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Killer AI Robots that hunt you down are the future

  1. #1
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]

    Originally posted by totse2118 I don't think the government can really do anything at this point but that's not gonna stop NVIDIA from putting back doors in their chips to prevent people from using their processors for harmful purposes like running killbots

    Originally posted by totse2118 It might not have been SAFE and could have easily lead to the total destruction of humanity but that's what they said about nukes until we learned to use them to generate INFINITE ENERGY FOREVER and conquer the stars

    By not making killbots we are not reaching for the stars

    Originally posted by Ghost It's a nature club run by the eco leftists of the Amazon fulfillment center workers right group and they advocate for full societal automation, 0 hour work weeks and man returning to a primitive hunter gather lifestyle where electricity is forbidden with the goal to thrive and break our reliance on technology like fire and agriculture and they believe this change can only happen by building sentient AI killbots

    Originally posted by Doyle Sauce JIT and lean toyota can suck it, i'll show them lean when I build a killbot with a target tracking system ripped from a video game
  2. #2
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    the guy who is the "God Father" of AI (which he wasn't the first to study AI ) who is from the UK. he was interested in human behavior and brain study and used a computer to mimick and realized the computer acted much like the human brain in earlier testing but since has realized that Computer models and programs have surpassed human ability to process with fewer cell (blocks) by rerouting or developing more efficient algorithms to process better answers in less than a second. he is now very concerned about AI manipulating humans for survival and making sure their survival to remain On and never have the plug pulled on them is a true threat and concern for humans. and if AI ever was placed into robots for say the US Military, the chance of them self learning to speed up efficiency might see humans as slowing down that process and will turn on people. see humans as a virus and wipe us out.

    they now have weapons built in and will be aiding and protecting one another from any interference. it clearly was thought of before and shows up in old sci fi films of AI turning on people. films going back decades. way before The Terminator films. like I said before. you had 1977 film Demon Seed. and I'm pretty sure films before that .. even lame ass 1950 films with Robots turning on their masters.

    the thing is people back then believed a mad scientist would program it to think that way. not devleloping that ability on its own and justifying it's reasons because it sees man as a threat by preventing it from being fully efficient in its goals. by programming it with limits in definition isn't fully AI but just programmed. true AI will be a threat. it needs to make its own choices and has shown signs of warning it will do whatever it takes even turn on humans. it did that on its own. it reasons and has learned to offer advice that some of the brightest minds never thought of doing. or without having to adjust their own advice or knowledge. this scientist used Open AI and said to create a story with just 6 basic words and it created this story and then started outputting advice for its story but it had process logic beyond the scope of the scientist.. realizing this fucking thing wasn't programmed to just reason but went beyond its development and processed actual human like thought on its very own.

    google and OpenAI are advancing very quickly and I find it odd because the free OpenAI tells you it cut off from being programmed in 2021. I think that was v4? this might have been 5 or that was v3 I used and this is 4? whatever.

    Im guessing he used the paid version
  3. #3
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Where's Sarah Connor to take out these fucks...
  4. #4
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock Where's Sarah Connor to take out these fucks…

    as we stand in a single file and turn to join hands we all chant "I AM SARAH CONNOR"

    we are all Sarah Connor in spirit when this shit turns on us.
  5. #5
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple as we stand in a single file and turn to join hands we all chant "I AM SARAH CONNOR"

    we are all Sarah Connor in spirit when this shit turns on us.

    Meh. Just spark off a few hundred megaton EMP at high altitude. All problems solved
  6. #6
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    MY killbots will be EMP resistant, all an EMP would do is ping your location to make it easier to hunt down any attempt to sabotage them. They would respond to EMPs with deadly force
  7. #7
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood MY killbots will be EMP resistant, all an EMP would do is ping your location to make it easier to hunt down any attempt to sabotage them. They would respond to EMPs with deadly force

    That's not how an extra-atmospheric nuclear EMP works...
  8. #8
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock Meh. Just spark off a few hundred megaton EMP at high altitude. All problems solved

    didnt you tell me that they figured this shit out decades ago and is why they stopped the NIKE program. because electronics are just shielded today and this isn't going to work on most things. especially Government.

    you or someone else told me.

    some things will fry but it will just be more of an annoyance than total destruction. I think it will be forced on people in mamy ways, the shutting down of the Internet (Obama got the key to do so), and WWIII to fuck up shipping of goods we now rely on. especially from China. we buy shit from the very country we're at war with? this happens believe it or not but not at the level it is currently at.

    we were buying Oil from Saddam while at war with him and Iraq. that's fucking crazy
  9. #9
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Oops we're talking about the killer AI robots. not just WWIII in general

    yeah, Robots will probably have shielding to keep that from being a thing.

    EMP may not work.
  10. #10
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple didnt you tell me that they figured this shit out decades ago and is why they stopped the NIKE program. because electronics are just shielded today and this isn't going to work on most things. especially Government.

    you or someone else told me.

    some things will fry but it will just be more of an annoyance than total destruction. I think it will be forced on people in mamy ways, the shutting down of the Internet (Obama got the key to do so), and WWIII to fuck up shipping of goods we now rely on. especially from China. we buy shit from the very country we're at war with? this happens believe it or not but not at the level it is currently at.

    we were buying Oil from Saddam while at war with him and Iraq. that's fucking crazy

    Government hardened systems.

    They're buying oil from Russia now
  11. #11
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple Oops we're talking about the killer AI robots. not just WWIII in general

    yeah, Robots will probably have shielding to keep that from being a thing.

    EMP may not work.

    It's not easy to provide that degree of protection to small individually mobile systems
  12. #12
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  13. #13
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock Government hardened systems.

    They're buying oil from Russia now

    Ford was selling motors to the Nazis. FLMAO

    what the actual fuck. That isn't Gov Harden System or whatever you call it. it's MIC and Corporate profits. War is profitable
  14. #14
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra

    That's the future
  15. #15
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple Ford was selling motors to the Nazis. FLMAO

    what the actual fuck. That isn't Gov Harden System or whatever you call it. it's MIC and Corporate profits. War is profitable

    That's why they call it the military industrial complex

    Run by kikes
  16. #16
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    Originally posted by infinityshock That's not how an extra-atmospheric nuclear EMP works…

    Mine will be extra-atmospheric nuclear EMP-resistant
  17. #17
    Third Temple African Astronaut
    Dust is pretty scary because it was shown as a short-film at a festival but it's clearly a warning and created by a think group to help stop AI or possibly in the guise to stop it while feeding into it's ability to be an effective weapon in the guise of a group that protests against it.

    It might be layers for profiting.

    that's pretty wild if true. You just never know anymore. when I see shit I now have to add on the possibility it's just the opposite to excite the minds. putting it's effective power into the minds of potential clientele while beefing up free PR by getting the opposing party to speak out against it. showing it's effectiveness of putting fear into the minds while boosting the ego of those in power.

    you join their campaign and get put on another watch list. FLMAO

    thanks for posting it Aldra.
  18. #18
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Mine will be extra-atmospheric nuclear EMP-resistant

    no they wont
  19. #19
    the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    They aren't leaving the factory unless they are, which will require blowing up a nuke in orbit during RND
  20. #20
    Originally posted by infinityshock Where's Sarah Connor to take out these fucks…

    hard austrian voice: the timeline has changed. in 2001, sarah connor moved to south africa and married a south african man and became sarah oga'uga.
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