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Niggas In Heaven's Gate
2017-06-05 at 12:03 AM UTCOn June 12 2017, we will ascend to Nigga Heaven on the wings of Metatron, and commit account suicide
2017-06-05 at 12:07 AM UTChave fun with that
2017-06-05 at 12:51 AM UTC
2017-06-05 at 1:17 AM UTC
2017-06-05 at 1:23 AM UTC
2017-06-05 at 1:25 AM UTC
2017-06-05 at 2:44 AM UTCJim Jones' gospel songs were pretty good actually, if you're into that sort of thing.
Heaven's Gate forced Nike to cancel their latest shoe line though, so there's that...
Nobody beats Aum Shinrikyo as far as mental cults go though. -
2017-06-05 at 2:46 AM UTC
2017-06-05 at 3:34 AM UTC