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  1. Third Temple African Astronaut
    its supposed to be 80* tomorrow here and sunny and then back to rain. rained yesterday and the day before. i stay the fuck off the roads during first rains especially in any large metro area. sliding on oily streets.

    its good to have AWD though which helps prevent that. I was doing about 80mph (Flow of traffic) and I hit a giant puddle/pond of water collected up on the freeway on 580 in Oakland and my car slid sideways and did a full 360 and I got control and never stopped. this happened like 20 years back and it was a fucking rush.

    I hit another puddle and hydroplaned a bit but you just take your foot off the gas and no brake and grab the steering wheel and drip it as hard as you can and keep the wheel straight. the thing tries to fight your grip so its kind of a trip and you're about 1.5-2 seconds into hydroplaning before it eases up but there is always a secondary and third one that follows which the second one is tougher and longer to get through.

    I-580 is probably the worse one in this area. I know 280 is another near San Jose.

    people actually roll their cars.
    It rarely rains in the bay area but when it does it pisses water for hours or days and so this is why we get such bad flooding. storm drains are clogged from a lack of water cleaning them out.
  2. Originally posted by Third Temple this is true. it is treated with nasty chemicals (like they use on floorboards of rail cars and the same kind of cars on flatbedd or shipping containers to keep rodents from chewing on them.

    so the concern is the toxic chemicals in them that could cause cancer. but yes, they're very strong. I hope your friend use a respirator or PPE type specialty suit and mask when sanding them down. but its the thought of them breaking down faster for not being treated from molding and then rotting sets in that makes it shit tier. it's nice when you first get it but it breaks down in just 3 years or so.

    That's exactly why I never eat wooden pallets.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple this is why so many of them have camp fires going on and then out of control camp fires under freeways. it's a common thing here in the bay area as Im sure elsewhere. you drive by and these dudes have roaring fires in their tarp tents and makeshift cabins.

    again.. toxic smoke for all. yet they still exist because a judge banned San Francisco from removing them as well as Oakland etc

    exactly. one of them set the woods on fire doing just that. the flames were 50 feet high and they had several off-road fire trucks trying to put out the fire
  4. CandyRein Black Hole
    On lunch break ..❤️
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny pallets are great and i use them to make shelves as long as you dont use them where food and hands dont come into contact when you eat.

    theyre sprayed with super pesticide that last decades. thermites just dont eat shipping pallets,

    i can vouch first hand that termites do absolutely eat shipping containers
  6. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ That's exactly why I never eat wooden pallets.

    can't get as good of fiber if you don't.

    dude just breathing in the breakdown and dust coming off of it. also I read that the paint on the Containers are toxic as fuck but that's only if you disturb it.

    the thing they say to do is lay down non-breathable plastic over the floor and then you can use the wooden or vinyl floor coverings like the ones with the tongue in groove. and as I mentioned before they have these styrofoam wall insulation that have the grooves formed into them to fit into the walls of a shipping container. and you screw them in. cut your window holes out first. I might have an mini escape door that locks from the inside in the event of a fire. or a side enterance door and keep the metal doors latched and locked with a welded wall on the inside to prevent people from breaking in or make it harder.

    lots of homeless would squat on the property if Im not there. have to pay 120 bucks a month for Starlink and another 40 for The Ring to get notification of anyone trespassing. if you wait to long they can legally squate or it makes it hard. especially if they go down and set up a cable or other utility bill in their name to that address. then they go to the DMV and get a license showing they live there. Now it will take thousands to get them the fuck out. and a lot of times they do it to get free rent and payout. Its easier to pay off a squatter to leave then take legal actions.
  7. WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    Fucking a nigger.
  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    *Last hour power activates*
  9. I made it to the semi finals on a karaoke contest so im taking my GHB now so i dont shit my guts out when im on stage in an hour n a half
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Third Temple can't get as good of fiber if you don't.

    dude just breathing in the breakdown and dust coming off of it. also I read that the paint on the Containers are toxic as fuck but that's only if you disturb it.

    the thing they say to do is lay down non-breathable plastic over the floor and then you can use the wooden or vinyl floor coverings like the ones with the tongue in groove. and as I mentioned before they have these styrofoam wall insulation that have the grooves formed into them to fit into the walls of a shipping container. and you screw them in. cut your window holes out first. I might have an mini escape door that locks from the inside in the event of a fire. or a side enterance door and keep the metal doors latched and locked with a welded wall on the inside to prevent people from breaking in or make it harder.

    lots of homeless would squat on the property if Im not there. have to pay 120 bucks a month for Starlink and another 40 for The Ring to get notification of anyone trespassing. if you wait to long they can legally squate or it makes it hard. especially if they go down and set up a cable or other utility bill in their name to that address. then they go to the DMV and get a license showing they live there. Now it will take thousands to get them the fuck out. and a lot of times they do it to get free rent and payout. Its easier to pay off a squatter to leave then take legal actions.

    where i live everyone with undeveloped property has cell-phone sourced video cameras so they can monitor their property 24/7

    here starlink is $150 a month at the cheap end and a few dollar more for other features and conditions
  11. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I made it to the semi finals on a karaoke contest so im taking my GHB now so i dont shit my guts out when im on stage in an hour n a half

    Go gettem
  12. CandyRein Black Hole
    About to take a candlelit bubble bath ❤️
    Im home baby ..we made it baby !
  13. Third Temple African Astronaut
    I was wrong about Biden in SF today

    he and Xi Ping will come to the city somewhere around the 11th

    The Biden administration had previously said that it was working toward a meeting with Xi at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit that’s happening Nov. 11-17

    San Francisco will be all shut off. all of the streets are going to get closed down. shit.. when Obama showed up on a Valentines day they had V22 ospreys flying around. it was pretty cool.

    but they didn't shut down the city. that place is a nightmare to try and navigate these days. always something going on.
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    how long do you think it'll take to clean up all the shanties and human shit so that Chinese TV can't ror about it
  15. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra how long do you think it'll take to clean up all the shanties and human shit so that Chinese TV can't ror about it

    They're actually doing that in the areas he's going to be visiting.

    Good news is the Union Square seems to have new places going in. Macys and other big names left last year. someone needs to clean this city up. I'm sick of the people running it into the ground.
  16. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Also listening to B-52s

    Why has music died so bad
  17. CandyRein Black Hole
    Toking and scrolling the gram and posting..thinking about downloading that singing app again …

    I just got bored with it after awhile like I did before but now I miss it ..again
  18. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Third Temple Look fake like a mask. it's a dude. probably you

    Probably YOU actually probably you working undercover to bust me at a party where I am well known for showing up and throwing chairs off the top floor
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Third Temple I was wrong about Biden in SF today

    he and Xi Ping will come to the city somewhere around the 11th

    how quick can you get a rifle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Third Temple African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 Probably YOU actually probably you working undercover to bust me at a party where I am well known for showing up and throwing chairs off the top floor

    I was aiming for your head when you were walking down at street level. clearly I missed. Poor Mrs Smith. not as lucky
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