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How are you feeling at the moment..

  1. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. CandyRein Black Hole
    The year is 1990..and I’m at the Blockbuster grand opening…🧡
  3. WellHung Black Hole
  4. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by CandyRein The year is 1990..and I’m at the Blockbuster grand opening…🧡

    Oh shit you just reminded me I have an overdue movie from them
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  6. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra COCK BLUSTER

    I hate those
  7. Originally posted by CandyRein The year is 1990..and I’m at the Blockbuster grand opening…🧡


    you want some candy ?
  8. Originally posted by Rape Monster Oh shit you just reminded me I have an overdue movie from them

    The Blockbuster Police will be arriving shortly to take you away.
  9. I'm feeling pretty good, had 2 drinks and sum weed
  10. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    hey kingoffrogs will you let star trek join the discord?
  11. Originally posted by Wariat hey kingoffrogs will you let star trek join the discord?

    yes anyone can
  12. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    please join it star trek and let me know if i was right when describing poland and polish chicks. let everyone know.
  13. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    by the way star trek you asked why i was so hard on lodz. its not really lodz its lodz and warsaw. the two cities i lived and maybe poland in general. how ahrd it is to get laid here and how little of a true sex industry outwide strips exists in this country and how few underwged chicks fuck older men vs other east euro countries im hard about.
  14. WellHung Black Hole
  15. Originally posted by WellHung hodagg

    Hawtdawg hawtdawg hawt diggidy dawg
  16. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Hawtdawg hawtdawg hawt diggidy dawg

    Sup nigga?
  17. Originally posted by WellHung Sup nigga?

    Nothing rn coming down off hydros how about you space nigga wussup
  18. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    mother's vagina
    time. |93
  19. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Nothing rn coming down off hydros how about you space nigga wussup

    Purple drank
  20. mashlehash victim of incest [my perspicuously dependant flavourlessness]
    Why don't they send Jeffery Dahmer to 3.chool?
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