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The nogging continues

  1. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
  2. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    So even people dying of the "the plague" in england centuries ago was racist...

    Racism in medieval England may have contributed to black people dying of bubonic plague, academics have suggested.

    Researchers employing “black feminist archaeology” have studied remains in 14th-century plague cemeteries in London.

    The study has claimed that black people may have succumbed to the plague in disproportionate numbers compared to whites because of “structural racism” in medieval England.

    Ridiculous journalism
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Instigator So even people dying of the "the plague" in england centuries ago was racist…

    Ridiculous journalism

    It's not ridiculous when the clarity of what species controls the media. It makes perfect sense.

    They've been doing the same propaganda bullshit for thousands of years
  4. Originally posted by Instigator So even people dying of the "the plague" in england centuries ago was racist…

    Ridiculous journalism

    There's still lots of mentally deranged kooks out there who believe it. That's why they do it.
  5. Originally posted by Instigator So even people dying of the "the plague" in england centuries ago was racist…

    Ridiculous journalism

    why else would they call it black plague if it wasnt brought in by the blacks.
  6. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny why else would they call it black plague if it wasnt brought in by the blacks.

    Because it turned you black. Even the blacks turned black.
  7. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Because it turned you black. Even the blacks turned black.

    that was a misunderstanding.

    they meant to say "blacked".
  8. Donald Trump Black Hole
    The funniest thing about that is that they measured skulls to figure out who was black.
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Instigator So even people dying of the "the plague" in england centuries ago was racist…

    Ridiculous journalism

    they should do an investigation on who was being targeted when j'ews intentonally threw the plague-dead down their wells
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra they should do an investigation on who was being targeted when j'ews intentonally threw the plague-dead down their wells

    They were even busted doing in. I read about it in an old book...printed in about 1900...yet current plague writings only say 'jedis were blamed.'
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by infinityshock They were even busted doing in. I read about it in an old book…printed in about 1900…yet current plague writings only say 'jedis were blamed.'

    have you read Passovers of Blood?

    I keep thinking to then forgetting about it, then being reminded of it whenever j'ews talk about 'blood libel'
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by aldra have you read Passovers of Blood?

    I keep thinking to then forgetting about it, then being reminded of it whenever j'ews talk about 'blood libel' doesnt look familiar, but i have read/listened to several historic treatises (not ones written by specific j­ew-haters) that spelled out evidence-based accusations against j­ews for abducting children and murdering them. one that i recall was a kike who gave a childs mother a payment to become his apprentice. the child then disappeared. the suspicion is that in those days the social doctrine was parents paid the master to apprentice their child...not the other way around.

    there are many examples, a lot of them that did sound like they were nothing more than anti-j­ews making excuses to kill kikes. there are many examples that the evidence was too extensive and plausible to give the kikes the benefit of the doubt. in one example they found the dead did in a kike house...then after the trial a pro-kike religious representative tried to get the kikes off the hook with no evidence to exonerate them.

    then...there was literally a law that forbade j­ews from being charged with murdering children regardless of the evidence. ('not counting the act being witnessed.') similar to how its illegal to refute the holoco$t in modern times.
  13. there has to be some clinically defined definition of how much one can hate jéws before being considered having a condition.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny there has to be some clinically defined definition of how much one can hate jéws before being considered having a condition.

    There has to be a point where a species gets evicted and persecuted in every civilization they infect to the degree they do before humanity overall realizes there's something incompatible with them.

    No, niggers in prison aren't there because rasiss...they're there because they're the problem
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock There has to be a point where a species gets evicted and persecuted in every civilization they infect to the degree they do before humanity overall realizes there's something incompatible with them.

    No, niggers in prison aren't there because rasiss…they're there because they're the problem

    yea but you dont see people going on all day everyday to any and every internet forums and rant about how people hate rats and cock-roaches.

    and if they do it over a certain quantity of time in a day, then it should be clinically reasonable to say they have a condition.

    a medical/mental or medical-mental condition.
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yea but you dont see people going on all day everyday to any and every internet forums and rant about how people hate rats and cock-roaches.

    and if they do it over a certain quantity of time in a day, then it should be clinically reasonable to say they have a condition.

    a medical/mental or medical-mental condition.

    you mean the way you rant about people pointing out a threat to the very existence of modern civilization as it is currently known
  17. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny yea but you dont see people going on all day everyday to any and every internet forums and rant about how people hate rats and cock-roaches.

    and if they do it over a certain quantity of time in a day, then it should be clinically reasonable to say they have a condition.

    a medical/mental or medical-mental condition.

    I think a lot of that is that people don't expect rats or cockroaches to ever change, or expect any better from them.

    But a lot of white people do expect the blacks to change, and genuinely expect better from them.

    As a result the blacks occupy a massive amount of space in the heads of whites, who are often preoccupied with trying to figure out what went wrong and find some way to fix them.
  18. There's really no difference whatsoever between black, white, brown, yellow or blue human beings. Everyone can be a shit.
  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ There's really no difference whatsoever between black, white, brown, yellow or blue human beings. Everyone can be a shit.

    we quantify reality statistically
  20. Originally posted by aldra we quantify reality statistically

    If you're only looking for blue cars, all you will see is blue cars. Numbers can be manipulated very, very easily, as you well know.
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