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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. RisiR † 29 Autism
    How affordable is housing in SF?
  2. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon How would you have answered the same question, before Lanny gave you that info?

    I wouldn't have answered that question at all.
  3. RisiR † 29 Autism
    Originally posted by Open Your Mind I wouldn't have answered that question at all.

    Edgelord faggot. I hate you.
  4. Originally posted by RisiR † How affordable is housing in SF?

    Lol, it's fucked. SF is in a housing bubble because a lot of Chinese guys are buying up property to get their money out of China.
  5. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by RisiR † Edgelord faggot. I hate you.

  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Thank god for ricecookers. I'm eating a shitload of white rice with soy sauce. It's so nice and easy and warm and costs like 10 cents to eat for the day, jesus H. Probably not healthy, all the salt, but w/e. Gotta get through this absurd bag of rice.

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Also Lanny, I'd get you a real dank chauffeur, he'll even be black to make you feel better.

    That'd probably make me feel worse. Mine is a slave name.

    Originally posted by RisiR † How affordable is housing in SF?

    Least affordable housing in the united states. It's atrocious. I spend more on fucking housing than like a third of the country nets.

    Originally posted by 1337 Lol, it's fucked. SF is in a housing bubble because a lot of Chinese guys are buying up property to get their money out of China.

    I guess I haven't looked at actual figures the impression here is that tech money is the thing driving prices up more than foreign investment.
  7. Originally posted by Sophie Not really though. Whether it's legal or not i can't help what i am attracted to and also, 4-8 might appeal to me but i hold no delusions that a 6yo girl can give informed consent. Furthermore, i sad on multiple occasions i can like girls up to my age.

    I have a question. If you know on some level pedophilia is wrong, despite all of your rationalizations, why do you continue to indulge in CP? Aren't you just caving to your vice and furthering the delusion you might one day be able to fulfill your fantasies? Why not learn to do without since you can like girls up to your own age?
  8. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Lanny Thank god for ricecookers. I'm eating a shitload of white rice with soy sauce. It's so nice and easy and warm and costs like 10 cents to eat for the day, jesus H. Probably not healthy, all the salt, but w/e. Gotta get through this absurd bag of rice.

    I love my 20 cup Aroma. You can cook a full meal in it, just set it and forget it. You can even steam vegetables and meat at the same time and it turns out well.

    Hit up an Asian store to buy condiments other than soy sauce. Try curry pastes, or even try making your own blend if you can get the whole spices, you'll just need a cheap coffee grinder (or one dedicated to this because you probably don't want to use the same one if you regularly use it for coffee) if you don't already have something suitable. Then you just have to roast or pan fry some of the spices.

    Kimchi can go well with rice as well. Oh, and fish sauce. Dried shiitake mushrooms as well. 99 ranch has a whole aisle filled with good Asian condiments. Don't know what's available in SF, ethnic shops that cater to immigrant populations in certain regions may be too intimidating. Probably don't cater to many baizuo, and language could be a barrier (Greatest fear would be to walk in and realize that most products don't even have English labels and most of the staff doesn't speak intelligible english.

    I guess I haven't looked at actual figures the impression here is that tech money is the thing driving prices up more than foreign investment.

    No, those are both scapegoats. Fundamentally it's housing/land use policy, period. I highly recommend putting "The Gated City" on your reading list, it's fairly short (This means pages in the 200s to me) and easy to get through. Absolutely fascinating book that explains so much, it will radically alter your view of the economic factors involved if you're a layperson unfamiliar with this.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Dargo I have a question. If you know on some level pedophilia is wrong, despite all of your rationalizations, why do you continue to indulge in CP? Aren't you just caving to your vice and furthering the delusion you might one day be able to fulfill your fantasies? Why not learn to do without since you can like girls up to your own age?

    Pedophilia is a sexual preference, no sexual preference is inherently wrong. And i am not of the opinion that CP is wrong, rape certainly is but no one is hurt by a picture. Also IDK what delsuion you speak of, i am pretty sure i could actually get a 12yo gf if i tried if i would and she would consent to having sex then i would do so. Only thing i have a problem with is rape or actual abuse. If you think a CP picture is abuse then whatever, that's your opinion but it simply isn't objectively the case.
  10. Originally posted by Lanny Thank god for ricecookers. I'm eating a shitload of white rice with soy sauce. It's so nice and easy and warm and costs like 10 cents to eat for the day, jesus H. Probably not healthy, all the salt, but w/e. Gotta get through this absurd bag of rice.

    That'd probably make me feel worse. Mine is a slave name.

    Least affordable housing in the united states. It's atrocious. I spend more on fucking housing than like a third of the country nets.

    I guess I haven't looked at actual figures the impression here is that tech money is the thing driving prices up more than foreign investment.

    Coincidentally this was posted two days ago.

    It seems like the bubble is because of speculation from several different groups. Maybe after the bubble bursts and everyone loses their shirt, you'll be able to buy a house.
  11. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Oh, and one more thing, Lanny. My cryptocurrency investment strategy isn't outlandish.

    Just a few months ago if you had invested in a few currencies that were sound and had promising developments and potential you could have made a 10x return. Bitcoin, Ethereum, DASH, Litecoin, and Monero have all experienced a many fold increase in value over the last three months. Bitcoin had the lowest return at around 2-3x, the rest were between 5-10x.

    I was aware of all of these, although, unfortunately (In the past I was), I wasn't in a position to invest heavily and didn't have it in mind. If you had just bought in hold in the promising coins (All of the above showed clear promise, not just in hindsight) and held you would have made a killing, the more money you were willing to risk, the greater the return.

    Only 5 coins. Put 2K in each of them and (I'm not going to do the math) you could have made at least 10-15K. Where else do you see that level of appreciation, ROI, in literally only 3 months?

    Then you just cash out like I did recently with bitcoin when it's obvious they're rising too fast, they're following a clear pattern of a (temporary) bubble forming, before the risk becomes excessive.

    Honestly, you're in the fucking financial sector of SF and are too much of a pussy to invest in anything other than index funds.

    Are you going to be satisfied with mediocrity and complacency for the rest of your life. Of course I'm not one to berate you on this specific issue, but if you have the potential you really should set higher goals. It could help you get out of this slump, maybe learning something novel and fascinating, then applying it and succeeding, could help get you out of this slump.

    To be fair, I'm not sure I would invest at this point. May have missed the boat.
  12. bling bling Dark Matter
    iam dieing
  13. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by 1337 Coincidentally this was posted two days ago.

    It seems like the bubble is because of speculation from several different groups. Maybe after the bubble bursts and everyone loses their shirt, you'll be able to buy a house.

    No, they've analyzed this and foreign investment accounts for relatively little. It's incapable of being a primary driver between the absurd prices. Largely it's supply and demand, and the power of political authority (NIMBYs) and states have absolutely crippled that.

    Although there could still be a bubble. IIRC last time there was a major bubble in that strongly affected SF, the dot-com bubble, real estate prices didn't even drop considerably. Or if they did they rapidly began appreciating again.

    This has a lot to do with anti-foreign bias, which is an unfortunate deeply ingrained part of human nature. Just blame foreigners for everything. Then there's the "blame the rich" anti-wealth bias, where you just blame people who make more money than you. It's pathetic.
  14. Originally posted by RisiR † How affordable is housing in SF?

    Look at the apartment you currently live in. Cut it in half and then multiply your rent by 3. Now you have an idea of "how affordable" San Francisco is.
  15. Originally posted by Open Your Mind I wouldn't have answered that question at all.

    Lol fuck you haha.
  16. Originally posted by Malice No, they've analyzed this and foreign investment accounts for relatively little. It's incapable of being a primary driver between the absurd prices. Largely it's supply and demand, and the power of political authority (NIMBYs) and states have absolutely crippled that.

    Although there could still be a bubble. IIRC last time there was a major bubble in that strongly affected SF, the dot-com bubble, real estate prices didn't even drop considerably. Or if they did they rapidly began appreciating again.

    This has a lot to do with anti-foreign bias, which is an unfortunate deeply ingrained part of human nature. Just blame foreigners for everything. Then there's the "blame the rich" anti-wealth bias, where you just blame people who make more money than you. It's pathetic.

    The pathetically low amount of new construction increases speculation. The artificial limiting of supply causes people to see buying real estate as an investment rather than a place to call home. A few years ago San Fransisco had a massive amount of vacant homes, they might still, idk. All of these reasons are tied together, it's not definitely one thing and nothing else contributing.
  17. Note that Lanny still hasn't answered whether or not he would be gaybros with me, meaning he has not denied it, meaning that he is still open to it.

    At this point I will be more open; name your price, honey nips.
  18. Malice Naturally Camouflaged
    Aww yeah, had about $100 I had forgotten about in my Paypal. With the amount I sold on LocalBitcoins that brought my balance up to around $450. Transferred to bank.

    Also planning to liquidate my silver, which should fetch at least 1K (Had considerably more than I thought). Really should sell the AR-15, which should bring in at least another 1K if I sell it for a price that will make it go easily, but I hate dealing with people and going through the process.

    Should be a sufficient emergency fund for my simple needs, although certainly not impressive. Could also be good for finally launching a small operation to generate some revenue.
  19. Venezfailia
  20. bling bling Dark Matter
    sum1 sent me 4.5£$% on pp pls i owe ebay money

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