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How are you feeling at the moment..

  1. maddie Tuskegee Airman
    Just got my blood drawn. Was anxious before hand because I have very rarely visited any type of medical facility in my life.

    I over reacted. It was a pinch going in/out and that was it.

    I feel like an idiot now.
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  3. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

  4. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
  5. Originally posted by CandyRein Oooh ! Monday funday ! Let’s get baked!

    no ovens for you.

    black peepuh only get the ropes.
  6. Originally posted by aldra

    knowledge isnt prerequisite for wisdom.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Overwhelmed and unmotivated. I'm trying to eat now but have no chill.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    I had three hours of sleep with the cat on my chest, woke me up, dreamt about the post office in Paris I was in, same situation except I understood the language and replied in it. They asked when I'd like it delivered, I said tomorrow then they smirked. What really happened is I had no idea what they said, I put my letter in the postbox and they acted like I wasn't supposed to then said nevermind. Maybe the post box was ornamental? The letter was never delivered.
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny knowledge isnt prerequisite for wisdom.

    so much history is fake, gay, misrepresented or outright missing that it's impossible to anchor a worldview to anything so it becomes impossible to grasp reality outside of the here and now
  10. Kafka sweaty
    I think I'm stressed about Christmas shopping. I had a vision in mind for the decorations but now I'm unsure, and since I'll be alone I want to host dinner for the first time, something I've never done and is a rite of passage as an adult. I've never cooked a Christmas dinner.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    There's so much to organise and now I'm sucked into Aliexpress because I've found most of my Amazon basket there and have gone down the rabbit hole searching for cat kimonos and beds.
  12. Kafka sweaty
    And these false eyelashes I can't remove are obstructing my vision I can't do this.
  13. Kafka sweaty
    I'm just not going to shop for six hours or do anything until I can see properly.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Go straight back to shopping to see if I can get vodka delivered sighs.
  15. Kafka sweaty
    I'm going back to sleep.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    There was a string of glue in my eye it's better now. Now Akira's in I have to be vigilant for her scratching paint off the doors and searching the rubbish for my salmon breakfast.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    No sleep for me.

  18. Kafka sweaty
    Dunno what to do to wind down.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Literally all I've done today is sent an email, took my clothes out of the washing machine and purchased things. There is too much to do and I'm shutting down. Too much stress.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    I can't get a delivery tonight so have to go to the shop for vodka. Idk I'm stuck between deadlines and then physical things like all the clothes I have to clean for the Christmas dinner I'm hosting. I'm giving my beloved clothes to a charity shop because there's too many.
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