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IDF drowning HAMAS in Tunnels

  1. #81
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat whats the russian reasons to be throwing bombs nd drones still way ahead of the front to kiev or making people freeze by disrupting the energya ifnrastructure?

    energy infrastructure is what gets weapons and soldiers to the front lines
  2. #82
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple It sounded like a small charge going off and opening the wall up. Hamas came across the camera later when the water subsided and the tf chip survived and allowed to dry and upload video??

    or Israel did
    Is this considered a War Crime? seems unconventional to slowly kill someone

    A tactic to prevent flooding is to set off charges to collapse a section of tunnels, daming the water flow
  3. #83
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Slavs have literally never deliberately bombed a hospital. Not in all history. No one has. Not the Commies, the Nazis, the Chinks, the Japs, even the Yanks.

    What the jedis are doing is unique in all world history. It's some Joker tier stuff. No one has ever been evil enough to deliberately bomb a hospital, knowing it was full of little kids.

    This is NOT unique in world history. Kikes are documented to be the most degenerate species of all and have been doing this shit since abramwas evicted from iraq. Even worse than when older civilizations used to launch diseased carcasses and corpses into walled ciIraq.

    With modern information proliferation it's much more difficult for the kikes to censor their atrocities. For example...they've been practicing the hannibal directive since at least roman times (documented)
  4. #84
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Donald Trump What I get from that is that they get along OK so long as they're around a white majority, who provide rules, some sort of very basic concept of fairness, economic opportunities, and a common enemy to hate.

    It's like in Star Trek, when two aliens from races that hate each other work together on the Enterprise.

    The big question is what happens in Star Trek when the humans are no longer the majority in the Federation and Captain Kirk tries running the ship with a fully diverse crew? What about a majority Klingon (or Vulcan, or Ferenghi, or Bajoran) one.

    Kissing some nog won't seem very impressive when "Chodak Lives Matter" is burning 10 Forward and sabotaging the turbolifts.

    The same thing that happens in every civilization in all of recorded history when the strong leadership is no longer present: collapse and anarchy

    At the beginning of recorded history a dude named Sargon 'united' different peoples and they all prospered. When he died the entire region went to shit and killed each other and split up and burned babies and raped horses and rode off on the women.
  5. #85
    Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by aldra energy infrastructure is what gets weapons and soldiers to the front lines

    so to you depsite everyone claiming to the contrary, it snot to terrorise the population into submission?
  6. #86
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat so to you depsite everyone claiming to the contrary, it snot to terrorise the population into submission?

    stop listening to retards

  7. #87
    Personally I think knocking out energy infrastructure permanently would have been a good move. Why should civilians get to send men off to war to sit in a frozen trench, and not get to share the pain?

    And you need electricity when you have the sort of very high buildings they have in Ukraine.

    I suspect that if people like GG and her mom still had to walk up 11 flights of stairs with buckets of water to flush their toilets, this war would have ended long ago and a lot of brave men's lives would have been saved.

    Unfortunately I think exterminating Ukrainian men is the point of this war, not just the means to the end.

    Sucks to be a Ukrainian man.
  8. #88
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra

    worth noting is that the Ukrainian numbers come from the UN, whereas the Gaza numbers come from the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

    because the UN can actually operate in the Ukraine without being constantly bombed.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #89
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra worth noting is that the Ukrainian numbers come from the UN, whereas the Gaza numbers come from the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

    because the UN can actually operate in the Ukraine without being constantly bombed.

  10. #90
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by infinityshock Because…juden…

    honestly who else could get away with this
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. #91
    Imagine what all these academic and NGO jedis would say if the Irish were murdering thousands of little children and deliberately targeting UN workers and journalists.
  12. #92
    infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra

    honestly who else could get away with this

    It's juden...they do this shit all the time. It's nothing new or surprising
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