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"Deadliest Varient Covid Yet" to hit UK by October

  1. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny im affraid

    I know you are.
  2. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    You two should just fuck already
  3. Originally posted by Rape Monster You two should just fuck already

    I'd sooner fuck Piper.
  4. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny I spend all my waking moments thinking with my pelvic region.

  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I know 3 that did.

    Chances are a jab killed all three and they blamed it on Covid. Their so-called tests are bogus. A PCR test should never be used to identify any virus.
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Chances are a jab killed all three and they blamed it on Covid. Their so-called tests are bogus. A PCR test should never be used to identify any virus.

    A jab killed three people who didn't jabbed? We're getting extra silly now. Didn't a jab also kill that obscure celebrity a few weeks ago that actually didn't die at all? I think the jab may have killed everyone that died 16 years ago too. Also the folks 6,500 years ago. All dead. All jabbed.
  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Maybe people have died from the jabby. It loses it's merit when people blame every death that happens, on it. Kinda like the same thing people said when they said every death was covid, and not underlying health conditions. Remember that joke? Head on car crash-- cause of death: covid. Now it's head on car crash-- cause of death: the jab. Obviously!
  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    The jab never killed anyone folx
  10. Originally posted by mmQ A jab killed three people who didn't jabbed? We're getting extra silly now. Didn't a jab also kill that obscure celebrity a few weeks ago that actually didn't die at all? I think the jab may have killed everyone that died 16 years ago too. Also the folks 6,500 years ago. All dead. All jabbed.

    It's not only the Covid jabs. ALL the jabs, for flu, for colds, for whatever, are all killshots now. They're all part of the depopulation agenda being run by Bill Gates. Nobody needs a jab. Your immune system is more than enough to protect you enough that you don't die.
  11. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Chances are a jab killed all three and they blamed it on Covid. Their so-called tests are bogus. A PCR test should never be used to identify any virus.

    They didn't have the vax. One of them was my age too.
  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    covid doesn't kill you just like the flu doesn't kill you, you die from complications of having those and the RISK key word risk is higher if you are obese, old, etc etc etc so if you die from any sickness like polio or flu or aids or covid or even cancer you aren't dying from that you are dying because it shitfucks your lungs/heart/whatever

    this is why long covid is such bullshit its the same shit everyone has always gotten long this or that hurt their back once and now they can never work again because people aren't healthy and need to rely on drugs and boosters instead of horse woemer and the immune system.

    I dabble in both, wear a mask and never get sick. I am never getting boosted it's pointless you just need the one dose muh mrna
  13. Originally posted by totse2118 covid doesn't kill you just like the flu doesn't kill you, you die from complications of having those it kills you.

    Almost as dumb as saying "A bullet doesn't kill you, complications of having a big hole in your body does"

    If without having covid you'd still be alive...then it was the covid that killed you.
  14. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    so you're saying george floyd didn't overdose or die from an overdose and that the officer killed him by stepping on his neck
  15. Originally posted by totse2118 so you're saying george floyd didn't overdose or die from an overdose and that the officer killed him by stepping on his neck

    Isn’t that what the trial determined
  16. Originally posted by totse2118 so you're saying george floyd didn't overdose or die from an overdose and that the officer killed him by stepping on his neck

    Um quite the opposite...You're the one saying that dumbo if you think people don't die of covid (overdose) but from complications (stepping on the side of his neck).

    Remain in school kid!
  17. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    they said he died of cardiac arrest but it was from the officer i.e the officer killed him / he died from covid

    when actually it was a combination of factors that killed him
  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I think he died because dude slowly asphyxiated him. Like if he wasn't overdosing, he would've died regardless from the asphyxiation.

    Either way, its still negligent homicide if you're ignoring an overdose and slowly asphyxiating someone intentionally.
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    there were a lot of factors going on

    I would describe the situation as a mess, I think it was way too politicized and the outcome was basically predetermined at a point, I remember the prosecution ant fucking a fair bit about the cause of death being homicide vs medical but I mean that is their job to paint things in a certain light

    just like it's a public health person to carry out orders from the government that decides it wants to crack down on people, of course they aren't gonna say the vax killed anyone from complications leading to bla bla bla, but with covid they will. So once again the outcome has nothing to do with facts because it becomes too heavily politicized.

    that's what's wrong with society is you can't be apolitical about things you have to be in this camp you have to be a racist or a statist or a liberal or a leftist or a party member you can't just look at a situation and come up with your own opinion based on looking at all the evidence when there is no avenue to find information that isn't tainted by some sort of slant

    which is why covid is clearly fake and the vax does nothing, your anecdotal evidence and bullshit science papers don't mean shit, muh statistics muh papers its all bullshit, the public health numbers speak for themselves I think

  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    oh it was mess indeed

    Lot of moving parts lot of moving parts ca-caw ca-caw
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