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2024-02-06 at 4:21 PM UTCthe ultimate gochu. now you win! you sure taught me a lesson.
go fuck yourselves i hope every single one of you faggots chokes and dies
mail me my paycheck please and youre not getting shit from me.
now watch me die -
2024-02-06 at 4:24 PM UTC
2024-02-06 at 4:37 PM UTCGochu nose
2024-02-06 at 4:53 PM UTCim going to get you back. i promise.
2024-02-06 at 5:03 PM UTC
Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE the ultimate gochu. now you win! you sure taught me a lesson.
go fuck yourselves i hope every single one of you faggots chokes and dies
mail me my paycheck please and youre not getting shit from me.
now watch me die
I'll give you a whole rupee to let me stick my dick in your hole