I got a new thing or schpill going guys

  1. #1
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    I am telling everyone especially young rude girls to me online that I am looking for a young braud a young chika and if shes not of legal age say 13 or 14 for me its good enough to meet and wait for her to be of age and ready and simply be my teddy bear or daughter i never had as I get to know her and snuggle together to wathc movies is enough intimiacy for me and it is absolutely legal i looked it up hugging or kissing a forehead nto mouth is absolutely fine for me and it is still way more intimiacy than i get in my daily life. and i wanna get in a fight with some dad. i am going to hit on chicks of all ages and this time if i get in a situaiton like i did last time like a eyar ago with that dad for simply telling this cocky chick in the hood area of town or the ghetto area the dude was probably some drug dealer as she was so cocky sicking him on me for no reason and making shit up to him about me on instagram that never happened next time im gonna say all this shit to some dudes face like that like do something bro im within my legal rights to tlak to anyone i want even be with her as long as i dont fuck or touch her breasts area or vagina area and snuggling is legal bro so do something. and i wanna get ina. fight and fuck up a dude like that and make a name kind of likehow i fucked up luciano in front of his kids. im sick and tired of this shit. these paranoid fucks in this neihgbourhood of losers and drug addicts i liv ein who are hypocrytes emotionally and morally as they give thier kiuds alcohol and cigarettes and think some older guys imply hitting on their daughetyr which would be asbolutely legal for pure sex in germany or other countries can talk down to me and threaten me. Next time this is whats ahpepning and another luciano is gonna be choked out,.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. #2
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    these pieces of shit act like adults at 14 and tlak like gypsie sin this hood area walk around smoking and ask randomd udes who give them smokes and at like adults but have this big fucking bone up their arse about some guy they dont know or outside their ghetto are hitting on their daughters and hitting on someone or talking to them is completely legal. fuck them. especially since really i just looking for a daughetr figure i never had and snuggling to watch movies until they hit age of consent is enough and if they are age of consent if they got some issue fucking bringing it cause cops wont do shit cause theyre legal.
  3. #3
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    im sick and tired of poland and its shippocrisy culture of ebing asexual or anti sex or conservative vlaues when they do everything els eilelgal or girmey udner the sun but have this weir dobsession with sex unlike russians whos exualized their kids and made prostitution a national apst time during the yeltsin era at least.
  4. #4
    Originally posted by Warcry I am telling everyone especially young rude girls to me online that I am looking for a young braud a young chika and if shes not of legal age say 13 or 14 for me its good enough to meet and wait for her to be of age and ready and simply be my teddy bear or daughter i never had as I get to know her and snuggle together to wathc movies is enough intimiacy for me and it is absolutely legal i looked it up hugging or kissing a forehead nto mouth is absolutely fine for me and it is still way more intimiacy than i get in my daily life. and i wanna get in a fight with some dad. i am going to hit on chicks of all ages and this time if i get in a situaiton like i did last time like a eyar ago with that dad for simply telling this cocky chick in the hood area of town or the ghetto area the dude was probably some drug dealer as she was so cocky sicking him on me for no reason and making shit up to him about me on instagram that never happened next time im gonna say all this shit to some dudes face like that like do something bro im within my legal rights to tlak to anyone i want even be with her as long as i dont fuck or touch her breasts area or vagina area and snuggling is legal bro so do something. and i wanna get ina. fight and fuck up a dude like that and make a name kind of likehow i fucked up luciano in front of his kids. im sick and tired of this shit. these paranoid fucks in this neihgbourhood of losers and drug addicts i liv ein who are hypocrytes emotionally and morally as they give thier kiuds alcohol and cigarettes and think some older guys imply hitting on their daughetyr which would be asbolutely legal for pure sex in germany or other countries can talk down to me and threaten me. Next time this is whats ahpepning and another luciano is gonna be choked out,.

    if you really want to do this 4-9 year olds are best,
  5. #5
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    if youre going to be like russia and treat your kids like little adults who can smoke drink and sniff mephedrone with you why the fuck are you so obsessed with an older guy not even doing anything but just making a conversaiton or hitting on your 14 year old daughter who possibly doesnt even want sex but attention or simply get to know ehr and will wait until she hits the magic number of 15? this is why polish people compared to russians are retarded/. theyre like russians in every other way but sex.
  6. #6
    ner vegas African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry I am telling everyone especially young rude girls to me online that I am looking for a young braud a young chika and if shes not of legal age say 13 or 14 for me its good enough to meet and wait for her to be of age and ready and simply be my teddy bear or daughter i never had as I get to know her and snuggle together to wathc movies is enough intimiacy for me and it is absolutely legal i looked it up hugging or kissing a forehead nto mouth is absolutely fine for me and it is still way more intimiacy than i get in my daily life. and i wanna get in a fight with some dad. i am going to hit on chicks of all ages and this time if i get in a situaiton like i did last time like a eyar ago with that dad for simply telling this cocky chick in the hood area of town or the ghetto area the dude was probably some drug dealer as she was so cocky sicking him on me for no reason and making shit up to him about me on instagram that never happened next time im gonna say all this shit to some dudes face like that like do something bro im within my legal rights to tlak to anyone i want even be with her as long as i dont fuck or touch her breasts area or vagina area and snuggling is legal bro so do something. and i wanna get ina. fight and fuck up a dude like that and make a name kind of likehow i fucked up luciano in front of his kids. im sick and tired of this shit. these paranoid fucks in this neihgbourhood of losers and drug addicts i liv ein who are hypocrytes emotionally and morally as they give thier kiuds alcohol and cigarettes and think some older guys imply hitting on their daughetyr which would be asbolutely legal for pure sex in germany or other countries can talk down to me and threaten me. Next time this is whats ahpepning and another luciano is gonna be choked out,.

    so what you're saying is your new tactic is molesting kids and beating up their dads
  7. #7
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    no molesting aldra is illegal if it involves touch i work within the law everything i do i can do legally.
  8. #8
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    molesting involves touch of privates and thigns of that nature. simply saying you are hot or giving a complement or starting a conversation sint illrgal aldra nor is watching a mvoie snuggled with them but not touching any intimate parts.
  9. #9
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    plus how am i supposed to tell Aldra? without hitting on them or getting to know them first if they are 15 and not 14 or vice versa? simply hitting on a chick or egtting to know ehr isnt illegal aldra. so that one dad who got in my face and the btich who manipulated him against me should have got beat up or maced that day.
  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ner vegas so what you're saying is your new tactic is molesting kids and beating up their dads

    I try to read that idiots gibberings but after 3 or 4 sentences my brain gets the same physical response my hand would when touching a hot stove and it instinctively and subconsciously jumps away.
  11. #11
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry plus how am i supposed to tell Aldra? without hitting on them or getting to know them first if they are 15 and not 14 or vice versa? simply hitting on a chick or egtting to know ehr isnt illegal aldra. so that one dad who got in my face and the btich who manipulated him against me should have got beat up or maced that day.

    As an fyi...if I had a daughter and I caught you noncing on her I guarantee you'd have all your problems solved right there on the spot.
  12. #12
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    youre a nobody. a punk puto bitch. i would sotmp your head in. youre a bitch like ur mommy was to your homosexual daddy.,
  13. #13
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    luciano probably thought the same thing at first. youre an old has been man that would get manhandled with just slaps. in poland assault is pretty much legal anyway.
  14. #14
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    lol i would slap you like a bitch than your own daughter would leave with me while laughing at you.
  15. #15
    Originally posted by ner vegas so what you're saying is your new tactic is molesting kids and beating up their dads

    cuddling on a couch is not molestation.

    your just jelly because your fat and ugly and no one wanted to cuddle with you when your a little boy.
  16. #16
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Warcry I am telling everyone especially young rude girls to me online that I am looking for a young braud a young chika and if shes not of legal age say 13 or 14 for me its good enough to meet and wait for her to be of age and ready and simply be my teddy bear or daughter i never had as I get to know her and snuggle together to wathc movies is enough intimiacy for me and it is absolutely legal i looked it up hugging or kissing a forehead nto mouth is absolutely fine for me and it is still way more intimiacy than i get in my daily life. and i wanna get in a fight with some dad. i am going to hit on chicks of all ages and this time if i get in a situaiton like i did last time like a eyar ago with that dad for simply telling this cocky chick in the hood area of town or the ghetto area the dude was probably some drug dealer as she was so cocky sicking him on me for no reason and making shit up to him about me on instagram that never happened next time im gonna say all this shit to some dudes face like that like do something bro im within my legal rights to tlak to anyone i want even be with her as long as i dont fuck or touch her breasts area or vagina area and snuggling is legal bro so do something. and i wanna get ina. fight and fuck up a dude like that and make a name kind of likehow i fucked up luciano in front of his kids. im sick and tired of this shit. these paranoid fucks in this neihgbourhood of losers and drug addicts i liv ein who are hypocrytes emotionally and morally as they give thier kiuds alcohol and cigarettes and think some older guys imply hitting on their daughetyr which would be asbolutely legal for pure sex in germany or other countries can talk down to me and threaten me. Next time this is whats ahpepning and another luciano is gonna be choked out,.

    Originally posted by Warcry these pieces of shit act like adults at 14 and tlak like gypsie sin this hood area walk around smoking and ask randomd udes who give them smokes and at like adults but have this big fucking bone up their arse about some guy they dont know or outside their ghetto are hitting on their daughters and hitting on someone or talking to them is completely legal. fuck them. especially since really i just looking for a daughetr figure i never had and snuggling to watch movies until they hit age of consent is enough and if they are age of consent if they got some issue fucking bringing it cause cops wont do shit cause theyre legal.

    Originally posted by Warcry these pieces of shit act like adults at 14 and tlak like gypsie sin this hood area walk around smoking and ask randomd udes who give them smokes and at like adults but have this big fucking bone up their arse about some guy they dont know or outside their ghetto are hitting on their daughters and hitting on someone or talking to them is completely legal. fuck them. especially since really i just looking for a daughetr figure i never had and snuggling to watch movies until they hit age of consent is enough and if they are age of consent if they got some issue fucking bringing it cause cops wont do shit cause theyre legal.
  17. #17
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    100% wrong un
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. #18
    Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Brain damaged nonce can't see past the fact the dad was protecting his teenage daughter and still trying to justify your noncey actions.

    Kill yourself.
  19. #19
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    mayve they should be protecting their daughters form the world of white trash and drugs and little boys with no teeth who get them high instead of me who actually is an educated eprson and a much better candidate than some white trash they themselves are?
  20. #20
    Warcry Certified lover boy (banned)
    if they want to protect them why give them alcohold rugs adn cigarettes and what would i do to them exactly that they wouldnt want to do themselves? I ddont see masha babkos or russian aprents protecting thei rkid slikt these retarded and hypcopryte pollacks do you? why cant they be mor elike ruskis? besides the white trash and drugs part?
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