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5000 rockets hit Israel

  1. Originally posted by aldra Hez claims to have killed another Merkava with an ATGM, no evidence yet. I wouldn't take it at face value, the TRIUMPH APS has been very good at defeating ATGMs since it was first introduced

    Is that one of those active defense things?
    Required reading on the Merkava for this thread. Of course Dolan doesn't go into that jedi lives are worth infinitely more than goy lives, and that's why the Markava has the engine at the front to take hits, while every other tank design puts the engine at the back, to allow actual human beings to take the impact of a hit.
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    yeah, it detects incoming projectiles and blasts them with a spread of penetrators. ATGMs are slow so relatively easy to hit; they can theoretically hit ballistic tank rounds and other missiles but the chance is lower.

    that said they might not have APS on all tanks, or it might've been switched off or jammed or something
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    oh I said TRIUMPH it's actually TROPHY

    interesting video on how they work. both TROPHY and AFGANIT are based on the old Soviet ARENA system, basically TROPHY shoots a spread of projectiles to improve chance to hit while AFGANIT uses a bigger, higher velocity one to defeat more powerful weapons like depleted uranium penetrators
  4. being a practitioner judaism is religion,

    identifying as a jéw or practising jéwish characteristisch is not religion.

    its racial-genetic-cultural-political identity.

    its the basest instinct of all living organism, the preferrence to live with others who share more or less the same trait and cultural values.

    anyway to expand: the pilot episode to this series of conflict was made when trump decided to move the US embassy from tel aviv right into the heart of jerusalem.

    that was the foundation that emboldened many radical jéws and put them into the government and knesset and thus gave them political powers which has until then, weilded by much more liberal jéws (in name only).

    political powers that culuminated in the outright abuse and molestation of everyone that arent jéws while being protected by state military power. the al aqsa desacration was only the latest of such manifestation.

    the idea being to provoke whomever it is thats in charge at the other side to commit a massive acts of terror against israel, an attack so grave that israelis, both liberal and radical, have no choice but to go all out and settle this palestinian question permanently.

    similar to what i suggested putin should do when dealing with the ukrainian nazis.

    i wouldnt be surprised if it was israel that was buying and diverting arms shipment from the ukraine to hamas ben yisrael.
  5. Originally posted by aldra it's odd, they have a reputation for being good at urban combat but in practice they seem to be the same as the US in that they simply do not participate in combat without complete air superiority and CAS. when they're unable to use it, like when Hez used 'hugging' tactics in 2006 they had a real hard time.

    I know we only have limited information but looking at the footage from the last week they seem to fold fast when their own lives are at risk but are extremely sadistic when they're on the offensive with no chance of reprisal

    They can scare up a few hundred hard niggas when they have to, like for the illegal, illegitimate, racist and murderous jedi raid on Entebbe Airport back in 1976. But those post WW2 jedis are dead or retired now (unlike Holocaust survivor jedis, who get younger each year).

    The modern smart and capable jedi becomes a software developer and has a dream of some day owning a bunch of rental apartments. He's not interested in going off to fight sand people. That's what the goyim are for.

    I think that if the Gaza land grab goes bad the US will be drawn in here.
  6. Originally posted by aldra it's odd, they have a reputation for being good at urban combat

    ja. according to jéwish controlled sources.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. Originally posted by Donald Trump They can scare up a few hundred hard niggas when they have to, like for the illegal, illegitimate, racist and murderous jedi raid on Entebbe Airport back in 1976. But those post WW2 jedis are dead or retired now (unlike Holocaust survivor jedis, who get younger each year).

    The modern smart and capable jedi becomes a software developer and has a dream of some day owning a bunch of rental apartments. He's not interested in going off to fight sand people. That's what the goyim are for.

    I think that if the Gaza land grab goes bad the US will be drawn in here.

    or they can just flee to the ukraine after they have un-manned the entire country.
  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny or they can just flee to the ukraine after they have un-manned the entire country.

    Yeah, get the dumbass slavs to kill each other in a brother war, go to Ukraine, land and pussy galore.

    It's kinda what we know they are doing.

    jedi ethnicity is an excuse not to serve in the Ukraine army. Can you fucking imagine. The privilege.
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    LOL I still remember all the twitter accounts that got banned in the early days of the war for posting photos of busloads of j'ews fleeing the country while everyone else was being mobilised
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by Donald Trump Yeah, get the dumbass slavs to kill each other in a brother war, go to Ukraine, land and pussy galore.

    It's kinda what we know they are doing.

    jedi ethnicity is an excuse not to serve in the Ukraine army. Can you fucking imagine. The privilege.

    and then come back in right after the war to scoop up all the asssets and farmlands for dimes on da dollar.

    very semitic.
  11. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny and then come back in right after the war to scoop up all the asssets and farmlands for dimes on da dollar.

    very semitic.

    That's the game. Look at (((Zelensky's))) land privatisation law.

    Ukraine has huge amounts of fertile farmland. Black soil. They'll not try to grab that no more than they won't try to grab the beachfront real estate in Gaza. They can't help themselves, they have to try.
  12. Originally posted by Donald Trump That's the game. Look at (((Zelensky's))) land privatisation law.

    Ukraine has huge amounts of fertile farmland. Black soil. They'll not try to grab that no more than they won't try to grab the beachfront real estate in Gaza. They can't help themselves, they have to try.

    those soils are way more fertile now than ever after what, like 200k ukrainians died on them.
  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny those soils are way more fertile now than ever after what, like 200k ukrainians died on them.

    300k is what I'm hearing.

    Nah, it's generations of being forested. That area has had thousands of years of genocidal warfare, which is why despite being so rich it's so sparsely populated. It should be like China.
  14. Originally posted by Donald Trump 300k is what I'm hearing.

    Nah, it's generations of being forested. That area has had thousands of years of genocidal warfare, which is why despite being so rich it's so sparsely populated. It should be like China.

    the rest are the lucky ones who manage to get burried in used graves.
  15. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny the rest are the lucky ones who manage to get burried in used graves.

    Tomatoes grow well in that part of the world.
  16. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................ i dont know how n.koreas shit works but i know how chinee-produced arms are

    their ammo is shit. when they manufacture the raw materials for the propellant ('smokeless powder') they do it in a manner that is rough and inconsistent with virtually no quality control which results in the final product (propellant) being very, very dirty burning, inconsistent burning, and completely inaccurate. the same applies to the other components…bullets…case…primer-compound. that is part of why 7.62x'whatever' bullets have such high diameter tolerances…because they cant manufacture shit. american made bullets have .0001-inch tolerances…warsaw-pact bullshit bullets have .001 tolerances…and in ballistics that is massive.

    their firearms are shit, too…the specs are off, fasteners dont get tightened, mechanical components dont line up or function the way theyre supposed to….etc

    and those are the most basic weapons systems. i cant imagine something like artillery shells with drive-bands and 'precision' fusing can be any more-better.

    they probably dont even use electrolytes.

    its what bullets crave

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................ ive read accounts of battles being fought with dozens of thousands of casualties and for decades after the crops grew phenomenally.

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................ goes to show who owns the media

  17. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................ i dont know how n.koreas shit works but i know how chinee-produced arms are

    their ammo is shit. when they manufacture the raw materials for the propellant ('smokeless powder') they do it in a manner that is rough and inconsistent with virtually no quality control which results in the final product (propellant) being very, very dirty burning, inconsistent burning, and completely inaccurate. the same applies to the other components…bullets…case…primer-compound. that is part of why 7.62x'whatever' bullets have such high diameter tolerances…because they cant manufacture shit. american made bullets have .0001-inch tolerances…warsaw-pact bullshit bullets have .001 tolerances…and in ballistics that is massive.

    their firearms are shit, too…the specs are off, fasteners dont get tightened, mechanical components dont line up or function the way theyre supposed to….etc

    and those are the most basic weapons systems. i cant imagine something like artillery shells with drive-bands and 'precision' fusing can be any more-better.

    they probably dont even use electrolytes.

    its what bullets crave

    capitalistisch market.

    you probably bought "export" version meant for "american" market that had like 1000% profit margins.

    and unrealistic ass-sociation. just because you got to shoot some low quality civilian version ammo meant for retarded "american" you assume their mil-grade arms and equipment meant for national consumption are going to be of the same low quality ?


    but this is just the exact kind of mentality that got US military "experts" to conclude russians are poorly trainned, poorly lead, piss poorly equipped and ran out of gasses halfway thru their invasion.
  18. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................ ive read accounts of battles being fought with dozens of thousands of casualties and for decades after the crops grew phenomenally.

    normandy beaches. what crop grows there.

    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer................................................ goes to show who owns the media

    errr .... bankers ?
  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Niggles Oh shut the fuck up Mr Know it all.
    there is a meeting being held right now. Hope for all Muslim nations to gather and round up on Israel right now.

    You're really a simp brain. you know very little about shit. You just make these 1 line insults and overuse of the emojis

    Yet I'm still far happier and more successful than you will ever be Spanky.

  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Yet I'm still far happier and more successful than you will ever be Spanky.

    so how your bar & grill bussiness doing last month ?

    made profits or losses.
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