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Lanny you pretentious cunt, what the fuck is this about?

  1. #21
    I'm not even addicted bro I only use drugs because its rattox everywhere I turn.
  2. #22
    Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Malice You know, I never had this thought before, but given the incredibly disproportionate amount of (severely) mentally ill people we attract, people with neurological disorders (I think there are at least 5 confirmed ASD cases on here, and the prevalence in the general population is under 1/1,000), really fucked up pasts and current lives, psychological problems, drug addiction, just all these various issues:

    It must really be terrible to have to deal with the moderation of this. Even dealing with people in your physical proximity that have your PI threatening to murder you and your loved ones, concocting elaborate schemes to make you suffer as much as possible (heheh…).

    It's almost like running a daycare, or a zoo, maybe just the head of a large club, for the degenerates and outcasts of society.

    Fortunately we have technology to protect us from the horrors and dangers of physical proximity. Everyone's behind a screen, disconnected, but safe.

    On the bad days the daycare analogy feels really apt. Dealing with spacecat, bling, or Bill Krozby in particular give that impression. I don't know if the three of them are retarded or just like to play dumb (well I know Bill Krozby actually is retarded) but they all like to pretend like they have no idea what they did after getting banned regardless of how many time they're warned prior. I'm pretty sure it's just to get on my nerves but it's literally like dealing with young children.

    That said though, most people here are actually pretty reasonable, at least from the "let's run a forum" perspective. I think one of the few things that's gotten better over successive sites is that people act like they have some level of ownership, as bad as the place may be at times, it behooves each poster to not make it worse because they have to live in a shittier forum if they do. Back on zoklet a lot of people were obnoxious and pushed boundaries just to show contempt for the moderation while here I don't really see that. I mean part of it is that there just aren't as many ways to break rules, but I also like to think there's a certain level of communal maturity involved too.
  3. #23
    Tired of dealing with scron spam? Bill Krozby wearing on your nerves? bling bling done it again? Sir, I present to you the final solution:

    Mod me.
  4. #24
    NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Malice You know, I never had this thought before, but given the incredibly disproportionate amount of (severely) mentally ill people we attract, people with neurological disorders (I think there are at least 5 confirmed ASD cases on here, and the prevalence in the general population is under 1/1,000), really fucked up pasts and current lives, psychological problems, drug addiction, just all these various issues:

    It must really be terrible to have to deal with the moderation of this. Even dealing with people in your physical proximity that have your PI threatening to murder you and your loved ones, concocting elaborate schemes to make you suffer as much as possible (heheh…).

    It's almost like running a daycare, or a zoo, maybe just the head of a large club, for the degenerates and outcasts of society.

    Fortunately we have technology to protect us from the horrors and dangers of physical proximity. Everyone's behind a screen, disconnected, but safe.

    I get a really strong impression from your posts that you love to think everyone else has mental disorders.

  5. #25
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I say if you're going to spam a forum with worthless shit posts, you deserve the ban. Stick to Half Baked. You're among friends there.
  6. #26
    Bill Krozby is chill same with bling

    You just ban people you dont like cuz your a left wing cuck censorship big brother rattox. Totse was about free information but now if you dont shut up and get in line you will be IP banned, account deleted.

    This place is just turning into another 4chan.

    If it was the userbase of zoklets size no doubt you can expect more abuse while the rats gang up on you for a pat on the head.

    Why even have all the subforums and ban people. Just do it like this;

    -Rattox Generalities
    -Better living through cuckoldry
    -Armchair psychology philosophy politics autism corner
    -S&S "script kiddies and serpent pythons"

    The only topics allowed: Bill Krozby bashing, legal pharmaceuticals, " but what is the nature of man?", current events and war stories about totse users of old.
  7. #27
    You never warn anyone you FUCKING lush maybe in your spun out reality of a brain damaged degenerate where it takes you 20 hours to make one dumb post while ive made about 200 golden timeless posts with maybe 1 that vaugley breaks a dumb rule you just made up.

    Your the fucking child throwing a tantrum whenever nobody plays by your imaginary rules that change and evolve every time you polish off another vermouth. Not only do you have the maturity of a child but also the mental capacity of an autistic and the processing speed of a dementia sufferer off their meds.

    Is everyone just as retarded as you where your from?. Oh wait yeah.. Malice is your closest neighbor lol. Your entire geographic region is cucks.

    And you are all faggots.
  8. #28
    Originally posted by Dargo Tired of dealing with scron spam? Bill Krozby wearing on your nerves? bling bling done it again? Sir, I present to you the final solution:

    Mod me.

    You have my vote.
  9. #29
    Just program ignore lists fucking retards.

    Idiosyncracy thought of this YEARS ago and you are just realizing it now? Fucking SLOW ASS MANCHILDREN!!! all the admin/mod powers in the world will do nothing to fix your outdated minds.

    We had a good thing going and Richard burnish fucked it all up while you all cheered him on. And still he posts Bill Krozby IP and mine (wasn't even correct).

    You are all such fucking rattoxes I just laugh every time any of you say anything. Just fucking stop posting already. Move on with your lives.

    You dont deserve to have a forum anymore. You betrayed the totse spirit.
  10. #30
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Totse wasn't about spamming shitposts into discussion forums.
  11. #31
    I never spammed until someone spammed Me first.

    Lanny was too busy passed out cold from the sauce so I did his job for him.

    And does anyone thank me?. Nope I get banned for trying to help.
  12. #32
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    If they spam you, it's better just to label them a retard and not spam back.
  13. #33
    After months of gay rape spam in every thread I said enough is enough and lost it.

    Lanny should have IP banned him on the spot but nope he's a quality poster, no bans on record.

    you are just dumb and slow like lanny.
  14. #34
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I see your point. There is no consistency, so that becomes very frustrating. Lanny may think that he can arbitrarily decide bans on what bothers him personally or not, not on the actual situation, as if he is under the impression he owns the community and is within his rights to be arbitrary if he so desires. That would be a very failing philosophy to pursue, as proven with all the other now-defunct BBS sites who tried the same thing.
  15. #35
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by scron you are just dumb and slow like lanny.

    I'm far from dumb and slow. If you think spamming threads will get you relief from your frustration with others spamming, you are sadly mistaken. All you are accomplishing with that is bothering the members who don't spam as well. Spamming a board is always the worst method to rectify a BBS injustice.
  16. #36
    He doesn't understand anything, he's one of the slowest dullest posters and every time he bans me Its for something that happened 10+ hours ago and he always does it when I'm not breaking any rules at all.

    I will be posting good being good scrawny then out of nowhere I'm banned for "I TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES TO STOP PUTTING SHIT IN THE WRONG SUBFORUM!!!"

    Yeah.. we all stopped doing that weeks ago .. It's like he lives 2 weeks in the past.. every single time I get banned for things I have no memory of because he is so slow and retarded it takes him a week to read one page.

    When the shit is long forgotten buried on page 5 THATS when you ban them?.

    Thats the most fucked up thing I have ever seen in my life, Lanny is the biggest fattest laziest dumbest rat out there.
    The only way this place will ever improve is if he gets ran over by a bus and someone who isn't a functional retard starts a new forum.
  17. #37
    bling bling Dark Matter
  18. #38
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I'm far from dumb and slow. If you think spamming threads will get you relief from your frustration with others spamming, you are sadly mistaken. All you are accomplishing with that is bothering the members who don't spam as well. Spamming a board is always the worst method to rectify a BBS injustice.

    I didnt spam until my account got deleted for no reason.

    He deleted scrawny but banned fake scrawny and didn't delete it.

    My only conclusion is someone has been slipping paint thinner in his cocktails and we are watching the slow death of brain cells in action. You could train a monkey to press a few buttons on a keyboard for arbitrary reasons, there is no injustice or spam.

    Lanny just likes to fuck with me but he's too lazy to throw down like a real man so he just bans me like a cuck.

    I don't care, this forum sucks and you are all idiots. I read more useful content on the backs of cereal boxes than your faggy armchair pseudo philospohy and MSM brainwashed left wing faggotry.
  19. #39
    Scronaldo, shut the fuck up, god damn it.
  20. #40
    I don't even exist . Just ignore the spam and label me a retard.
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