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5000 rockets hit Israel

  1. Imagine how much better off Ukraine and Palestine would be if the Germans had actually killed all the jedis in the areas they conquered.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by Donald Trump Imagine how much better off Ukraine and Palestine would be if the Germans had actually killed all the jedis in the areas they conquered.

    shithole will always be shitholes with or without jéws.
  3. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Niggles anti-semitic fucks up in this place.
    this wont be tolerated

    fucking kill yourself
  4. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Niggles anti-semitic fucks up in this place.
    this wont be tolerated

    Shut up and go back on your Chios Honey account
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Niggles anti-semitic fucks up in this place.
    this wont be tolerated

    Nothing says lovin like J ews in the oven.
  6. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
  7. Loing African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo It's funny duh. I don't believe I've ever seen her body of work and the only thing I think I've seen of her is a tiktok talking about something I don't remember. She shared some funny memes I saved and playboy put out a public statement denouncing her after which is the funniest part. Playgoy has almost always been terrible and Hugh Hefner really should have been assassinated with the belt from his bathrobe by a disgruntled bunny. The virtue signaling and clear taking of sides is very funny. If you don't see the humor you are gay and yet have no penis

    Didn't read, you're proving my point that it's not funny, in fact it's boring.
  8. Originally posted by Loing Didn't read, you're proving my point that it's not funny, in fact it's boring.

    You know what else is boring? The war in Israel. I’m already over it, move on. Nuke em don’t care
  9. Originally posted by Sudo Has anyone mentioned Mia Khalifah being publicly fired from playboy for posting pro palestinian memes? That's literally the sexiest thing she's ever done

    Incidentally as my social media feeds are filled with pro jizzraeli sentiment I watched porn last night and my algorithm was full of Arabs and hijabs when I've definitely never searched or watched those specific videos on that device before.

    Is porn now the only information apparatus that isn't controlled by thr chosen ones? I would Love to know what Marshall Mcluhan thinks of all this propaganda and also pornography itself. I remember during thr totse2 wars I used to make accounts with variations of his name in hopes idio or Rocklin would Google bim and learn something

    Start a PH channel where two men discuss nuanced geopolitics while fucking 2 women in the throat

    “The Oslo Accords were a farce. After WWII theres was never the international political will to hold Israel to account for UnnnGHHHHHHH FUCK. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. Good girl…………..its many incursions and violations of the agreement.”
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Start a PH channel where two men discuss nuanced geopolitics while fucking 2 women in the throat

    And make one a jedi and one a Palestinian
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. The Hamas debater would be fucking a severed head. Or is that haraam?
  12. I think we’re actually on to something lol. This would probably work
  13. It would definitely get some attention
  14. Niggles Tuskegee Airman
    Is it trend to be antisemitic in the MOON PERSON and zoomer generation? I don't hate Muslims either. I don't understand why Hamas would throw Gaza away like this. Billions of dollars, human toll in the thousands when all is said and done. Bloody Fucking hell
  15. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Folkx all we need now is another "variant" for the winter Nd we should have a gr8 time.
  16. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked It would definitely get some attention

    any 16 yr olds?
  17. Loing African Astronaut
    You know what would be a cool superhero? The 40 jedi Baby Beheader
  18. Originally posted by Niggles Is it trend to be antisemitic in the MOON PERSON and zoomer generation? I don't hate Muslims either. I don't understand why Hamas would throw Gaza away like this. Billions of dollars, human toll in the thousands when all is said and done. Bloody Fucking hell

    No people are just becoming aware of the undue influence that j00s have in nearly every facet of our lives, the fact that theyre conspicuously at the forefront of every regressive and destabilizing social movement, the spearhead of every effort to funnel migrants into western countries, the recipient of hundreds of billions of US taxpayer dollars. It feels like the snotty little shit in school who realized he could fuck with everyone because his big older brother went to the same school. I dont hate jedis. I dont hate muslims. I think religion in general is kind of silly. But we’ve bankrolled Israel for so long, that theyve had no reason to seriously pursue peace. We wont even allow resolutions to pass in the UN, condemning them for war crimes, without vetoing it. And thats not even necessarily to say that Muslims would find a way to live alongside them peacefully were it not for palestine. But when you continuously squeeze a people out of the tiny parcel of land you deigned to allow them, on the land that was theirs before international concensus decided to give it to you- youre not really even giving it a chance. And the richest part is that Israel is essentially an apartheid state, with policies that j00ish intellectuals would rail against with a FIERY passion if they were ever instituted in the united states. But in Israel, “its different”. Imagine building walls and checkpoints around the high crime black neighborhoods and shutting off the water and power and internet when they started throwing rocks at police cars.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Imagine building walls and checkpoints around the high crime black neighborhoods and shutting off the water and power and internet when they started throwing rocks at police cars.

    One can only dream...
  20. Originally posted by Speedy Parker One can only dream…

    If you tried a million jedi federal judges would slap injunctions upon you.

    But it's OK for Shomrim to treat blacks in New York like Palestinians, shining bright floodlights at their areas, etc.

    Shomrim is a religious organisation, you see, and congress shall pass no law ... blah blah.
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