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Kafka being hunted and murdered for sport like a gazelle

  1. #21
    A College Professor victim of incest [your moreover breastless limestone]
    thansk for getting me hard, bro
  2. #22
    Ghost Black Hole
    here's the real question

    Originally posted by Solstice

    would you hit DH plural kafkas shitpussy ? THIS AIN'T NO @o YEAR OLD GOTH EMO SLUT
    tbh people with mental illnesses untreated are the best in bed (like me ;) )
  3. #23
    Ghost Black Hole
  4. #24
    EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    no map stands for methamphetamine attracted person get it right
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. #25
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE no map stands for methamphetamine attracted person get it right

    OP is not that, he's a bitch that thinks drugs should be illegal and he dials 911 when he see's a homeless person smoking a pookie in the park and he giggles and laughs to himself when they get arrested and then he goes into the bathroom and ties a belt around his neck and fondles crisolisis dead necrotic body chained to a pipe in his bathroom while he masturbates furiously to pictures of IRMA on linkedin
  6. #26
    Warcry Space Nigga
    again how was he able to find it if this is her? like how?
  7. #27
    Ghost Black Hole
    It's her

    Idk how I figured this out on meth, these DH fucktardsd kept fucking with me spamming my threads and
    Originally posted by Solstice The ones who cry hardest about PI PI PI are often times the ones most vulnerable to leaving trails and leaks of it themselves….
    ^^^ literally stole that exact line from me lololol OP is 100% a kafka plural alt

    he's the new haxxor. Aka the old haxxor because haxxor was always kafka, kafka was drug smuggler.

    Everyone follow kafka on twitter
  8. #28
    Ghost Black Hole
    here is a bunch of random internet reivews about the forum culture of DH

    this is why I have zero respect for DH'ers they come on here calling us all pedophiles or drug addicts when these losers have been the laughing stock of society, the internet and their own sad little lives for DECADES and now they resorted to bullying 20-30 year old drug addicts mentally ill half their age LMAO

    and they end up getting trolled and bullied by these people instead

    it's the funniest/saddest story I've ever read on the internet and I follow shit like chris chan and DSP. The DH drama is 100x more psychotic and retarded which is why it's so funny how much we have ruined them forever

    They will always keep coming back to be abused by us, on an infinite amount of FOX KAFKA RAPE MONSTER alts to spam the forum with their gay drama and I will keep laughing and calling all of them faggots for all of time until they kill themselves out of shame
  9. #29
    Ghost Black Hole
    now ask yourselves what you were doing in 2012 LMFAO because I know what DH was doing, being faggots like always.
  10. #30
    Warcry Space Nigga
    dh sounded like polishforums full of nazi right wingers and catholics and american catholcis with pollack ehritage slandering casual sex hook up cul;ture and anything that comes form the west including the lgtb movement.
  11. #31
    Ghost Black Hole
    DH really takes the cake. Polishforums doesn't hold a candle to those retards, I can't think of a single internet community more retarded.

    people think stuff like sex perverts being pubic about their perversions is dark and fucked up but I think 20 years of unfunny memes and shit tier trolling by sad 40 year old wine moms that nobody wants to fuck because their kids are all out of the house and they spend all day replying to ME PERSONALLY calling me a loser for posting on a dead forum and they are only here to "laugh at retards" is much more pathetic

    which is pretty funny since anyone here with half a brain does not take any of these retards seriously and just fucked with them 24/7 while they rage and act all smug and cool and thank each others posts like cringe lord faggots. And where are they now?? pressed the FUCK off that's where, every last one of them has been so triggered and DESTROYED by us that they avoid this place IN FEAR because they know any alt will get called out in 2 seconds and they will just be our fuck toy for another few months until they give up and leave

    Yeah keep checking in on us you fucking cowards you are so busy with your jobs and sad lives nobody gives a FUCK about you might as well just kill yourself now to escape the lifetime of shame for being a DH cuck
  12. #32
    Ghost Black Hole
    this is what happens when I don't smoke weed lol
  13. #33
    Originally posted by Kafka Do what you want with your last days of freedom. No one from here can find me anyway, but sometimes I wish a few of you would find my spiderweb just so I could bash your brains in.

    Bring it on bitch! You can't see me like Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles. Go get fucked by your own bedpost, little girl, and shut the fuck up while the adults are speaking. Before I slap you and spit in your mouth. 😂 Whore.
  14. #34
  15. #35
    I'll shit in all your mouths at the same goddamn time if I have to.
  16. #36
    Ghost Black Hole
    horsey sauce
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #37
    Originally posted by Solstice

  18. #38
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Solstice I already have/am; I just sent her a new Stardew Valley notebook from Amazon the other day so she can use it to take notes while she plays, which will go with the packs of stickers she already has from me. Jesus Christ! A notebook and stickers? But please, by all means, let's listen to fucking WARIAT and Kafka of all people lecture someone on being a fucking nonce. 😂😂 Jesus Christ that's rich.

    I'd have Maddie herself come tell you to tuck off again like she has in the past but myself and others made sure to get her safely off this shithole of a site away from you ACTUALLY sick and dangerous people. Even though it had to involve paying Lanny money because he didn't have the dencency to just delete it for her for free.

    You don't know everything you fucking slut. Kill yourself.

    You had all her posts deleted because they were incriminating you and a few others? That isn't looking out for her that's covering your tracks. But it doesn't matter, I took screenshots of everything and someone sent me her P.I so I'll contact CPS myself.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. #39
    Kafka sweaty
    Anyway there's no point in trying to gaslight everything here into thinking it's not kidnapping. It won't help you in court. You're deranged if you think a manchild like yourself can be a good mentor.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. #40
    Warcry Space Nigga
    i dont get why people on this site think he is trying to be a mentor and not someone who simply wanted to meet a girl for attnetion with not a single proof he wanted to do anything sexual to her at a park? why believe his story and not this other person who only wanted attention and meet a young girl for attneitons ekeing or validation?
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