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  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT I know that, I have 2, 10 x 30 walk in coolers i tore down a few years ago and 34 4'x8' sheets on 9" foam I havent put it on yet because I'm planning a remodel that going to make the trailer 16' wide instead of 12' and I plan on using that stuff then,, probable this spring i'll start at the back end of the trailer and work my way forward, and last year I scored 200 sheets of barn metal for the new siding and roof
    and 5 or 6 years ago I scored 34 anderson windows , all i'll need this spring is lumber

    you have to watch out for those pre-fab coolers if youre repurposing them. some of them are made of hollow metal panels...aluminum or SS if youre lucky...then the manufacturer pours in the liquid polyurethane that expands to open-cell foam. that open cell foam has the potential to absorb moisture, saturating the foam, then allowing growth of microbes or even worse, outgassing toxic chemicals.

    i saw a spa that the niche manufacturer accidentally used open-cell foam in the vinyl shell instead of closed cell type and after a period of time the foam absorbed water (it was a spa) which then oozed out of the casing. the manufacturer had to recall hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of product.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT what chu mean in out?

    well, you see, when a boy likes a girl very much, they find a secluded place with no audience, and...
  3. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Raping someone
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung Raping someone

    post pics or fake news
  5. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Originally posted by infinityshock post pics or fake news

    Lets get to know each other more intimately
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung Lets get to know each other more intimately

    good idea

    post nude selfies
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock well, you see, when a boy likes a girl very much, they find a secluded place with no audience, and…

    or when theyre in the navy ...
  8. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    got the house up to 65 by staying home for 36 hrs feeding the fuk out of the woodstove. that old ass wood I had stashed in the semi trailer did the trick
  9. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    that dry ass old ass wood done put a wrinkle in the old ass woodstove last night, i over filled it tryin to keep a fore going for 3 hrs of sleep and wound up havin to stay up till it burned out some cuz when i shut it down to take a nap it shot fire out of 2 holes in the back of it,, not big holes but big enough to let smoke and fire out,, it looked like a torch when i closed the damper down it shot otu of the 2 holes about 2 inches. and the old ass wood has a funky smell to it when burning.
    I'll be headin down to get some fire box repair crete to fill the 2 holes so it doesnt have fire escapin from it tonight
  10. Bradley Black Hole
    it's 60 in miami and everyone is very cold
  11. EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    im unsubscribing from this thread lol get fucked
  12. EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    its still here. im drinking lemon oatmeal
  13. EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
    lanny delete this thread you mentally deficient cunt
  14. EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
  15. EduCaTional CATastropHE African Astronaut
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley it's 60 in miami and everyone is very cold

    yea, this is bullshit. i had to go out this morning and needed to wear a giant parka and hoodie so i didnt freeze my nuts off. i could tell all the north'rners in the store...they were walking around in shorts and short-sleeve shirts. the locals were all wearing knitted hats and giant jackets. i wish i had taken a picture but one girl was wearing a jacket that was obviously not hers...the bottom of it was just above her ankles and the sleeves covered her hands completely by several inches

    i didnt think of it at the time but i should have taken pictures. it was hilarious seeing people wearing huge jackes and other people wearing shorts/t-shirts

    i guarantee if i went to the beach there'd be people in bikinis/swim trunks out there in the cold ass ocean
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by POLECAT that dry ass old ass wood done put a wrinkle in the old ass woodstove last night, i over filled it tryin to keep a fore going for 3 hrs of sleep and wound up havin to stay up till it burned out some cuz when i shut it down to take a nap it shot fire out of 2 holes in the back of it,, not big holes but big enough to let smoke and fire out,, it looked like a torch when i closed the damper down it shot otu of the 2 holes about 2 inches. and the old ass wood has a funky smell to it when burning.
    I'll be headin down to get some fire box repair crete to fill the 2 holes so it doesnt have fire escapin from it tonight

    you need a propane or kerosene heater
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by EduCaTional CATastropHE lanny delete this thread you mentally deficient cunt

    you delete it
  19. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    planning my sled ride for the day,, looks like i'll do a long short ride about 40 miles, that way I can get back to feed the stove before hte house gets cold
  20. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    tomorrow i'll be doing the 150 mile loop up north
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