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UK Online Safety Bill Passes

  1. #81
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    rofl, your motherland will likely follow

    the fine line that must be balanced between parties in a democracy is fuxking brutal

    go to far right and you end up litigating yourself into a shithole like aus or germany [eu right behind] or you go so far left that everything has a warning label and you basically end up ligigating yourself into basically the same shithole just on the other side.

    how i see it is, small govt is the only way, intervention should be used for the worst of cases [ie child abuse, domestic abuse, serious drug issues, et cetera] otherwise you end up with a left foot half way up your ass or a right arm elbow deep, either is horrid
  2. #82
    Kafka sweaty
    The UK has never been completely democratic.
  3. #83
    Xlite African Astronaut
    Eh, don't act so surprised. You all niggers was warned years ago.

    We are alive to experience the western decay of democracy and rise of fascism and totalitarianism. Everything will be taken from us. Resist, obey, or gtfo.
  4. #84
    Xlite African Astronaut
    On a different note.

    It appears as if, according to the deagle report that we're about to say bye to alot of people in the next 2 years.
    In 2025 they estimate only 61 million will remain in the US compared to 331,9 million in 2021.

    Similar numbers in europe. Its a highly distrubing report. And yes, you guessed it. The majority of casualties will be from bio warfare.
  5. #85
    Wtf is the deagle report? Sounds like bullshit
  6. #86
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Xlite Eh, don't act so surprised. You all niggers was warned years ago.

    We are alive to experience the western decay of democracy and rise of fascism and totalitarianism. Everything will be taken from us. Resist, obey, or gtfo.

    democracy as a concept was always fake and gay, universal suffrage was the last nail. the emperor has no clothes, and nobody's afraid of his tiny cock anymore

    surf the kali yuga
  7. #87
    Xlite African Astronaut
    Lazy ass motherfucka.
  8. #88
    Xlite African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra democracy as a concept was always fake and gay, universal suffrage was the last nail. the emperor has no clothes, and nobody's afraid of his tiny cock anymore

    surf the kali yuga

    It was fake thats for sure, but only been gay recently imo.
  9. #89
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Xlite It was fake thats for sure, but only been gay recently imo.

    it was a greek idea though
  10. #90
    Originally posted by aldra democracy as a concept was always fake and gay, universal suffrage was the last nail. the emperor has no clothes, and nobody's afraid of his tiny cock anymore

    surf the kali yuga

    I go back and forth on it, on the one hand I have some moral objection to taking rights away from certain individuals based on factors outside of their control. Mostly because I imagine myself in their position and I’ll be damned if anyone takes MY rights away.

    But then, the majority of the population are borderline retarded, like the average IQ is 100 which is already dumb as shit then you gotta figure around half the population is even dumber than THAT… and these are the morons electing our corrupt leaders because they’re not smart enough to sense when they are being duped, even when you explain it to them.

    So it makes sense for there to be at least some barrier of entry. But I don’t believe in hard biological determinism like a lot of you people do, the farthest I’ll go is to say there probably is, on the whole, some statistical correlation between race and intelligence (and other factors such as aggression, antisocial behavior, etc).

    But how strong is that correlation, it’s hard to know the exact answer because you couldn’t commission that study, it would be deemed racist.

    Personally I think the stronger determining factors are things like economic status, environment, education, culture, government policy… things that can change and aren’t decided entirely by biology.

    So I’m against shit like, say giving only rich white men the right to vote. Aristocracy and elitism is what we had for the majority of human history and it didn’t work. I mean it kinda worked in that it brought us to where we are now, but it sucked ass for most people, most of the time.

    It’s kind of a meme but I actually think something like the government in Starship Troopers would be way more effective lol. Give everyone the right to vote, once they’ve earned it through public service.

    So instead of everyone being entitled to everything, or the opposite end of the spectrum where we give power to only a select group of people decided by race or pedigree or whatever, there’s a third option where only those who have undergone an extended period of public service and pass an impartial selection process are given full rights and the ability to run for office. Maybe just without all the military junta shit from the movie.

    I’m sure there’s problems with this too, I don’t have all the answers, but I don’t think the answer is going back to Jim Crow.
  11. #91
    Originally posted by Xlite Lazy ass motherfucka.

    It doesn’t say “deagle” anywhere in this document so that’s probably why I didn’t know wtf you were talking about, but I’ll give this a read. Thanks
  12. #92
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Fox It’s kind of a meme but I actually think something like the government in Starship Troopers would be way more effective lol. Give everyone the right to vote, once they’ve earned it through public service.

    that's more or less how it originally worked in Greece and later Rome; you had to earn the right to vote by demonstrating a stake in the success of the state through military service, land ownership, public service etc..

    of course people were excluded (such as slaves or 'non-Greeks') so it's not exactly the same thing, but still. people who have no interest in contributing to society, who take more than they give should not have any say in governance.

    I think another big problem is the belief that violence is separate from political or economic power; it doesn't make any sense and just leads to insane and confused abstractions as to what power is. Mao was absolutely right on that
  13. #93
    Bradley Dogsbane
    You can't censor free speech on the internet without totalitarian government.

    Like yeah you can monitor it and shit like when Kipo threatened the president on Zoklet and the secret service showed up at his mom's house 36 hours later and took all his electronics and told his parents he's a retard.

    But the amount of aggressive oversight that will be needed to stop WellHung from calling Candy a negress is more than the DEEP STATE could ever dream of.

    Like when people would tell my ex to kill herself she'd start telling them how she can call 911 (and has, I shit you not) because she has mental illness and it's a felony. Lol. I'm like it's facebook and ur LGBTQ,you're arguing with a sixteen year old girl, lol, don't call the cops, lol just ask her how she's so fat but you have bigger tits than her. No need for the government.
  14. #94
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley But the amount of aggressive oversight that will be needed to stop WellHung from calling Candy a negress is more than the DEEP STATE could ever dream of.

    the reason the Gestapo, NKVD, Stasi, Inquisition etc. were so pervasive is because they convinced people to turn in their neighbours not necessarily for the state but for 'the greater good'; you can become a saint by turning in enough sinners. after a while they run out of serious 'sins' and just start attacking each other for minor, often imagined slights because they NEED to be told they're saints
  15. #95
    Originally posted by Xlite On a different note.

    It appears as if, according to the deagle report that we're about to say bye to alot of people in the next 2 years.
    In 2025 they estimate only 61 million will remain in the US compared to 331,9 million in 2021.

    Similar numbers in europe. Its a highly distrubing report. And yes, you guessed it. The majority of casualties will be from bio warfare.

    Originally posted by Xlite Lazy ass motherfucka.

    Nowhere in this report (from 2008 btw), says the US population will collapse to 61 million by 2025. And if that was gonna happen between 2008 and 2025, shouldn’t it have started already? We only got a couple years to meet that target. So wtf are you talking about.

    The only thing it says even close to what you’re claiming is that as technology advances and becomes more accessible, bioterror and/or biological warfare becomes more likely. But it makes no predictions about widespread population collapse from that.

    I swear trying to have a cogent discussion with you meth heads on here is like pulling teeth, you all live your lives in a barely-aware drug addled haze you don’t make any fucking sense.
  16. #96
    Speedy Parker Black Hole
    Originally posted by Fox Nowhere in this report (from 2008 btw), says the US population will collapse to 61 million by 2025. And if that was gonna happen between 2008 and 2025, shouldn’t it have started already? We only got a couple years to meet that target. So wtf are you talking about.

    The only thing it says even close to what you’re claiming is that as technology advances and becomes more accessible, bioterror and/or biological warfare becomes more likely. But it makes no predictions about widespread population collapse from that.

    I swear trying to have a cogent discussion with you meth heads on here is like pulling teeth, you all live your lives in a barely-aware drug addled haze you don’t make any fucking sense.

    That is just a plan. It doesn't mean they are on schedule.
  17. #97
    It’s an unclassified report by some bean counters at the DNI office giving geopolitical advice and projections and shit, very dry stuff, probably for the - at the time - incoming Obama administration. If their plan was to kill everyone it wouldn’t be on their website dumbshit.
  18. #98
    Originally posted by Fox It’s an unclassified report by some bean counters at the DNI office giving geopolitical advice and projections and shit, very dry stuff, probably for the - at the time - incoming Obama administration. If their plan was to kill everyone it wouldn’t be on their website dumbshit.

    like even 101 and the great reset.
  19. #99
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny like even 101 and the great reset.

    The great reset plan is public too, where in that plan does it say they’re going to intentionally de-populate the earth?
  20. I’m against what they’re doing btw but it’s not to kill everybody, you fuckin lunatics
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