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teh retraded thred herppppp slober fuk glum editshin

  1. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Oasis shes my lil autist cuddle pillow

    She's seriously autistic?
  2. Originally posted by RestStop She's seriously autistic?

    we got into a fight and she made this her profile pic

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It should've been you guys.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by Oasis

    i love her so much

    I know right? The glorious californian motherland is really something to behold
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. RestStop Space Nigga
    I hope you guys all know the US government manipulates and forces these "terrorists" to commit these acts so no one will feel bad when they end up murdering most of the populations of the Arabian nations to take their oil. It's an ancient tactic. It's basically a slightly more elaborate(yet still thinly sad)veil comparable to the class geek finally standing up the over sized bully and kicking his ass and then everyone cheers.

    The government isn't the lovable geek who dished out some well deserved street justice though. They are what Machiavelli and Satan's child would be if they somehow could create a child through gay butt sex.
  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Lanny I know right? The glorious californian motherland is really something to behold

    She may as well be wearing an I love Disney world shirt with a star of David carved into her forehead. AM I RIGHT???
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Gross

    She has tits. All I needed at his age.
  9. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Oasis

    i love her so much

    i'd bang it

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    love the super-surreality of the japs

  11. All you phenibut lovers may want to go ahead and order yourself a kilo or five. Local head shops are starting to stock it and stories of dumbasses getting addicted to it/spending hundreds per month on it (including one of my family members) are beginning to circulate

    Fucking niggers have to ruin everything
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kolokol-1 All you phenibut lovers may want to go ahead and order yourself a kilo or five. Local head shops are starting to stock it and stories of dumbasses getting addicted to it/spending hundreds per month on it (including one of my family members) are beginning to circulate

    Fucking niggers have to ruin everything

    What's so great/addictive about it? I tried to get some effect off of it on like 5 different occasions even doing some ridiculous ass dose that in retrospect was probably life threatening(idk is that possible with this shit?)but to no avail. I guess I'm one of those non respondents.
  13. Originally posted by RestStop What's so great/addictive about it? I tried to get some effect off of it on like 5 different occasions even doing some ridiculous ass dose that in retrospect was probably life threatening(idk is that possible with this shit?)but to no avail. I guess I'm one of those non respondents.

    It's great for general anxiety, but it can't be used everyday. People take like 5g trying to get a GHB-like effect from it. It works that way maybe three times, and people rapidly escalate doses attempting to get that effect again

    Withdrawal is like benzos/alcohol, and will occur within only a week of high-dose use

    It sorta works as a replacement for alcohol if you're trying to quit drinking but if you're anything like me you'll just start drinking on top of it

    Now I just use it for combinations and occasional weekend fun

    It's also good to have for stimulant comedowns but apparently it works as a stimulant at high doses for some people
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. Originally posted by Lanny I know right? The glorious californian motherland is really something to behold

    California exemplifies everything that America has gotten wrong.
  15. RestStop Space Nigga
    Just mowed my entire lawn before 9 I am going to probably crash before 2pm today and wake up several hours later feeling like absolute dog shit with my eyes burning and this weird nasty filmy nicotine/coffee taste in my mouth..mmk.
  16. Originally posted by Oasis

    i love her so much

    Tits or GTFO.
  17. RestStop Space Nigga
    Originally posted by 1337 Tits or GTFO.

    Yeah..I think I'm falling in love pedo.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Well it's in the DSM-5 for one thing; "pedophilic disorder".

    I feel like I wouldn't be doing any arguments for why that is the case any justice, because I'm not trained in the field, and so I'd risk damaging that as it stands as evidence for my broader point by way of poor argument for it. So I don't think it would be wise for me to continue arguing it myself. I'll point you in the direction of this press release though:

    "The American Psychological Association maintains that pedophilia is a mental disorder; that sex between adults and children is always wrong; and that acting on pedophilic impulses is and should be a criminal act. "

    Lol I mean the general "you", I guess as a reference to pedophiles. And I'm just saying that Germany has had a lot of success with this programme and it indicates that there is some level of management and treatment possible in response to pedophilia, so it is possible to get help.

    I am assuming this was directed at me.

    If it's a mental disorder then so is being gay or bisexual. Funny you should cite the DSM because it used to be in there that being a fag was a mental disorder as well, true story. Also, fuck off with your treatment, i need none because i do not have a disorder and even if we suppose i do, it is morally wrong to force me to take part in any sort of treatment as long as i am not actively harming anyone.

    Also, lol at management treatment and getting support and/or help. Do you need management treatment because you are attracted to adult females? Also, i don't need any support or help coping with anything, i am perfectly content with being a pedo. And like i have said many times before, i am non-exclusive, i can like girls up to my age, i just have a preference for younger. In which the age itself is not even a contributing factor, it's things like body type.
  19. Originally posted by Sophie If it's a mental disorder then so is being gay or bisexual.

    I'm confused, are you insinuating they aren't?

    Also, legally speaking, grooming "your Loli" is harming them. I also have a problem with what you said about watching child porn not contributing to child abuse because the kids like it and you don't watch hurtcore shit. Having sex with a child really fucks them up whether they like it or not. No five year old is going to hunt out a cock to suck under their own volition.

    I'm sure you have seen Tara's Instagram pics, they are not indicative of someone who is of sound mind.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject I need to run some sort of scam, preferably fleecing old people out of their much unneeded money. If I can get hold of their meds then that's a bonus

    list yourself on CL as a helper for old folks, go over, clean their shit and help them with old folk shit and run their medicine cabinet

    ez drugs ez money

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